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Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:51 am
by love2stamp
Happy Halloween!!

Good morning, Cherries. I only have work on the agenda tonight. Was hoping to see my grandbaby for Halloween, but don't think that is going to happen. I will see her on Sat. so I guess that is ok. I did get some pictures of her a week or so ago with so pumpkins and her halloween costume. I thought I would share them with you this morning.


I can't believe she will be ten months old next week. Anyway, not much esle going on for me today.

What are your plans for Halloween?

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:03 am
by mgehrke
Good Morning and Happy Halloween to you too. Your grandbaby is ADORABLE!!!!

No plans for me to day except to get through the work day. I have a couple of meetings so that should help the day go by faster. I am thinking that since no one will be home tonight I might be able to sneek into my scrappy room. I am not going to get my hopes up, but it might be an option :-D

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:07 am
by sherelm
I'm doing a 50 Shades of Grey Challenge that needs done by Friday night, and other than that - I'll probably crochet a little. Each row gets me closer to the end of an afghan I can gift for Christmas. (It has Johnny Depp's face crocheted in it)

I was going to take down the decorations - but I think I'll wait until tomorrow so I can clean the windows and put up the turkeys, pilgrims, and Indians. :)

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:26 am
by ZELDAdog
Just gave Harrison a valium before we head to his dentist appointment...he has an extra tooth that they are gonna pull today. Hope the valium wears off before time to go trick or treating tonight!!!

I still need to spray paint a bucket for one of the boy's costumes, buy candy, and I want to make Pumpkin choc chip muffins (if I can find my recipe!!!) Busy day!!!!

We'll go T-or-T'ing at my dad's's tradition!!!

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:38 am
by oceanbreezes423
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all my cherry friends! Crazy busy day today as we prepare for our Halloween party tonight. Lots of goulish food to make, a living room to transform into a graveyard, no scrappy time for me today! BUT, in the midst of all our playing, my prayers go out to all those devastated by Sandy!!! The rest of you have a great day, have fun, and be safe!!!!

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:23 am
by blfonty
Good Morning Cherries!

Witching you all a very Happy Halloween!


Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:07 am
by blbabe1234
Good morning cherries!!!

Love2Stamp - your granddaughter is sooo cute!!!!

No Halloween plans here - just a regular work day. I might be scrapping later.

Check out today's Scrap-A-Day thread - Halloween Games are in process!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:15 pm
by m1218p
I'm getting a late start to the day. Much uploading to do today, here, there, and everywhere. Finally, that accomplished, I can start my day! It's only lunchtime, LOL.

Love 2 stamp--what a cutie your DGD is! LOVE that costume and her sweet smiling face.

Jenny--DGS recently had to have 5 baby teeth pulled so his adult teeth could come in. They gave him laughing gas and novacaine and he was fine a few hours later, with a hefty dose of ibuprofen.

There will be no trick or treating here tonight. I live about a block from my church which holds a big to do every Halloween. I usually just post a note that I contributed candy there and invite the folks who come to my door to go collect all they can haul away from there. There are always rides and games as well, so it's a fun and SAFE time.

Well, back to work.

Re: Good Morning Oct. 31-Happy Halloween

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:40 pm
by debamas
A late good morning. There was hardly any signal where I was up at Cheaha..I'm home now but this mornign was cold, breezy but beautiful up in this Alabama moutain. DH and I hiked a trail to an overlook, then packed to go back to FL. The end of our brief relief from home and work. A five hr trip home, which I can handle and no goign to work until Monday. NICE.