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Tiki Bar Mgr

Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles: very impressed with the day care center we visited today. Spent the day with the little guys and their Mama and had a wonderful time. E fixed us an amazing shrimp salsa for dinner.

Frowns: very sleepy!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Frowns: Woke up with a bit of a cold .. stuffy head, sore throat... blah!

Smiles: Last night I printed off pictures from this past weekend's camping trip that DH and DD were on (I went out on Saturday for the day and took pics), and cleaned up my scrappy area, so tonight I can work on some layouts.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
JulesinParadise wrote:Smiles: very impressed with the day care center we visited today. Spent the day with the little guys and their Mama and had a wonderful time. E fixed us an amazing shrimp salsa for dinner.

Frowns: very sleepy!

I think E should have a blog and post his delicious sounding recipes!!!! You could take the photos of the dishes.
Seriously... I'd follow his blog just to try all his shrimp dishes that you've mentioned.

Smiles: Traveled to Connecticut to visit my folks who were doing very well today.
Frowns: So tired from the 4 hours of driving. Good night everyone.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles--Took dinner to a friend having a hard time with radiation this week. Wouldn't you know she ended up making us smile!!

Frowns--Only one more day of my summer break :? :? Back to work on Monday!!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
ohh, don't think i've ever tried "shrimp salsa" but it sure sounds delish, jules :) is there a recipe for it?

SMILES: gorgeous gorgeous spring-like weather today and i've just printed the kiddies school photos!
FROWNS: dh shared with me his yucky cold which takes the fun out of me wanting to scrap today :waiting:
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Bing

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles: Watching my team play preseason football

Frowns: Long exhausting day at my dad's house...I'm worn out. Also found out my dad spent a bunch of money on something he shouldn't have (found the receipt while I was cleaning) and while I know it's his money and his life to lead, I'm the one he always comes to complaining about his finances and how he doesn't have enough money (and he's on a fixed income) so to see him spend this money like this just makes me sick (if I explained what it was, you'd understand...but I'm not going there). I didn't confront him on it, but I swear it's likely to come up if he starts in about the money again. The whole day has just put me in a bad mood...thank goodness for the football or I'd be giving up on this day.
Danna :)

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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
LyndaKay wrote:
JulesinParadise wrote:Smiles: very impressed with the day care center we visited today. Spent the day with the little guys and their Mama and had a wonderful time. E fixed us an amazing shrimp salsa for dinner.

Frowns: very sleepy!

I think E should have a blog and post his delicious sounding recipes!!!! You could take the photos of the dishes.
Seriously... I'd follow his blog just to try all his shrimp dishes that you've mentioned.

Smiles: Traveled to Connecticut to visit my folks who were doing very well today.
Frowns: So tired from the 4 hours of driving. Good night everyone.

E's He could be the male Pioneer Woman...Tropical Guy! I'll post the salsa recipe later today just for you Lynda.
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
dshepard wrote:Smiles: Watching my team play preseason football

Frowns: Long exhausting day at my dad's house...I'm worn out. Also found out my dad spent a bunch of money on something he shouldn't have (found the receipt while I was cleaning) and while I know it's his money and his life to lead, I'm the one he always comes to complaining about his finances and how he doesn't have enough money (and he's on a fixed income) so to see him spend this money like this just makes me sick (if I explained what it was, you'd understand...but I'm not going there). I didn't confront him on it, but I swear it's likely to come up if he starts in about the money again. The whole day has just put me in a bad mood...thank goodness for the football or I'd be giving up on this day.

Danna, we can never ever introduce your dad to my sister...eeek. She also is on a very fixed income and does the same thing. Family...arggggggg!
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Cherry Bark

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles: Meeting with boss went well. Had lunch with BFF Laura.

Frowns: None.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Wild Cherry

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles- I am alive today.

Frowns- Due to enormous medical bills my finances have taken a beating.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Cropper

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles: Taking the family to the baseball game this evening.

Frowns: Cant think of any to mention.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Smiles N Frowns for Aug 11
Smiles.. my crafty mo jo is on!!! at long last.. been a year of heartache, but i feel silently smug about this second chance.

frowns.. my to do list.. is HUGE!!!!. :( and getting longer quicker than i can work through it.
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