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Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:06 pm
by Kelly Pyron
Last Thursday was my last day of school! Whoot-Whoot! I am SOOOO ready for a long break! I love my kiddos and love being a teacher, but I was starting to feel a little burned out. Now, I truly understand why they give teachers the whole summer off. If they didn't, there would be no sane teachers! LOL!

I am in study mode for the next couple of weeks, because I have to take my Texas teacher certfiication test. Ughhh! I think when that is over and done with, I will really get to relax and do lots of scrapping! :)

So, what is everyone else up to or planning for the summer months?

Re: Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:41 pm
by croppinmama
Yes...I think teachers deserve the summer off. I love the summers because I'm home with the kids and we have a lot of fun. My kids don't mind riding in the car so we always go on road trips. This year I'm teaching my son to drive so that should be fun :? 2 kids down and 1 to go (but the youngest is 12, so I have awhile for her, lol).

Re: Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:56 pm
by 1grandma
Summer is the same for me, just hotter. I plan to work as much as possible and take care of dh. Hopefully I will get to see the grandkids, too. My dd's dh is graduating from UF in Gainesville, Florida as an oral surgeon and they are moving to Vermont! So maybe I will get up that way sometime this year. I can only hope.

Re: Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:18 pm
by ernstem
I still work both jobs during the summer, but my kids come with me to my YMCA job and hubby is home with the kids when I teach in the evenings. (Personally having to decide if I want to pay for courses/credits to keep my current teaching licenses or let them expire. Lack of jobs around here :( for teachers.) I still have Fridays off! No vacations planned (did Disney in February and need to travel again in May 2013). So sitting quiet this summer and going to utilize the backyard a lot. Nice weather came early so the landscaping was finished in mid-April. No yard chores beyond mowing!!! A few day trips to local place but we're ok with the low-key summer this year :-D

Re: Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:27 am
by joannie
Kelly, So glad to see you posting again!!! Most definately teachers need a nice summer vacation!!! How long is your break?

Re: Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:13 am
by Art_Teacher
Friday was my last day, Kelly! So ready to relax! No big summer plans, because that is dh's busy time as a paint contractor. We are going for a few days to Boston in the end of July to celebrate a friend's wedding and see the city. :-D

Re: Officially on Summer Break...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:38 pm
by Ayla
We still have one more week of school. I wanted to get the camper ready to take out but until the Durango gets fixed I don't have anything to pull it with! Some short trips planned...our annual Run the River kayak trip, some short overnight excursions planned, and hopefully a trip to Copper Harbor in Michigan's Upper Peninsula in September. Otherwise no big vacation....but I like short trips!