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Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:34 pm
by Ayla
I wear Crocs at work...not attractive, but they work well for the 12 hour shifts I work. I buy the work version, without holes in the top. Since I started wearing them I don't have the hip and knee problems I used to have. Last spring, I had a pair stolen from the locker room. Never figured out what happened to them. Had to buy a new pair, which is frustrating even though they aren't terribly expensive. The style I wear for work aren't available locally, so I have to mail order them.

Now....ANOTHER pair went missing! I don't wear them home because I work in the ER, and don't want to carry anything nasty home that I might be walking in. I got asked why don't I keep them in my locker? Well, it's a small locker, just big enough for my purse (not a full size locker) and again, I don't want gross stuff all over the things in my locker. Our locker room is locked, and you have to know the code to get in. So random visitors can't get in, even if a lot of employees know how to get in. Who would want a worn pair of Crocs? So frustrated! Now I'm here with jsut the shoes I wore in to work...but at least they aren't the sandals I was wearing in to work the last time it happened! I have filed a report with security, but nothing will come from that I'm sure, and I won't get compensated for them. There are at least 20 people who leave their shoes in the locker room...why did MINE have to be stolen?

NOT a good start to a shift!

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:43 pm
by cropjester
I have a good understanding of your situation. When I worked in the ER our locker room was a mess. People stole shoes, money/credit cards (some people didnt have locks) lunches/soda right out of the fridge. What kills me is that everyone who had access to the locker room was a well paid individual. I AM SO SORRY - because like you, I have left my shoes at work for the exact reason you have described. We finally caught our thief - it was the night shift janitor.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:31 pm
by 1grandma
Maybe this person will reap just rewards. I sure hope so. But sorry you have to go through this agian! Some people just have no morals at all.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:53 pm
by scrapaholic
That is terrible, I can't believe it. This time buy 2 pairs and keep the spare in your trunk. Spray paint your name/initials on the bottom of them.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:03 pm
by butterfly843
That's terrible, can't belive someone would steal another employees shoes.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:37 pm
by letumom
scrapaholic wrote:Keep them in your trunk.

All the time, I say!

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:07 pm
by blbabe1234
Geez, whats wrong with people???

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:40 pm
by ZELDAdog
I was gonna say just leave them in your trunk too...people are just mean and crazy!

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:41 pm
by Queen Mum
Next pair use a Sharpie to write your name on the tops.

Another thought - keep a plastic bag to put them in and learn how to shove them in your locker. (Stick a dryer sheet in one of the shoes if you feel that they might start having an 'air' to them)

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:36 pm
by txbelle26
That sucks! I like the putting them in a bag idea and then cram them in your locker...fabreeze works well with my tennis shoes that I wear to work when I stick them in my locker. Maybe you should modpodge your name and a cute design/picture on the top of them...then you can spot them god forbid it happens a third time ;)

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:23 am
by Ayla
Queen Mum wrote:Next pair use a Sharpie to write your name on the tops.

Another thought - keep a plastic bag to put them in and learn how to shove them in your locker. (Stick a dryer sheet in one of the shoes if you feel that they might start having an 'air' to them)
This is exactly what I'm going to do. I don't want to put them in the back (I drive a Durango) because we're always hauling flags and rifles and such for the kids' guard practices and competitions, but I sure won't be leaving another pair on the floor!

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:30 am
by debamas
Hard to think someone would grab these bacteria infested allready worn shoes for their own and they are just crocs! I love crocs too, btw, but they are cracking down on our dress code and we can't wear them now.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:39 am
by sherelm
I know the worst is feeling like you are working shoulder to shoulder with the thief. I had a similar thing happen to me - and I remember the feeling that the person I was talking to was stealing from me - no one was immune.

We kept our purses in the dark room at the X-ray out patient office, and each time I worked, a little money would go missing - sometimes it would be like I had a $20 and a $10, but the "thief" would just take the ten, weird stuff like that. It really bothered me. I felt violated. Finally, I told my mother I had to say something to the business manager (who was creepy enough to BE the thief!!) and she said she wondered why I waited so long. My father came in and sat down on the sofa and said "BTW, Dot" (my mom) "I'm going down to the store for hearing aid batteries, do you have cash?" She said to get it out of her purse. So he gets up and goes to MY purse. She says "That's Sherry's, mine it the other one." Dad says casually "Huh. How about that? I've been taking all the money I need out of hers." My mother and I cracked up - it was too funny to get mad at him - here dear old Dad was my "thief". Mom wanted to give me some money - of course I didn't want it nor would I take it, and Dad was laughing and I was just relieved to know it was really stolen.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:42 am
by Ayla
debamas wrote:Hard to think someone would grab these bacteria infested allready worn shoes for their own and they are just crocs! I love crocs too, btw, but they are cracking down on our dress code and we can't wear them now.
I know....amazing, isn't it? Those shoes are gross! I won't wear the regular beach crocs with the holes in the top though.. that's just nasty if blood or whatever spills, I don't want it on my socks! Mine are the medical ones with a solid top...the only style I wear, which is why I have to mail order them, because that style isn't sold locally.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:45 am
by mgehrke
Some people just don't have morales at all. What is wrong with some people? Lying and stealing are my biggest pet peves. I'm sorry Nancy that this has happened to you again.

Re: Really??? Who would steal SHOES??!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:26 pm
by MamaK321
that is so wrong :waiting: