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Tiki Bar Mgr

Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
We're off in a little bit to spend the day with the little guys. I have a bunch of things back on my to do list to get ready for the crop here and one I am attending Sat. (a charity fund raiser) so will get busy on the list when we get home.

What are your plans for this gift of a day?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Good morning! I am only going to work a couple hours today and tomorrow then I will be off till Monday! I plan on doing some chores here today and maybe do a little organizing for the crop. I am seriously getting into my stamps her lately so I think I will find a new way to organize them and put them in a new location in my room.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
I'm going back to sleep! I'm in the night shift mode and didn't go to bed until about 4am. But had to take DD to school when she missed the bus. Want to mow the lawn and take back some shoes I bought DD which were too big. But that can wait depending on how long I sleep. And work at 7pm!
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You don't quit playing because you grow old....you grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Washing my curtains & washing my windows. What fun!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Good morning! I've already sent out three of four emails. Nothing pending on my work to do list so far. Might scrap a little.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
I need to finish preparing a project for a Saturday class. Friday DH, myself and some friends are heading west to the mountains for the day! Nice thing about SC, you can be here on the beach like I am, or drive 4-5 hours and be in the mountains. I just had an urge to see the fall colors, and there is a state park over there with waterfalls, rock formations, and we will stay long enough to catch the sunset! I am so excited!!!! I had forgot about the crop at first, so I will miss Friday, and a portion of Saturday! But will be here for the rest!!!
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Signing in from work as our internet is down..or it could very well be our modem. If it is, then I won't be doing the crop this weekend as we don't have any money to buy a new one. Barb's social security check won't hit until the 19th which is the earliest we'd be able to buy one. ATT tech is due out tomorrow, so we'll know more then.

It was a rainy, stormy night (glad the Rangers are playing out of town; they lost last night :bluesad: ) and raining this morning. Glad for that 'cause we need it.
Image Charlene
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
More laundry for me today, I also need to cook a little. I plan on Chicken , using a new flavor packet by Kraft, Rosemary and Galic. You just brown the chicken, make required pasta, then add the seasoning package. It looks delish and hope the boys like it as well. I also want to make my Owl door decoration today too. I really didn't get anyhting but a few loads of laundry, and unlaoded and loaded the dishes yeaterday. I just didn't have any Mojo yeasterday. I am feeling better today, plus no dance tonight. Have a great Wednesday!
~Janet~Image Image Image
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Work and then off to find a Kaiser Weigh-In kiosk so that I can start this weight loss program I found on FB last night. I weigh in quarterly and for every 5% I lose, I get some $ (not a lot, but I'm all for a few dollars from a free program:-D )! Maybe this will be the motivation I need to actually get rid of the extra pounds... After that, home to relax a bit and pack an overnight bag for my trip up to Ft Collins this weekend
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Good afternoon ladies. Cleaning rooms and pricing stuff for my tag sale that is happening in 3 weeks. I hate tag sales but have so much stuff to get rid of...and we need the money. My oldest daughter was in a car accident in July and we have lots of medical bills.....so any extra $ will help...hence the dreaded tag sale. It shouldn't be too hard because every year for the past 2 years I have started to put one together, then changed my mind....so I have about 5 boxes of items already priced and my signs are already painted. Hoping to get rid of everything down the cellar so I don't ever have to do this again :(
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
Taking it easy again today. Last week was rough because the twins were sick, and I meant to get us back on track this week with our homeschooling but the twins' sleep pattern got messed up and it just isn't working. So, instead, I think we'll make this a week to catch up on cleaning. Plus, I think I'm PMSing... I'm grouchy and that's the third or fourth symptom I've noticed in the last 24 hours. One of those symptoms is the house is bugging me and I'm more motivated to get a few odd things done, so I think I'll just take advantage of that and do it! One of those things is to clean out the craft room anyway, and that will make it easier to get to my scrappy stuff maybe this weekend. :)

There's no church tonight either, at either of the places we go, so that won't take time this evening as usual. Hubby is getting up in about 10-15 minutes so I'll have time to run to the dollar store before he leaves for work. So after I get a few things done around the house - an extra load of laundry and an extra load of dishes, plus the normal stuff and then maybe start on the craft room - I'll probably sit down to play my computer game. :)
DaLynn - homeschooling 3 boys ages 12, 8, and 7
breastfeeding and cloth diapering boy/girl year-old twins
loving my hubby Bill, and my Jesus as Lord
and scrapping it all... in my spare time. ;)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Wed. Oct 12)
It is beautiful here! Busy day planned.
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