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Post by meri-lyn »

is spending Christmas Eve alone.  In a way I feel sorry for her, but she kind of brought it on herself.She stopped speaking to her brother about 7 years ago or so.  Over something that he did when they were children.  Her mother (DH's grandmother) will be with him and their kids and grandkids.  She won't go over there.Her husband is going to his parents house to see his brother from NJ.  She won't go over there because they had a falling out over the summer.   Which is does sound like was her FIL's fault, but I only know one side of the story.  We always spend Christmas Eve with FIL and Step-MIL and their family.  This is especially important this year, as DH's grandfather had bypass surgery earlier this year and there were a few times when we didn't even think he'd pull through.   DH and I have done this pretty much since we've known each other, 12 years now.   We spend Christmas Day brunch/lunch with her and her dh. Ahhhh...don't you love family!   Of course, we are trying to work out when we can get her together with HER mother (DH"s grandmother) over the weekend, and she won't get back to us.  OY! 
the pea known as "can_i_pea_2"
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Post by Queen Mum »

Best you can do is say, "Put this behind you and join us.   We'd love to have you."  (a white lie in these circumstances is allowed)
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Post by dianagirly »

Well my MIL invited herself over for Christmas. But not just Christmas, she showed up on Sunday to help since I was having the surgery and decided to just stay... without checking with us before hand.I am very grateful that she was so willing to help out with out being asked... but this is THE first year we are spending Christmas morning in our own house instead of at theirs and we were really looking forward to a much more intimate Christmas Day with our children.Mother in laws, can't live with them, and can't get the hell away from them. LOL  I kid, I love her lots.
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Post by No1Mommy »

Sorry....but I can understand the MIL in this case ...well...kind of....This is my first year that I am DUMPING my "family" and all the trash that comes with them and spending Christmas with my dh and dd.  Family is too much stress...too much unhappiness...too much jealousy...that this year we decided to BAG IT~ me, is toooo over-rated.  I have way to many great friends that act like they love for us....they way families "should". And frankly...I am looking very much forward to quiet, peaceful, and joyful times with my individual family.  As for the rest of my family....they all can go to.....    the North Pole!  See?  You thought I was going to say somefin else, huh?  lol
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Post by LoveMyBella »

We will be in-law free this year.  I'm so happy!  My husband cut ties with them in August (with the blessings of two different counselors).  I'm so excited to spend the WHOLE holiday with my family....they're as far from a stress-free environment as you can get!Candy, I agree with you.  Just because they're family doesn't mean you have to love them or spend time with them. 
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Post by Queen Mum »

Keep in mind - not everyone related to you is FAMILY! 
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Post by AmyTeets »

It's so good to see that everyone else has a crazy family like mine
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