I need to vent **language**

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I need to vent **language**

Post by -Tracy- »

I hit the wrong button and lost my OP!!  It's gonna be one of those days.Condensed version:Worker's Comp sucks @$$They aren't even sending Bob to the ortho until Friday.Surgery when? Christmas?WC Doctor an @$$hole----sent Bob back to work, even though he is supposed to be elevating, applying heat packs, and taking Percocet for the pain which puts him to sleep. So today he has to go to work with NO pain pills and suffer for no good reason other than this dr is a dick. Also, when WC adjuster called his office to verify our claim, his staff said they never saw Bob. Took a conference call from me and the WC adjuster to get them to "find" Bob's records.Restriction is not to use his arm. (The one he writes  and does everything with). What guy do you know that follows doctor's orders?  Not mine that's for sure.All this stress is making me clench my jaw which really friggin hurts and is still all swollen. That is all.
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I need to vent **language**

Post by Kara »

He is  adick, I am sorry they are being stupid!
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I need to vent **language**

Post by ArmyWife95 »

Health Insurance...Always trying to get out of paying and doing their job!
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I need to vent **language**

Post by nene »

ARGH! I despise WC and their docs.Hope Bob makes it through the day.
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I need to vent **language**

Post by bumblebby »

I'm sorry. Why can't things just be straight forward?We have workers comp here too and I hear complaints about them too. The difference is they have nothing to do with which doctor a person goes to and when. 
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Wild Cherry
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I need to vent **language**

Post by -Tracy- »

The difference is they have nothing to do with which doctor a person goes to and when.------------------And therein lies the problem. I can only go where they tell me, they are not as "pushy" as I would be about getting him prompt care and there's nothing I can but sit here and seethe. The WC Adjuster is really nice and I guess I"m thankful for that, but that's not really helpful for me at this point.I tried calling the dr from ER to schedule the appointment like *he* told me to, but his office wouldn't even speak to me after I said he was hurt at work. They told me I had to go through the system and then that doctor didn't even end up being one I could go to.
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Cherry Cola
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I need to vent **language**

Post by twinsmom1 »

tracy, if that was me, the female stick would have come out at the dr's office and they would have taken care of it. if not, then i would have called the insurance commission and i would have told them i was going to do that. if nothing else, take him to the emergency room and make them do something. also, you need to write a letter to the state medical board and let them know about that. they investigate things like that. if anything happens, then you will have a legitimate malpractice suit on your hands, especially if they get around to doing surgery and find that they can't do it because they waited too long. then i would definitely get a lawyer and let them know what you are going to do. sometimes it just takes doing something like that to get things done.
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Wild Cherry
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I need to vent **language**

Post by -Tracy- »

I tried twinsmom. But the woman at the ortho office was impervious to my female stick. There's really nothing I can do, which is totally frustrating.
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I need to vent **language**

Post by twinsmom1 »

can you go down there? i so would. people don't forget who i am when they screw up. call the insurance commission and the state medical board. if they get involved, something will happen. also try calling the state medical society-different from the medical board. that sucks and seems like the doc does't want to treat him because it is workers comp. maybe a little discrimination going on there, too. get a lawyer on this one. i am afraid you will need it.
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I need to vent **language**

Post by corriekate »

Sorry You are having a hard time with this...Good thoughts coming your way for an easier time and good healing for hubs!
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Wild Cherry
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I need to vent **language**

Post by -Tracy- »

Well TM, I find there is a fine line about how bitchy you can be. If I'm a real butt head, I'm afraid he won't get the care he should because I"m making too much noise, kwim?  
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I need to vent **language**

Post by Flasher »

First of all, you kiss you husband with that mouth? (I send out birthday cards with more offensive language than that.)Secondly, so sorry you and hubby are having to go through this -- especially at Christmas time.  I hope you get some results soon.
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Wild Cherry
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I need to vent **language**

Post by -Tracy- »

First of all, you kiss you husband with that mouth?---------------------LOL!! I didn't want to offend anyone on top of everything else. It was the "dick" comment more than anything that made me put the language warning on here.
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Queen Mum
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I need to vent **language**

Post by Queen Mum »

Uh - does "DR" have a clue what your DH does for work - and that it involves using his injured arm?
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Wild Cherry
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I need to vent **language**

Post by -Tracy- »

Yup. Told you he's a dick.Bob's on "light duty".  Buttheads!
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I need to vent **language**

Post by baltoscrapper »

 still?2 words.......insurance commission. 
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I need to vent **language**

Post by Midge »

That sucks, Tracy. Sorry!
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Bowl Full of Cherries
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I need to vent **language**

Post by lizziej »

For cryin' out loud!  I guess WC doctors where you live are no different than the ones here in Texas.  I used to work on WC lawsuits, and I dreaded dealing with the doctors.  UGH!  What a STUPID doctor!  It hasn't even been a week since your DH was hurt, right?  Usually the doctors keep the patients off of work at least a week, and he probably shouldn't even go to work until after his ortho visit.  Then again, maybe the WC doc has to see a report from the ortho that says he needs to be off work.  Who knows how they work.Go get yourself a mouth guard (I've seen them at Walmart) - it will help your jaw tension.
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I need to vent **language**

Post by Gypsymonkey »

Sening you a great big ((( H U G ))) !
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Cherry Blossom
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I need to vent **language**

Post by meri-lyn »

Hey, want me to go down there and make someone cry???  Seriously, WC docs suck.  They are the reason my knee is still messed up from an accident three years ago, because they chose to ignore all my pleadings when I broke my ankle.  (um, hey, guys, my knee hurts too.  Oh, really, you never told us.  Um, Yeah, from day 1 to the EMT, the ER doc and anyone else who would listen).  They just want to get you in and get you out. 
the pea known as "can_i_pea_2"
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