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Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:43 pm
by emmapaige
As some of you may remember, I had a spot of my cheek that kept growing until it finally ruptured a little over a week ago. When I went to my appointment with the dermatologist last Tuesday, she was concerned that it wasn't healing quickly (even though I was on antibiotics) and did a biopsy thinking it might be a fast acting skin cancer. Of course, I freaked out but patiently waiting by my phone for a call back. I finally called the office this morning and they called me back with the good news that it was not cancer but a ruptured cyst. I go back on Friday to get the stitch removed. So all good news for me.

Moving on to DH. Last Monday he had a stress test and his cardiologist called on Tuesday saying nothing had changed and all was good. Then he called back on Wednesday saying although they were concentrating on his heart, they saw something on his lung. So now he has to have a CT scan and the soonest he could be scheduled is August 12th. Then on Thursday, he had routine blood work. Unfortunately, our general practitioner's office called Friday morning and because his potassium level was high and his sodium level was low, we needed to go to the ER. He was there for several hours but the staff finally got his levels close to where they should be. 

Needless to say, last week was very stressful and will remain so until we get DH's results back in a few weeks. 

I've been scrapbooking a little just to keep my mind occupied, but I really wasn't up to chatting on the boards.  A few DC's know and of course our family and a close friend of mine. I hope to spend more time scrapping and chatting now that I only have to worry about one of us. 

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:27 pm
by VickiR
Chris, hoping all goes well for your DH. Keeping you both close in thought and prayer.

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:39 pm
by GinniG
OMG Chris!!! That’s a LOT to deal with all at once!!! I’ll be praying for you both. {{{HUGS}}} 💝🍒🙏💝🍒🙏

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:49 pm
by aheatfan
So sorry you are going through all that. Sending big hugs and prayers your way.  Will pray for great results. 

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:05 pm
by Art_Teacher
emmapaige wrote:
Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:43 pm
As some of you may remember, I had a spot of my cheek that kept growing until it finally ruptured a little over a week ago. When I went to my appointment with the dermatologist last Tuesday, she was concerned that it wasn't healing quickly (even though I was on antibiotics) and did a biopsy thinking it might be a fast acting skin cancer. Of course, I freaked out but patiently waiting by my phone for a call back. I finally called the office this morning and they called me back with the good news that it was not cancer but a ruptured cyst. I go back on Friday to get the stitch removed. So all good news for me.

Moving on to DH. Last Monday he had a stress test and his cardiologist called on Tuesday saying nothing had changed and all was good. Then he called back on Wednesday saying although they were concentrating on his heart, they saw something on his lung. So now he has to have a CT scan and the soonest he could be scheduled is August 12th. Then on Thursday, he had routine blood work. Unfortunately, our general practitioner's office called Friday morning and because his potassium level was high and his sodium level was low, we needed to go to the ER. He was there for several hours but the staff finally got his levels close to where they should be. 

Needless to say, last week was very stressful and will remain so until we get DH's results back in a few weeks. 

I've been scrapbooking a little just to keep my mind occupied, but I really wasn't up to chatting on the boards.  A few DC's know and of course our family and a close friend of mine. I hope to spend more time scrapping and chatting now that I only have to worry about one of us. 
So glad your spot wasn't cancerous!  Sending you prayers for your DH. Hopefully, it is just some routine stuff.  

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:06 pm
by Flasher
Ugh . . . that's a lot all at once.  Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and him as you wait, and for the upcoming CT scan.  ((Hugs))

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:06 pm
by Shutterbug
oh Chris, I’m so sorry that is so stressful. Glad that it was only assist and not counselor. Praying for both you and your husband at this time. God bless you.

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:07 pm
by stinkerbelle
big hugs to you!  what a stressful situation! hoping for continued good news  😊

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:17 pm
by blbabe1234
Chris, so glad to hear your spot wasn't cancerous. So many hugs for you both!

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:23 pm
by wazzu94
That is a stressful time!  Glad you got some good news!  I agree sometimes that crafting just helps to keep from constantly thinking about those things we stress over.

Take care!!

Re: Sorry I've been MIA

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:03 pm
by suewho372
lots and lots to hit all at one time-- any of these things are super stressful alone but heck you've had a full blown cyclone going on! I am very thankful for answered prayers on the biopsy that it is a cyst and not cancer!!!  Continued prayers for Ed!!!  xxoo