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Cherry Cola

New house fusteration
So we bought a new solar home in Morgan Hill. It is being built. We were originally told it would be ready end of Sept or Oct.. but now it looks like it won't be ready until the end of the year. The intend was to sell the house towards the end of the summer (now) so we had the money to pay off the balance at closing.

Meanwhile I keep having to put off trying to sell my house in San José because otherwise I have no where to live. We are going to try and get it on the market Sept or Oct and then maybe get a lease back from the buyer but if that doesn't work out then we are stuck in a hotel... ugh.

This is just really frustrating that things keep getting set back. Anyone else have this experience with buying a new home????

Oh and I had starting packing stuff thinking we were moving.... so I am living in a house half full of boxes and my scrapping stuff is in boxes and I am going crazy... might have to tear a few open...
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: New house fusteration
We put our mobile home up for sale while WE were building our new house.  It SOLD a lot more quickly than we thought it would.  We moved into my husbands SHOP.  No A/C, no bathroom/shower. (we got plumbing in the new house 3 weeks after we moved into the shop)  And DD had just turned a year old!!!  Talk about rough living!  DD stayed at Grandma/Grandpa's about an hour away.  DD and I stayed there 3-4 days then came back to help here for 3-4 days.  All our HH goods were piled up in the middle of the shop and we had a walking path around it, we had a double bed and DD's crib accessible.  That sure motivated us to finish the house quickly.  3 months later we moved in.  

Hang in there.  You can do it.  It will be worth it in the end.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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Cherry Addict

Re: New house fusteration
Yes, we had to move into a hotel for two weeks until our new house was ready. They originally said it would be longer which would have meant we had to spend Christmas in a hotel but we made a stink and they finished a few days before Christmas. It wasn't an ideal situation but new construction never goes as planned.

My stepdaughter and her family had to move  in with us for almost two months when their new house wasn't completed in time.

** Chris **

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Cherry Bark

Re: New house fusteration
When DH and I found this house and put an offer and it got APPROVED, closing date was set for January 8th. By Dec 18th, we had gotten word from the sellers' realtor that the sellers were having second thoughts. Actually, the wife was. The husband has been wanting this for 5 yrs and she was actually thinking about pulling out. I was near tears as I was stressed out already. My grandpa had passed away 4 days earlier and there was strain on the family between his sons. Work was stressful. Just a bunch of crazy stress. We gave her 72 hrs and finally got an OKAY from her. Deep down, she was stressing because she didn't want to PACK. Really? Come on now. Who really wants to pack? I mean seriously. She was worried that with Christmas and New Year's was she going to have time? We asked her if they needed more time. She wanted 3 extra weeks. So our closing date was pushed back to Jan 29th. Not bad compared to your deadline, but closing on a house is rough. It'll be okay... I promise....keep your chin up. And GOOD LUCK!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: New house fusteration
Can you put in a stipulation that your house can't be moved into/closed on until you're able to move into the new house?  I know for here when you're buying/selling you can do a stipulation about if the one doesn't sell.  Of course, not the same about building a new house.  Try to stay calm and everything will work out.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: New house fusteration
We just signed the contract on a house this week with end of September as tentative closing. Not the same situation as you, but I'll be 6 1/2 months pregnant when we close. In the meantime everything is up in the air as we don't really have enough room where we are renting and I can't really plan much for the baby because I don't know where we'll be. Good luck with it, hopefully it will be done soon.
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Scrap Bug

Cherry Bomb

Re: New house fusteration
I've had 2 new construction homes and 2 used homes and none of them have closed on time.  With new construction it's actually rare that it's finished on time - it's the exception and not the "rule", unfortunately.  It was frustrating for sure, but having a dad that used to be a contractor I knew how things go.  I had one house that was supposed to be finished in October and it finished in February. The other new construction house was only about 3 weeks behind schedule.  The new owner of the house we sold was was willing and able to let us "rent" for the remainder of the time we needed after closing. One used house we were supposed to close on mid-March and it was mid-April before we moved in.  My husband had been living with roommates in the city we were moving to and Derek and I had to move in with them for a few weeks because our house was sold.  It wasn't pleasant. Our current house was supposed to close at the end of March and it was the beginning of May before we closed.  They were all super frustrating.
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