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Cherry Crush

Do you like flavored coffees?
Thanks to Facebook, I found a new online company that has amazing, flavored, whole bean coffees!  I guess FB knows me. ;)  Anyway, I first was attracted to the company because they had packaging with "The Nightmare Before Christmas" on them, but their coffee is really good.  Check them out if you want!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I'm drink regular and no flavored except a cappuccino once in a while.  I checked out the site and the names made be chuckle!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
VickiR wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:29 pm
I'm drink regular and no flavored except a cappuccino once in a while.  I checked out the site and the names made be chuckle!

Isn't their packaging cool?  They are definitely doing something right, because it is so eye-catching!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I'm weird, I don't drink coffee at all but I love the smell of coffee. Hubby and son both drink black though son sometimes puts a little of the flavoring in. I convinced him to try coffee when he went off to college and well, yah, he's a coffee drinker now lol.
👋 ~~Sandy~~ 👋
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Cherry Crush

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
SandyK1967 wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:47 pm
I'm weird, I don't drink coffee at all but I love the smell of coffee. Hubby and son both drink black though son sometimes puts a little of the flavoring in. I convinced him to try coffee when he went off to college and well, yah, he's a coffee drinker now lol.

My tastebuds have definitely changed over the years.  First, it was no coffee, then it was only cappucinos with lots of milk and sugar, and now, I can drink flavored coffees with just a little sugar. LOL  But, whole beans that are pre-flavored are so much better than the sugary flavor syrups, IMHO!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
Oh, yes!  I do love some flavoured coffees.  I really like hazelnut and just last week I bought a festive rum cake variety.  Pretty tasty! Nothing pumpkin though. 


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Jolly Holly Scraps

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
Neat!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)I LOVE coffee!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
Art_Teacher wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:45 pm
VickiR wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:29 pm
I'm drink regular and no flavored except a cappuccino once in a while.  I checked out the site and the names made be chuckle!

Isn't their packaging cool?  They are definitely doing something right, because it is so eye-catching! 
Yes!  They are so fun.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
Will check it out, right now I only drink Starbucks caramel coffee, black with no sugar or cream but here they only sell it at Target. 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I don't drink any kind of coffee. DH drinks coffee but only Folgers Classic Roast. I think flavored coffees smell delicious but I'm sure I still wouldn't like it. 
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Cherry Bark

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I can't stand any flavored coffees. DH likes Texas Pecan and my brother and his wife love the seasonal stuff - pumpkin spice, peppermint, sugar cookie, etc. The smells make me nauseous.

And my taste buds definetly have changed over the years. I went thru college drinking cappacinos. Then I was near hospitalization from a gastro-intestinal virus in my early 20s. Once over that, I couldn't do cappacinos anymore. It was just coffee with creamer and sugar. Then in my early 30s, I got real sick again. Once over that, I couldn't stand coffee with creamer. SO it was just coffee and sugar. Then after my deviated septum surgery in 2015, once over that, I couldn't do the sugar anymore either. So now it straight up, dark roast, black coffee. I can't stomach cocoa either.

Had fun checking out the link though, reading the names of the coffees.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
Hilarious names!!  My hubby likes flavored coffees; I will have to show these to him.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I love flavored coffees! Unfortunately caffeine and I do not get along so I drink mostly decaf. Once in a while I can have a regular coffee and there are so many more flavors to choose from than with decaf. 

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I usually only drink flavored coffee!! Yay it’s always fun to see some interesting new names and flavors! I really love Cameron’s Highlander grog- it’s rum flavored!

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Cherry Berry

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I like coffee with flavor in it, but not flavored coffees. So, what does that mean? I love a mocha that starts with a good, dark coffee, shot of espresso, and some real chocolate syrup like Ghirardelli or Hershey, add whipped cream on top. When it is a "mocha-flavored" coffee bean, that reeks artificial flavor to me and I don't enjoy it.

When I was in college, I was not a coffee drinker until a friend introduced me to a real hippie-dippy coffee shop with open mic poetry reading, a stoned guitar player in a smoky corner, and a drink they called a Milano. It was a luscious drink that tasted like those Terry's  chocolate orange slice balls. I haven't had one of those in at least 30 years but just typing about it makes me crave that sweet, intense flavor. Yum.

Funny when people write that they like creamer in their coffee---what about real cream? That is what I want in my coffee, flavored or not, just can't beat the richness and consistent flavor of real cream. Come on- a tablespoon won't hurt you!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
DrSonja wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:20 pm
I like coffee with flavor in it, but not flavored coffees. So, what does that mean? I love a mocha that starts with a good, dark coffee, shot of espresso, and some real chocolate syrup like Ghirardelli or Hershey, add whipped cream on top. When it is a "mocha-flavored" coffee bean, that reeks artificial flavor to me and I don't enjoy it.

When I was in college, I was not a coffee drinker until a friend introduced me to a real hippie-dippy coffee shop with open mic poetry reading, a stoned guitar player in a smoky corner, and a drink they called a Milano. It was a luscious drink that tasted like those Terry's  chocolate orange slice balls. I haven't had one of those in at least 30 years but just typing about it makes me crave that sweet, intense flavor. Yum.

Funny when people write that they like creamer in their coffee---what about real cream? That is what I want in my coffee, flavored or not, just can't beat the richness and consistent flavor of real cream. Come on- a tablespoon won't hurt you!

Oooh....those chocolate orange slice balls are yummy!  I think your choice of coffee sounds great, too!  I don't think these flavored, whole coffee beans taste artificial, unlike some of the pre-ground brands, though.  I still put a little chocolate syrup in mine, too, because I need the sugar. LOL
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Cherry Crush

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I do not like coffee, but Mike LOVES coffee!  I shared the link with him, and in the next few days my house will smell like Irish Cream Coffee and Army of Dark Chocolate Coffee!  I really like the names Sinn-O-Bun and What The Fluff?  (Although, even though I don't drink coffee, the idea of cotton candy and berry flavored coffee kind of makes me nauseous!)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
I like my unflavored coffee in the morning. But I'll have a brewed flavor later in the day. I'm working on my pumpkin spice and next will be peppermint bark. I found them at Lidl or Aldi.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do you like flavored coffees?
Laura, you're not going to believe this, but Bones Coffee is actually right up the street from where I work!  It is a family owned business and they make AH-MAZING coffee!  I was just talking to one of our receptionists at work last week, because the company is owned by her boyfriend's family.  After Hurricane Ian, a local grocery store closed, they're still not re-opened.  I had been buying Bones Coffee's Jamaican Me Crazy at the local grocery and commented to a co-worker I needed to find the company, I knew they were based here in Cape Coral, but didn't realize they were right up the street from my office!  My coworker told me they'd give me a tour of their facility if I stopped in, too, which I think I'll take them up on!

I'd encourage anyone who is a coffee lover to give them a try, they have incredible blends. Especially after the hurricane, I'm trying to support local businesses wherever I can. 

I like a flavored coffee, but only put half and half in it.  I cannot stand flavored creamers, they are so syrupy and sweet.  A little half and half in these blends is perfect for me. 


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