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Cherry Crush

Pinterest Observation
I was just talking with my Aunt who mentioned she found this cute painted dresser and that I should head over to her Pinterest Board to see it.  Well, I'm not on Pinterest, so I can't really see it.  I caught a glimpse of it before they blocked the image, telling me to sign up.  Anyway, from what I could see on her account she has over 10,000 pins and follows like 900 people.  All I could think was "WOW".  Now, I keep an idea book, but if I haven't put any thought into a particular idea for more than six months, out it goes.  I cannot in any way fathom trying to keep track of 10,000 pins. I can't imagine there are even 10,000 things I actually want to do.   Now, I'm not bashing the site or those who use it, I just think a site like that could prove to be overwhelming. 

For those that use it, how many pins do you have? 
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have about 3,000 pins in 20 boards.  But I regularly clean mine out.  When I make a Pinterest recipe and we like it, I print it and put it in the kitchen binder so that I can remeber it when I flip through to do a meal plan.  If it is a scrapbook layout, once I lift it, I delete it...  I have it in my scrapbook, plus if it has sparked another idea, I sketch it into a notebook so that I can remember what I was thinking.  Many of mine left on my boards are gardening things I have found through the winter that I have not had a change to do anything with yet, meme's that I think are funny, and things reminiscent of my childhood, that I don;t otherwise know what to do with.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have 28 boards, 1300 pins. Like Sarah, once I scrap lift a layout or try the recipe I delete it. With moving into our own home, my recent pins are scraproom organization and kitchen things. I have a hidden board. My Fashion board, to help me with my Fashion Challenge. I'm a doggie lover, so I have doggie boards too. My wishlist more than there's. Lol.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Cola

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have 49 boards with 1786 pins. Some of my boards are private, meaning only I can see them. I love Pinterest and it has helped me keep organized. Especially recipes. I hate recipe cards and I only have a few cookbooks so Pinterest is great for that. I used to print out craft/art/scrap stuff from online and put in folders. I actually had a cork board with lots of stuff on it too and it was messy. Now I have it all on Pinterest and my life is less messy.

I love Pinterest for party ideas and gifts. My private boards are about exercise and health which I don't want to share with the public. 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Pinterest Observation
This is making me face my Pinterest Addiction lol. I have 28 boards and 2855 pins. I have 400 followers (!!) and follow 596 boards. My boards are all craft stuff (broken down into scrapping, cards, crochet, cross-stitch, general crafts), home stuff (decor, organizing, frugal ideas), recipes, books, writing, Irish stuff and NERD STUFF (for all my fangirl needs). I rarely delete anything because I just don't have that kind of focus LOL!

Also, the thing about Pinterest and having followers is that the stuff just shows up in your feed. You can zoom by whatever you're not into at the moment. I find that I would much rather have an electronic, full color, visual display of what crafts or patterns I'm interested in than a folder. I have folders full of cross-stitch and crochet patterns in my closet and never look at them. Or recipes - I NEVER look at cookbooks, but on Pinterest, I can type in what ingredients I have and find recipes that even I can make (and I am so not the chef in my family!).
Happy Scrapping!
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Christi S.

Cherry Bing

Re: Pinterest Observation
EEK!  I have 38 boards!  When did that happen?  I have 607 pins - which seems a bit much, but I think it is better than me printing out all of these ideas.

(I do that too.)

Sign me up for Clutters Anonymous.




Totals for 2016
     Layouts 33
     Cards 42

Totals for 2015
     Layouts 299, Cards 331, Mini Books 5

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Cherry Berry

Re: Pinterest Observation
hmmmm....I have 107 boards, 5,625 pins, 937 followers and I follow 121 people.....that's A LOT of pins!  LOL!  Since I don't have as much time scrapbook and be crafty I think perhaps I am overcompensating and just pinning ideas for "later"...

Have a "magical" day
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Cherry Crush

Re: Pinterest Observation
I think I'm entirely to anal to use Pinterest.  I hate clutter -- and I don't mean clutter in a bad, hoarding way.  I mean clutter in the save way.   I can't save magazines, paint chips, recipes, etc.  I truly save only what I intend to use or do soon, if not, it's outta here. 

I just couldn't help but wonder about those pinners who have tens of thousands of pins.  Could they even remember what they pinned?  And, could you imagine how long it would take to go through all of those pins?  I'm tired just thinking about it. 
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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A Cherry on Top

Re: Pinterest Observation
I don't get on very often but I like things organized so I have 20 boards totaling 570 pins and I follow 32. I guess I have 20 followers. I really don't know how the following part works though. Anyone have advice on that?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have 11 boards and 597 pins
im pretty selective what I
I don't typically pin craft projects ...but mainly house hold type things like design ideas, yard ideas and recipes
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have 50 boards 1461 pins, 77 followers and 111 following.

The boards I use the most are the recipe boards and sketches.  I told my Mom my new cookbook is my iPad for the recipes....especially the salad dressings.  You would definitely love the amount of recipes Laura!

I also really love the Genealogy pins I have and plan on using the ideas the next time I sign in to Ancestry for the two free week period which I usually do twice a year.

And Larry and I found a house plan we both love.  Some minor changes to adapt to what we want and I hope we build in the next two years at the ranch.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Pinterest Observation
Deanna13 wrote:I don't get on very often but I like things organized so I have 20 boards totaling 570 pins and I follow 32. I guess I have 20 followers. I really don't know how the following part works though. Anyone have advice on that?

If you follow someone, their new pins show up in your feed- the page that shows up when you first log on or open up pinterest. You also get notifications if tthey like a pin, comment on a pin a or make a new board. This is what makes it a "social" site.

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Pinterest Observation
I hav.e 71 boards with 2100+ pins. Some boards are generic like "kids stuff" and "using my cricut". Then when I'm searching for a certain birthday theme, instead of putting it in with kids stuff, I'll make a new board like "lego party." Also on cricut related stuff- I made a board called "curvy keepsake box" because I have a cricut cut on a cartridge, but these ideas all use the Stampin Up curvy keepsake box die. I need to clear out a few boards and make a few more specific ones. But I just have fun with Pinterest. Just modify it to suit my needs at the time.... if it's just stuff I like at the moment-fine. If it's something I might do/make one day-fine, too.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have 94 boards, 4,888 pins and 1,726 followers.  I've been on since the early days.
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have mine separated in to sections.  

In my card section I have 78.    I scroll through until I'm inspired by something - but I tweak it to make it my own. 

I have 13 recipes and a few craft ideas 

Total is about 125.   Doable. 

Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Pinterest Observation
13 boards, 233 pins, 7 followers, 1 following
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Pinterest Observation
I have 450 pins, 10 boards and 2 followers. Clearly I have some catching up to do. :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Pinterest Observation
1695 pins! LOL, i had not realized I had that many. I have a lot of recipes and keep saying to myself, I need to break down that category into smaller ones. I do go there to look them up before doing a search online. Crafts is the next largest board. I feel like they keep me from cluttering. I used to save so many magazines with ideas for many areas. This allows it all to be on my computer on Pinterest. I like that!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Pinterest Observation
I love pinterest, I do delete after I use something, but I have boards for scrapping, food, dessert, each holiday,travel, future parties and also a wishlist to save ideas of items I want. I have 32 boards 3208 pins, 420 followers and following 769
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Pinterest Observation
You've gotten me thinking about this. I used to get a bunch of craft mags - Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks, Scrapbooks Etc, Family Fun etc.  One by one, they went out of production. I don't have any tablets or iPhone or anything like that to really keep up with online magazines to make it worth having a paid subscription. Now that I think of it, I think, for me, Pinterest is filling in for the print magazines and it's free!!! LOL!  And as far as cooking goes, I have always had a bit of kitchen / recipe / math anxiety Image but Pinterest, with all the visuals, makes it less intimidating. My family is loving the fun new recipes I've tried out on them.
Happy Scrapping!
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