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Tiki Bar Mgr

Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Another beautiful day here in Paradise with a slight chance of showers later this afternoon. We're biking in to town later this morning and I'm luring E to the arts fair in town that I never made it to yesterday. We have company coming next weekend so need to start some house cleaning now to be ready. We're hoping to rent a boat and head out to the light house on Anclote Key...beautiful beach!

And you...what are your plans for this gift of a day?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Good morning! Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned Jules! I looked all over the house yesterday for my mojo and I could not find it hiding any where! I hope to find it today and do a layout or two! We had REALLY bad storms last night and I did not get much sleep I hope to take a nap later! Have a scrappy day everyone!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Who knows why I'm awake at the God-forsaken early hour of the morning (can you tell I don't do mornings? lol) after being up until 3am, but I am. It's not even light out totally yet! A friend is coming over today to help me attack the jungle AKA the back yard. I was actually hoping the forecasted rain would come early so I could beg off as I'm so tired and I have to work tonight, and have yet to buy school supplies for the ankle biters, but it is what it is. Maybe I can sneak 45 extra minutes of sleep before she gets here?
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
scrapy1967 wrote:Good morning! Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned Jules! I looked all over the house yesterday for my mojo and I could not find it hiding any where! I hope to find it today and do a layout or two! We had REALLY bad storms last night and I did not get much sleep I hope to take a nap later! Have a scrappy day everyone!

Maybe we need some challenges today to inspire us to scrap...I'll come up with a couple if you will do the same. Deal?
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
It's a gorgeus morning here again!!! I had a poor nights sleep last night :( But after lunch, we are headed down to my parents cabin for the day. We will bbq for supper and then head back later in the evening (it's only an hour away). it should be lovely down by the water!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Good morning! I stayed up to say that today. I just got off work and usually just fall into bed and sleep most of the day. But, I noticed that Jules get up about 5:30AM and post so I wanted to get in an early "Good Morning!" And now, "Good night." I hope y'all have a wonderful day. It is raining and raining here due to TS Lee, so I have excellent sleeping weather.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
JulesinParadise wrote:
scrapy1967 wrote:Good morning! Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned Jules! I looked all over the house yesterday for my mojo and I could not find it hiding any where! I hope to find it today and do a layout or two! We had REALLY bad storms last night and I did not get much sleep I hope to take a nap later! Have a scrappy day everyone!

Maybe we need some challenges today to inspire us to scrap...I'll come up with a couple if you will do the same. Deal?
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Well, today is a much better morning than it was yesterday. I'm feeling much better, but I'm still not 100% myself. As for the bathroom, DH installed the flooring, toilet, and sink. He had to stop last night at 11pm. I told him he had too. So after we get groceries, he needs to hook up the sink to the plumbing. That should only take him an hr or so. I actually got started on a LO last night. Finally felt well enough to scrap! Didn't finish it though, so that is my little scrappy goal today. To complete ONE layout.

Hope everyone has a GREAT Day!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Started the day with a bunch of sit-ups. Hoping to rev up my energy level today to get lots of work done. Then I'll relax and hopefully organize some photos to scrap.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Today is a scrappy kind of day in my house. We have been on vacation and we are home now. DH has been fishing with the kids, so I take advantage of the quiet. Lots of new products I'm going to play with today. Have a great day everyone :-D
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Good Morning!

Today we will be canning again. Yesterday we canned green beans. Today will be beets and tomorrow will be another day of tomatoes...
Gotta love this time of year:-)

Have a great day!!!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
I slept in again this morning til 9. I'll be finishing up the little albums I'm making for the baby shower this afternoon. I'll post pictures before I wrap them up. Hopefully I can also start on some more card kits. I have a crop next Sunday with a couple of Cherry friends here in Texas.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
Good morning...woke up to a gray day, so that always makes me smile a little. Don't really have plans today...probably some laundry, dishes and cleaning house while keeping an eye on DD while DH is at work and then hopefully some time together tonight. Hope everyone has a great day!
Danna :)

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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT (Sunday 9/4)
I spent six hours with a friend reclaiming the back yard from the encroaching jungle...napalm no longer required! Will post progress pics when my arms stop hurting. We weed whacked the whole dang yard! But now it seems so much bigger. Very soon, off to nappy land as I have to work in 2 hours! lol
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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