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Cherry Garcia

I need to pick your cherry brains
So I sort of volunteered to plan this years family reunion along with 2 of my cousins. According to my aunt, we haven't done a very good job and she is taking it back next year. Yippee!! Anyway, we never have activities planned, its just everyone sitting around, playing horseshoes, potluck, drinking and visiting. My cousins and I decide we are having activities. We will have a horseshoe tournament, and we also are going to have a Minute To Win It competition. We have a few games picked out but I need some ideas on how to run this game. We will have approx 40 people at the reunion, not everyone will play but alot will. I am thinking we need teams of 2, or should we just be on our own? We could all do the task at the same time and last one done is out or another idea I seen on the internet was assign points for each game and whoever has the most points at the end wins. I want to come up with some cheapy prizes, maybe computer generated or dollar store type.

Has anyone done one of these types of games at a party or reunion? Ideas are totally needed as the reunion is the 12-13 of Aug and I need to get this organized! LOL Thanks in advance.
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Cherry Cola

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
I don't have ideas for that game...but here's a game that's become a tradition at a family reunion we have every 2 years. (It's my dad's mom's family)

NEway - It's a gift exchange. At some point it became a white elephant exchange...but I've noticed there are always a few new things thrown in. Could just be re-gifting though. ;) Everyone who brings a gift, gets to play. So if you don't want to just don't bring anything. Then everyone picks a # from a hat and, in order, each person picks a gift. They do NOT open it yet. They do that thing where you can steal any gift that was picked before. Once they are all picked, they go back to the original numerical order and open them.

It's always the highlight of the reunions and more & more members have started joining in. LOTS of laughter.

And at ours...there is this ugly salt & pepper set that somehow made it into a gift one year. Rumor is they were Grandma's (my Great Grandma). They show up every year. It's like a sub-game of the game to try & figure out which package those things are in!!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
We've had adult scavenger hunts that have been hysterical. Divide them into teams, give everyone a list but put the items in different orders...

some items: light bulb autographed by the home owner, a can of lite beer (unopened), a stamped plain envelope, one white get the idea

and one hour to find them all. meanwhile you and your cousins can relax and enjoy the quiet
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
Those are great ideas, we do the gift white elephant thing at Christmas and they are a blast! As far as the scavenger hunt, we are all meeting a campground that none of us live close to. Of course its a group campground no where near any living soul, we can be quite noisy! But I like the idea. Thanks ladies...anyone else have anything?
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Cherry Cropper

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
We played Minute to Win it games at our Employee picnic last year. They have a page of ideas for games. We had 5 or 6 games set up - and everyone had a score card. If they completed the task they got a point. If not, they didn't. There ended up only being a couple of people that earned all the points. Their names were put in a drawing for a prize. We just had all of the different games going simultaneously and people visited each station. Doing it this way, you need someone to run each game.

It provided a lot of great photo opportunities. It was really fun to see the president of the company shaking his booty trying to get ping pong balls out of a tissue box strapped to his waist. :-)
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Cherry Bing

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
At our last family reunion (we done one every 5 years at my house)-- about 80 people attend- we had a pinata for the little ones, and a water balloon & egg toss for anyone that wanted to do it. Other than that, eat, drink, visit-- that's what adults want to do. I have a huge yard, we had volleyball set up and there's a basketball court so people could do things. The best thing I've done at the last 2 reunions was hire professional karaoke. I wait til we've had about 3 or 4 hours together, then the karaoke finishes the day off - 2 hours of it- it's a blast! Everyone does it, all different types of music and some very funny dancing. Well worth the price.
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Cherry Bing

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
this is something a customer told me they did at their reunions for the kids....they lay down a tarp and cover if with either hay or saw dust (i can't remember which) and then they toss coins in the hay...well i guess you would throw them down first then cover the top ..and then let the kids dig thru to find the money.

At DH family re-union we ( well myself and my DH's cousins wife ---outlaws that we are ;) ;)) decided we were going to change things up instead of door prizes for the adults and kids, i bought a bunch of the wooden christmas ornaments (his family dinner is in November) and a bunch of markers at back to school time and then left the kids color them . Her and I were both tired of them taking for ever to draw names for the door prizes and the kids got bored. Plus it was a nice thing to keep the kids inside while their parents were finishing up their meal. Lately i've quit going so that i don't end up in charge again (i'm irritated with various members of his family..and avoiding them is best.)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
We have bingo at my family reunion. In the beginning, the hosts brought dollar-store-type gifts. Then everyone was asked to bring a gift from $1-$5.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
handerful wrote:We played Minute to Win it games at our Employee picnic last year. They have a page of ideas for games. We had 5 or 6 games set up - and everyone had a score card. If they completed the task they got a point. If not, they didn't. There ended up only being a couple of people that earned all the points. Their names were put in a drawing for a prize. We just had all of the different games going simultaneously and people visited each station. Doing it this way, you need someone to run each game.

It provided a lot of great photo opportunities. It was really fun to see the president of the company shaking his booty trying to get ping pong balls out of a tissue box strapped to his waist. :-)

This sounds perfect. A bunch of different stations, might be doable. Thanks!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I need to pick your cherry brains
cort wrote:this is something a customer told me they did at their reunions for the kids....they lay down a tarp and cover if with either hay or saw dust (i can't remember which) and then they toss coins in the hay...well i guess you would throw them down first then cover the top ..and then let the kids dig thru to find the money.


I have done this before when I was a kid at my Dad's company picnics. It was so much fun. Everyone that is going to be at our reunion is mostly adults. All of my cousins kids and mine are grown. There are grandbabies starting to come but they are still babies. So the ages are 70 down to 18 with some babies. We all set up tents and RVs and camp for 2 days.
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