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Cherry Addict

Good Morning Oct 21
Good Morning! I woke up early today. First cup of coffee is finished and I am sitting with the computer just enjoying a little surfing. I am hearing the grandkids waking up so I thought that I should start the "Good Morning" thread. We will go to Mass and I thought a little fun time downtown would be nice. There should be some interesting activities for kids at this time of year for them. Hmmm. I need to find out for sure.

What are your plans for this blessing of a day?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good morning. It was a late night for me, as DH and I went to beach after midnight. There was a meteor shower that we wanted to try to catch. We saw only 2, but that was better then nothing, and I love the beach anyway. Enjoying some quiet time now while DH still sleeps, and before my 2 yr old gets here at 10:30. The nice thing about having her during the day, after DH leaves for work, the house is all mine, lol. I plan to get some major scrapping done! Well, that is my plan. I hope you all have a very blessed day!!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
The meteor shower would have been cool to see. I forgot all about it.

Bibi-have fun with your grandkids today, I'm sure there are tons of fall/halloween activites going on.

I have the day off from work. I need to balance the check book and clean out the dishwasher, but other than that I have nothing else that needs done, so I plan on locking myself in my scraproom for the rest of the day. I may take the dogs for a walk if the weather turns nice, supposed be a high of 72 today.

Have a great day, cherries!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good morning! Working on some coffee right now!! Have to take kids to job #1 in a bit, have to get some work done before the ACT students come in. Then clean the kitchen, shower, etc. Have a staff meeting tonight for job #2 which means I have to run the sitter back and forth and the kids have to stay up later on a school night. I should get going, huh?
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good Morning.
3rd cup of coffee and I feel a little blah.

Moving the rest of our cattle home for the winter today. 60+ and their calves and 3 bulls. Here's hoping it goes well. They tend to have a mind of their own quite often. :x

Wish us luck!
Kari ----- "Women with whips, 82% more likely to get what they want."

Check out my site!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good morning ladies. I have a busy day today. Cleaning the house and clothes shopping, then off to a birthday party later this aftenoon. It's cool and sunny so I'm having my 2nd cup of coffee by my picture window. Have a great day everyone.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good Morning Cherries! Sorry I've been MIA, lots going on thanks to work, and playing catch-up with other parts of my life. This weekend I've been at a Women's conference. I'm still at the hotel, but will be driving back to Houston later today. Then this evening, I'm headed to the Theatre to see a performance of Jeckyl and Hide. Should be really good! Obviously no scrapping for me today.

Have a great day everyone!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good Morning - I got to sleep in this morning, except for Tucker waking my at 5am wanting to go outside. I tried to get him back to sleep, but all he wanted to do was play. So I kicked out of my room and slept til 9am. I never do that and it was so nice. All I have on the agenda today is to scrap and order some pictures on Shutterfly before my free 50 prints coupon expires.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good morning, had an interesting night last night. DH woke me up asking if I left my purse in the car last night? WTH? 2 am at night? Well, it seems our neighbor just ran someone plummaging in our garage inside our car out and called the police. WHat a good neighbor. I had not closed out garage door after coming home yesterday and yes, sometimes if I know I'm going back out, my purse might be left out there. Our neighbor had recently installed a motion sensor alarm because his cars had been gotten into. My purse was in the house, thank goodness and as far as we can tell, he didn't get to plunder long and take anything. He ran off on foot and our other neighbor's security camera actually viewed him coming and going. He had been on a bike, an older guy and police now have his bike and one flip flop. I went back to bed and didn't get the full story until this morning once I knew I had my purse. Ben said they even sent the dogs out. Guess I was really tired since I had not been asleep long due to ds not wanting to go to sleep.

I'll have to make sure my son's nurses know to lock their cars. Night nurse due back tonight, but I don't think he'll bother us again. In fact, dh found out that the one neighbor that saw him probably scared him ****less cause he fired a gun off (not at him) after yelling at him in our garage. The camera showed a guy running and pullin up his pants!

It's beautiful here this morning, temp just right. I'm drinking coffee and goign to work again in my scrap room. Sorted out a lot of pics last night.

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Cherry Tart

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
debamas wrote:Good morning, had an interesting night last night. DH woke me up asking if I left my purse in the car last night? WTH? 2 am at night? Well, it seems our neighbor just ran someone plummaging in our garage inside our car out and called the police. WHat a good neighbor. I had not closed out garage door after coming home yesterday and yes, sometimes if I know I'm going back out, my purse might be left out there. Our neighbor had recently installed a motion sensor alarm because his cars had been gotten into. My purse was in the house, thank goodness and as far as we can tell, he didn't get to plunder long and take anything. He ran off on foot and our other neighbor's security camera actually viewed him coming and going. He had been on a bike, an older guy and police now have his bike and one flip flop. I went back to bed and didn't get the full story until this morning once I knew I had my purse. Ben said they even sent the dogs out. Guess I was really tired since I had not been asleep long due to ds not wanting to go to sleep.

I'll have to make sure my son's nurses know to lock their cars. Night nurse due back tonight, but I don't think he'll bother us again. In fact, dh found out that the one neighbor that saw him probably scared him ****less cause he fired a gun off (not at him) after yelling at him in our garage. The camera showed a guy running and pullin up his pants!

It's beautiful here this morning, temp just right. I'm drinking coffee and goign to work again in my scrap room. Sorted out a lot of pics last night.

Wow! Sorry this happened! A few nights ago my neighbor called me at 10:30 pm to tell me my garage door was open ~ we are blessed with great neighbors!

I love to talk about scrapbooking!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Kari_H wrote:Good Morning.
3rd cup of coffee and I feel a little blah.

Moving the rest of our cattle home for the winter today. 60+ and their calves and 3 bulls. Here's hoping it goes well. They tend to have a mind of their own quite often. :x

Wish us luck!
LUCK! But I bet it is mostly your skill that gets the job done well.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
letumom wrote:Good Morning Cherries! Sorry I've been MIA, lots going on thanks to work, and playing catch-up with other parts of my life. This weekend I've been at a Women's conference. I'm still at the hotel, but will be driving back to Houston later today. Then this evening, I'm headed to the Theatre to see a performance of Jeckyl and Hide. Should be really good! Obviously no scrapping for me today.

Have a great day everyone!
Laurie, you are always excused for living your life! Enjoy it. Wish I could go to the play tonight with you.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
debamas wrote:Good morning, had an interesting night last night. DH woke me up asking if I left my purse in the car last night? WTH? 2 am at night? Well, it seems our neighbor just ran someone plummaging in our garage inside our car out and called the police. WHat a good neighbor. I had not closed out garage door after coming home yesterday and yes, sometimes if I know I'm going back out, my purse might be left out there. Our neighbor had recently installed a motion sensor alarm because his cars had been gotten into. My purse was in the house, thank goodness and as far as we can tell, he didn't get to plunder long and take anything. He ran off on foot and our other neighbor's security camera actually viewed him coming and going. He had been on a bike, an older guy and police now have his bike and one flip flop. I went back to bed and didn't get the full story until this morning once I knew I had my purse. Ben said they even sent the dogs out. Guess I was really tired since I had not been asleep long due to ds not wanting to go to sleep.

I'll have to make sure my son's nurses know to lock their cars. Night nurse due back tonight, but I don't think he'll bother us again. In fact, dh found out that the one neighbor that saw him probably scared him ****less cause he fired a gun off (not at him) after yelling at him in our garage. The camera showed a guy running and pullin up his pants!

It's beautiful here this morning, temp just right. I'm drinking coffee and goign to work again in my scrap room. Sorted out a lot of pics last night.
So because, the camera caught him running away while pulling up his pants, you think he was scared ****less? LOL LOL I wish you would keep you outside lights on. It gets so dark out there, but I don't care anymore because I don't work there anymore. So ignore me. xoxo
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
I woke up around 2 hours ago, which is at least 3 hours earlier than I wanted to as I still have another shift tonight. Last night wasn't too bad, but Sundays are statistically one of our busiest days. And considering it was nice alst night, the proverbial fit is going to likely hit the shan!

I updated a thread for one of the creative teams I am on, and right now just hanging out in my quiet dark bedroom hoping to get sleepy again. The boys are working on breaking down some boxes from our move for the trash, and DH is finishing the kitchen cabinet redo. I'm munching on graham crackers because I can't get to anything else in the kitchen! But that's ok....DH will make the cabinet beautiful and it'll be ever so much more functional. Besides, we've had adult time twice today so that makes everything good! lol

Trying to do a layout about's not coming together the way I want it to, but hopefully it works out. I should do laundry, but I have 2 nights off after tonight so I'd rather wait until I'm not between shifts. I have a set of scrubs for tonight, so it isn't THAT urgent! lol
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
1grandma wrote:
debamas wrote:Good morning, had an interesting night last night. DH woke me up asking if I left my purse in the car last night? WTH? 2 am at night? Well, it seems our neighbor just ran someone plummaging in our garage inside our car out and called the police. WHat a good neighbor. I had not closed out garage door after coming home yesterday and yes, sometimes if I know I'm going back out, my purse might be left out there. Our neighbor had recently installed a motion sensor alarm because his cars had been gotten into. My purse was in the house, thank goodness and as far as we can tell, he didn't get to plunder long and take anything. He ran off on foot and our other neighbor's security camera actually viewed him coming and going. He had been on a bike, an older guy and police now have his bike and one flip flop. I went back to bed and didn't get the full story until this morning once I knew I had my purse. Ben said they even sent the dogs out. Guess I was really tired since I had not been asleep long due to ds not wanting to go to sleep.

I'll have to make sure my son's nurses know to lock their cars. Night nurse due back tonight, but I don't think he'll bother us again. In fact, dh found out that the one neighbor that saw him probably scared him ****less cause he fired a gun off (not at him) after yelling at him in our garage. The camera showed a guy running and pullin up his pants!

It's beautiful here this morning, temp just right. I'm drinking coffee and goign to work again in my scrap room. Sorted out a lot of pics last night.
So because, the camera caught him running away while pulling up his pants, you think he was scared ****less? LOL LOL I wish you would keep you outside lights on. It gets so dark out there, but I don't care anymore because I don't work there anymore. So ignore me. xoxo
You are right, maybe now I can convince dh. He's the tightwad with the lights.

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Cherry Delight

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Boy have Sunday's changed from when I was a kid. All this doing and going on. lol

I was up early again. Seems to be my new routine now. sigh. Cool, grey, breezy and the first real storm of the year due in tomorrow. I worked in the yard some more and have it almost ready for them to deliver the bark. Supposed to rain off and on for the next 5-6 days so figure I will get it ordered to be delivered around the 29th or 30th. DH slept poorly with his bronchitis/cold. I seem to be catching a cold as well but with me most runny nose, sore throat, and a little dry cough.

I took the kittens out with me into the yard and then left them out there! They are nearly 6 months old and need to learn about the great out of doors. When I went inside, they sat at the back screen and cried. lol I put their kitty city, a soft warm kitty bed, food bowls, and water dish out with them. We'll see what happens. I think except for when it really cold or raining, I may keep them in the yard. It is a big yard and they are still too young to climb the fence.

Have a wonderful and safe day.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
Good afternoon y'all! Woke up at 9 with a major sinus headache with the pain and pressure. I couldn't breathe and my eyes hurt. Fed the pups and did the dishes. Drank two cups of coffee in hopes that caffenine will kick the headache - but it hadn't. I had already took my meds. I had book club with my gal pals at 2pm. And that is all I wanted to do, but......

I got a phone call from my SIL that she had taken my brother to the ER at noon because he couldn't move. We rushed over there, but it ended up being something minor - not that back pain isn't minor. But the doctor said he just pulled a muscle and should be fine in two days. He had hurt his back at work yesterday, but didn't say anything to anybody. He drove home in lots of pain, and by then, couldn't move. The ER dr gave him a shot, then released him. However, my brother can't move, even tho the dr told him he shouldn't sit and lie all day long, as he needs to stretch it and move around. So my Mom will be there for the rest of the week to help my SIL.

So while we were in town, DH and I went over to Academy and we got DH 5 work shirts for $6.99 a piece - can't beat that! Then off to PetsMart to load up on dog food. My dogs are good until the end of the year. :) We had a nice late lunch at Freebirds, and then it was time for book club. DH stayed at Half Price Books - he got himself a coffee and looked at books and such. Then we headed home.

Its so hot here that I set the pool up for the puppies. They really enjoyed that alot. I've got a load of DH's new shirts in the washer, and now I'm finally able to say HI here.

Hope you all have a great evening.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Tart

Re: Good Morning Oct 21
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