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Cherry Bing

Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
So my plan was to come home and prep for my Colonoscopy and drink all that miralax and garorade... Silly me, I actually thought I would get to sneak in some scrapbooking.. Ugh im so bloated already can stand to sit at my desk.. anyone else have this yet? Tomorrow is the proceedure.. Im thinking my husband is going to try to make me a youtube sensation. lol... I just dont want to be saying things like I wanted to be nicki monage... lol after his colonoscopy he was super silly..
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
LOL, my dh would sypmathize with you.  He has had several done in the last 4 years or so.  The procedure isn't so bad, it's the prep.  Hoping everything goes okay!  And that you don't say anything silly.  My dh didn't say anything silly, just asked the same question several times.....LOL
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Cherry Crush

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
I was really loopy after mine.  Once they woke me up, the handed me a cup of apple juice (I'm diabetic and my sugar was too low).  I don't remember this at all, but my husband said I burst into tears and started crying "Why are they making me drink pee?"  Image  I had a really nice, long nap after that. 

Good luck!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
Laura wrote:I was really loopy after mine.  Once they woke me up, the handed me a cup of apple juice (I'm diabetic and my sugar was too low).  I don't remember this at all, but my husband said I burst into tears and started crying "Why are they making me drink pee?"  Image  I had a really nice, long nap after that. 

Good luck!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
I've had two and it is the prep that is worse than the procedure itself. You don't even know that you had it. And yes you are loopy afterwards lol.

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
The prep is the worst part. Enjoy the happy drugs tomorrow. I had DH take me straight to Starbucks immediately after both of my colonoscopies;)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
Hopefully by now, you're done and all is well. Yes, that prep is horrible...don't plan anything away from the potty! I woke from mine ok but yeah, just a bit loopy but went out to eat afterwards.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
I've been putting mine off, somewhat out of silly principle.  You see, I naively didn't know it was considered standard practice for women aged 50+ (not that I'm ANYWHERE near that....noooo.... really... ).  I had recently been to my doctor and absolutely no mention was made.  I go to my doctor every six months and never has she mentioned this to me.  But then, two weeks after my visit, I get a call from the office manager asking me when I was coming in for it.  I was shocked as I honestly thought she had me confused with someone else.  Once she finally explained it was common practice, I pointed out that I want the DOCTOR (or at least PA or RN) to tell me this and I wasn't having a procedure like that on the advice of an office manager.  I wasn't trying to be a snob or belittle her - I just thought it should be a medically trained professional who speaks to me about it, explains why, what is involved, etc.

So yes, I need to have it done (Mom lectured me when I told her what happened)...  and yes, everyone has since told me the prep is the hassle, not the procedure.

Good luck!
Lisa - Scrappy Distractions

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
So how did it go?  I had one in January, I was having pain in my right side and it would get really bad at times - and my father had colon cancer.  So I bit the bullet and had it done, the worst was worrying over the results. 
My sister said "You do know Miralax has no taste, don't you?"  so once I knew that it got mixed with iced tea, and was no issue.  I hadn't eaten much the day before, so I was absolutely fine the entire day even after drinking the stuff.  Results were diverticulitis, which more people have than not, so I'm golden.  I told the doctor (I had known him when I worked in the hospital) that I'd see him in the same amount time that it took me to have my second colonoscopy - 30 years.  I said "If you're still alive, and I'm still alive, hey, ok.  Otherwise, it was nice knowing you!"
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
ScrappyDistractions wrote:I've been putting mine off, somewhat out of silly principle.  You see, I naively didn't know it was considered standard practice for women aged 50+ (not that I'm ANYWHERE near that....noooo.... really... ).  I had recently been to my doctor and absolutely no mention was made.  I go to my doctor every six months and never has she mentioned this to me.  But then, two weeks after my visit, I get a call from the office manager asking me when I was coming in for it.  I was shocked as I honestly thought she had me confused with someone else.  Once she finally explained it was common practice, I pointed out that I want the DOCTOR (or at least PA or RN) to tell me this and I wasn't having a procedure like that on the advice of an office manager.  I wasn't trying to be a snob or belittle her - I just thought it should be a medically trained professional who speaks to me about it, explains why, what is involved, etc.

So yes, I need to have it done (Mom lectured me when I told her what happened)...  and yes, everyone has since told me the prep is the hassle, not the procedure.

Good luck!
My sentiments exactly!! "Standard Procedure?"  REALLY????   Did you ever notice what is "standard"  are scans, test that cost big $$, and the like?  Not what you really may need!  I am an RT (majored in Radiology instead of Nursing) and let me tell you, not ONE doctor ever has asked to see my moles.  EVER.  Colonoscopy, yep, Mammograms, yep, come in every 6 months, you betcha, but I had to family members with melanoma.  Anyone ever bring THAT up?  Nope.  I pointed this out to my doctor (as to why I wasn't having a mammogram done, and yeah, I was a mammographer, so what????)  and he looked at me like a deer in the headlights.  I said "You know why you never looked at them?  NO MONEY involved.  No referals to your buddies.  I worked in a hospital, I know the gig." 

OK off my soapbox now. 
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Cherry Crush

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
sherelm wrote:
ScrappyDistractions wrote:I've been putting mine off, somewhat out of silly principle.  You see, I naively didn't know it was considered standard practice for women aged 50+ (not that I'm ANYWHERE near that....noooo.... really... ).  I had recently been to my doctor and absolutely no mention was made.  I go to my doctor every six months and never has she mentioned this to me.  But then, two weeks after my visit, I get a call from the office manager asking me when I was coming in for it.  I was shocked as I honestly thought she had me confused with someone else.  Once she finally explained it was common practice, I pointed out that I want the DOCTOR (or at least PA or RN) to tell me this and I wasn't having a procedure like that on the advice of an office manager.  I wasn't trying to be a snob or belittle her - I just thought it should be a medically trained professional who speaks to me about it, explains why, what is involved, etc.

So yes, I need to have it done (Mom lectured me when I told her what happened)...  and yes, everyone has since told me the prep is the hassle, not the procedure.

Good luck!
My sentiments exactly!! "Standard Procedure?"  REALLY????   Did you ever notice what is "standard"  are scans, test that cost big $$, and the like?  Not what you really may need!  I am an RT (majored in Radiology instead of Nursing) and let me tell you, not ONE doctor ever has asked to see my moles.  EVER.  Colonoscopy, yep, Mammograms, yep, come in every 6 months, you betcha, but I had to family members with melanoma.  Anyone ever bring THAT up?  Nope.  I pointed this out to my doctor (as to why I wasn't having a mammogram done, and yeah, I was a mammographer, so what????)  and he looked at me like a deer in the headlights.  I said "You know why you never looked at them?  NO MONEY involved.  No referals to your buddies.  I worked in a hospital, I know the gig." 

OK off my soapbox now. 
Wow.  The difference in care across this country is so vast.  My doctor(s) have always checked my moles.  My dh's doctor does as well, as does the kids pediatrician.  And we have no history of skin cancer or melanoma in our families.  They've just always checked them or check for them, especially any on the backs of our bodies that we can't really see or monitor that well! 

OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Bing

Re: Good intentions on scrapbooking defeated by miralax :(
Sorry I meant to reply... 100% Good. I did say some weird things after my proceedure. Apparently I asked them if they used a blow dryer down there. I remember feeling cold are go in that region. lol I went out for italian afterwards. 

I have been going through lots of tests lately, mostly because after 50 and they want to cancel out things that Ive put off. They are scheduling me for a sleep study soon. All my gyno stuff is done and clear.   Ive started seeing a pulmonary specialist. earlier last yr I started having trouble shaking a chest cold. found out I have severe asthma. so now its seems to be controlled.  You know how one visit seems to spiral into others. Good news Friday. My labs were excellent. cholesteral down significantly... I guess this is 50plus...
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