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Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:30 pm
by ajkulig
So two of my daughters (age 8 and 9) are competitive gymnasts. My husband is in the military and we ended up coming into mid meet season last year, but this year we are looking at far more expense. A lot more. We're allowed to hit up our friends, family, and businesses, for sponsorships (they get their name on the team shirt and on the gym banner) BUT, lots of other families did cute fundraisers of their own during the year--they did shirts, and candy, and flowers, all sorts of things. I was hoping you ladies could help me come up with some unique fundraisers. My husband is an Enlisted guy and I have 3 jobs already, but after my parent meeting I am seriously considering job #4 (on top of homeschooling LOL)!

This is my oldest daughter Clover--she got a 9.55 on this bar routine. 


Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:06 pm
by average_kim
Congrats to your daughters! I might not be much help on the fund-raising thing.... but my stepdaughter usually does well with bake sales ... and crafty stuff around Christmas- she made little snowmen out of those rounded garden posts once and made a lot... for around here. Small town=everybody will buy something.

Local school groups also sell Rada knives and get a pretty good profit.... i don't know if that's just offered to groups or individually.

Good luck with yours!

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:03 am
by Shutterbug
I will think on this and get back to you.  Will Brainstorm over night.  I have done a lot of fundraising over the years.  Not sure if that is good or bad.

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:31 am
by scrappinmom99
When DS was 4 he was in gymnastics for a year. They did a fundraiser called the "Cart-Roll-A-thon" and it was like a walkathon where the kids got people to sponsor them for how many cartwheels or somersaults or tumbles they could do.

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:15 am
by MacSarah
The most fun I ever had with a Fundraiser was with my Girl Scout Troop when DD was a 2nd grade Brownie.  We bought a "flock" of those pink lawn flamingo's and people paid to flock their neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.  People could buy insurance to prevent them from getting flocked, we left them there for 3 days until we picked them up and moved them someplace else.  If you are interested, I will have to dig through stuff to find the verbiage that we used when we did it.  It was so much fun though...  I would pick up 2 or 3 of the girls each night and take them to move the flamingo's with me.  The 9 girls in the troop managed to earn all the necessary money to all go to a 10 day resident camp.

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:35 pm
by 1scrappymom
We have done a garage sale in the past.  We ask for people to donate items to the sale and all sales go towards the team.  We just take what is left at the end and give to Goodwill.  We have a bake sale that day usually and sell drinks so people can snack while they shop.  We usually hold it in the school parking lot.

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:36 pm
by 1scrappymom
MacSarah wrote:The most fun I ever had with a Fundraiser was with my Girl Scout Troop when DD was a 2nd grade Brownie.  We bought a "flock" of those pink lawn flamingo's and people paid to flock their neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.  People could buy insurance to prevent them from getting flocked, we left them there for 3 days until we picked them up and moved them someplace else.  If you are interested, I will have to dig through stuff to find the verbiage that we used when we did it.  It was so much fun though...  I would pick up 2 or 3 of the girls each night and take them to move the flamingo's with me.  The 9 girls in the troop managed to earn all the necessary money to all go to a 10 day resident camp.
That is AWESOME! ImageImageImage

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:09 pm
by DN in MN
MacSarah wrote:The most fun I ever had with a Fundraiser was with my Girl Scout Troop when DD was a 2nd grade Brownie.  We bought a "flock" of those pink lawn flamingo's and people paid to flock their neighbors, friends, relatives, etc.  People could buy insurance to prevent them from getting flocked, we left them there for 3 days until we picked them up and moved them someplace else.  If you are interested, I will have to dig through stuff to find the verbiage that we used when we did it.  It was so much fun though...  I would pick up 2 or 3 of the girls each night and take them to move the flamingo's with me.  The 9 girls in the troop managed to earn all the necessary money to all go to a 10 day resident camp.
One of our local hockey teams did this but used old toilets instead of flamingos..

Re: Help Me Brainstorm Creative Fundraisers for my Gymnasts

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:49 pm
by ajkulig
OK these are really awesome (and funny) ideas. The fundraiser meeting is the 15th of May and I can't wait!