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Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:44 pm
by beachlover
No one really knows..... this, but when I was a senior in high school, I walked into the gas station my bff worked at, just after closing.
A stranger was there and long story short, his intention was to rob the place and leave no witnesses.  My friend Joey died instantly,
​​​​​​I was dying, stopped breathing and was choking on my own blood.  My bff put his hands over his head, saving himself.  As soon as he
heard the man leave, he ran up the back steps and called 911.  Between his quick actions and the first responder who got me breathing again,
I was transported to the nearest trauma center.  The surgical team lust me 4- 5 times during surgery and I was on life support almost 3 weeks.  
Fast forward, 2 years later, I was still undergoing therapy (woke up completely paralyzed on R side of my body) and two years later, had to
go to court against this piece of trash.  As painful as it waas, I remembered absolutely everything about him, right down to the cigarettes he smoked and what he was wearing.  He has spent 40 years in jail....  BUT I JUST GOT A LETTER THAT HE IS UP FOR PAROLE....  I AM SO SCARED AND AFRAID.  THIS HAS  ME S0 SCARED, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO...HAPPENED LESS THAN 2 MILES FROM WHERE DH AND I LIVE AND DH WORKS 6 DAYS A WEEK.  I

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 4:52 pm
by LMTscraps
How horrible for you!! I sincerely hope that your state's Justice System "Just says NO!!". 

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:01 pm
by SandyJay
I believe YOU can speak to, or write the parole board!  Please reach out to law enforcement!!!  
Don’t panic, you can keep him behind bars.  I hope you continue to heal, I am horrified to hear of your trauma.  Putting you in my prayers, reach out if you need us. 

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:04 pm
by aheatfan
I am so very very sorry this happened to you and your friend.  Like Sandy said, I believe that you can write a letter against his release. My prayers will be with you.  May he stay where he belongs. 

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:32 pm
by Deanna13
OMG! I'm so sorry to hear all you've been through, Ann! I'm so glad you made it through that horrible ordeal. I hope you'll reach out to law enforcement and try to keep him in jail. Many many prayers and hugs for you!

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:04 pm
by jcsmaestra
What a terrible experience!  But you made it through, and here you are scrapping on ACOT. That man should not be paroled. I would think that his crime would be deserving of life imprisonment. Please speak out about this!  You have legitimate reason to want to stop his parole. It can be done if you fight for it. Send letters, make phone calls. My heart goes out to you. Prayers and hugs to you. 

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:29 pm
by VickiR
How horrifying and traumatic for you Ann.  I agree with all of the other DCs.  It would be worth writing a letter to the parole board addressing the situation.  He needs to stay in jail.  Maybe you could have your DH or other family/friends write a letter too knowing how it affected you. 

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:58 pm
by blfonty
This was a very traumatic, life altering event that probably still feels like yesterday. Cherry prayers of support and strength coming your way. I hope it helps to be able to post your feelings here. This is a safe space for all of us. I agree with the other Cherry posts and believe you will feel stronger if you take some action on what's happening now. Take care of yourself and post again when you are able. Bonnie

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:13 pm
by GinniG
Oh Ann!!! Adding my prayers and support for you! Please reach out to the parole board ASAP!! They may let you speak to them personally. And have those who were around you in the aftermath send letters too. Also if you remember who the officers were that investigated the case they might be able to talk to the parole board too. When you are able let us know what’s happening. {{{HUGS}}} and prayers!

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:30 pm
by wimom
I'm so sorry for all that you went through. As others have said, you should be able to object to his release. I would also suggest reaching out to your local district attorney's office. Many of these offices have a person dedicated to assisting victims. If he does get released, you might have the right to a restraining order and stipulations such as his not being able to live anywhere near you. Learn your rights, fight back and maybe you can keep that criminal in jail. Sending good thoughts your way.

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:37 pm
by suewho372
Oh Ann, thank you for sharing your story, and your pain with us. All the emotions you are feeling are totally understandable. I am in agreement with the cherries! Reach out to the parole office , get a petition going and I would talk to the local prosecutors office as well. There is strength in numbers. I will be praying along with the other cherries for your protection and healing of these physical- emotional- and mental wounds that this letter has brought back to the surface. I can’t imagine the fear this has triggered especially with the place it happened being so near and an area your DH is in all the time too. So many hugs too.

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:25 pm
by LoreenC
What a terrible trauma you have survived!! This is an awful shock now. Yes, please contact who ever you can and the parole board . Let local police know this  is happening  and you may need some immediate help from them. What you can do also to help is get some 
Porch cameras that are activated by motion. They are not that $$$$ and will help your feeling helpless. God Bless and keep you safe!

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:05 pm
by DrSonja
I am so sad you had these traumatic experiences and that this parole information has shaken you. 
I wonder if the letter you received contained information about how to register your concerns? It may have included a phone number or department that you can contact. Many county district attorney departments have advocacy and support for victims and witnesses. Their website may give information and contact instructions. One of the support services could be payment for psychotherapy to help you cope with your current fear and distress. It is pretty common to feel thrown back into the original helpless state. Unfortunately, this interferes with your ability to recognize your current strengths and skills. The offender is also different from 40 years ago. A 60-year-old paroled man will have different concerns and motivations than a 20-year-old criminal. I have no idea how large or small your community is, nor what the resources are for parolees. It is possible that he has other things in mind than looking for you to extract revenge or hanging around a place that was the site of his crime. A trauma therapist can help you revision a safe and comfortable future.

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:10 am
by Flasher
How horribly, horribly traumatic that experience was for you.  Both then, and now.  I am so, so sorry that this happened to you and your friend.  The fear, anxiety, and intimidation you must feel at the thought of this trash being paroled must be immense.  I agree with everything that's already been posted -- contact law enforcement, write letters, etc.  Also, I agree with the idea of a Trauma therapist.  My experience with one was amazingly helpful.  I will be thinking of you as you deal with this situation.  (((Hugs)))

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:51 am
by Mycreativerootscrafts
Ann I am so sorry you are going through this. My heart goes out to you! I really hope that everyone will be there to support you and you will be given the opportunity to feel safe again. You are in my prayers!

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 6:01 am
by stinkerbelle
everyone's worst nightmare.  i'm so sorry you had to suffer through all that Ann!  

i haven't read all the replies, but definitely write to the parole board and be explicit about past and present trauma, any debts you might have incurred due to medical bills or therapies and anything else you can think of that will help.

big hugs to you!

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:43 am
by MTCanuk
Oh, Ann! What a horrific event! I am so sorry you are reliving this nightmare. But, you are a survivor!!! I agree with the other cherries to fight to keep him behind bars. Will be praying for you.

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:39 am
by Monroe1218
Oh Ann - this is horrific!  I agree with the other cherries that writing/calling/emailing the judicial system and maybe even your local representatives/congressmen  to fight to keep him behind bars!  Praying for you to have the strength to get through this!  We are all here for you!  

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:54 am
by Rachel Kent
How traumatic! We are here for you!

Re: Really Need Cherry Support

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 11:13 am
by Jolly Holly Scraps
Ann! HUGS!!!!!!!!!! 🫂🫂🫂 I'm praying for you right now! I'm praying that God keeps you close and eased your fears. I will also pray that, if this deranged offender gets released, that he stays far, far away from you and your area!
I will ALSO pray that you are able to rest peacefully tonight, as my traumatic experiences rob me of my sleep.
I also agree that there's probably someone you can contact; I'm very sorry to hear that you've been through this awful experience, and I'm here for you, as I know ALL the Cherries are! Please continue to lean on us; I wish there was a way to read this horrible event from your life! You're a survivor, though, and must remain one!
Hugs hugs hugs!