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Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:02 am
by Northern Brat
Good Morning! What are you up today and what's your weather like? I saw snow coming down as I was pouring my coffee...thank goodness, it didn't stay!! I'm not sure what this Sunday has for me, but I have my coffee in hand, and going to jump into the gallery and leave some lovin.. it's been neglected a bit. Have a great day!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:06 am
by croppinmama
Morning. Had a busy day yesterday, so I'm relaxing and going to scrap all day. I also have a cup of coffee and it's yummy :-D

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:15 am
by Monroe1218
Good Morning!!

I'm working again today... but thankful to have a job!

I'm off tomorrow - so that's a plus! I wish that I was @ home working on my scrapbooking room - getting it organized!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:40 am
by meteechtap
Its gonna be really warm here today, in the 90s. We are meeting my DD at Oklahoma's Cowboy Hall of Fame today for thier annual
Hoedown. Activities for the kids, Chuckwagon Lunch and various other displays. Gonna be nice! Hope all cherries have wonderful weekend!!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:53 am
by Northern Brat
meteechtap wrote:Its gonna be really warm here today, in the 90s. We are meeting my DD at Oklahoma's Cowboy Hall of Fame today for thier annual
Hoedown. Activities for the kids, Chuckwagon Lunch and various other displays. Gonna be nice! Hope all cherries have wonderful weekend!!
That sounds like such a great time! Have fun!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:10 am
by mgehrke
Well the weather is gloomy here so I am afraid to get anything out to play outside with my plants. So I think I will go upstairs and.....let's see......oh yeah scrap :inlove:

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:24 am
by aceason
Looks like a marine layer to start the day, then some sun, then some rain. Typical spring day for the Northwest. I'm off to church then hope to catch up on some pages and organize my scrappy space a bit!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:53 am
by CherryTat
Good afternoon ladies!! At least it is afternoon here. It's a cloudy but really warm day here so I will spend some time on my patio later. I did one layout so far today and may get another one done. Going to drop down and see my Dad and give him the rest of his b-day gift. Other than that I will be hanging with hubby today :)

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:03 pm
by jessinmich
its not raing here far. I am thinking about planting some of my plants i started inside this winter, and not sure after that. I did get my scrapbox opened up yesterday, and organized my scrap maybe today I can actually scrap. Everyone have a great day!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:25 pm
by dshepard
DH is working most of the day, so it's just me and DD at home. I really need to get some housework and laundry done today, but we'll see how that goes :winkb: Also need to sneak in some time to get a couple more pages done for challenges/contests for May...really need some mojo to get creative. Looking forward to DH being off from his main job this week...have lots of projects to do around the house. Hope you all have a great weekend! :-D

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:26 pm
by writerlady
Lots of errands today... then maybe a tiny bit of scrapping. Uploading photos of Workbox later on, along with photos of things I've been working on since my internet has been on and off, off and off and so on for the past week.

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:32 pm
by Charleneanne
A mixed weather bag today. Rain seems to have finally blown on by and up to the mountains, but still cool, cloudy, sunny etc. for the end of May. I have almost no plans today. Maybe a visit to the local craft store to look at yarn while they are having a sale. This cooler than usual weather makes me want to knit and crochet like winter. No kids coming to supper today. One boy is working and the other's wife had surgery Thursday and they are staying in mostly during her recovery time.

Just another dull comfy Sunday. Thinking I may work on a few more of the May challenges.

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:42 pm
by blbabe1234
Good Morning!

I've got a Book Club at 2PM at a friends house. Then come home to help Mom, DH, and SIL w/ our Memorial Day Meal. We are eating it tonight instead of tomorrow since both SIL and my brother have to work.

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:37 pm
by Retiree3
My husband and I ARE CAMPING AND EVERYTHING IS QUIET. The weather is hot-90 and very windy and cloudy. No snow in this forecast.

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:55 pm
by blbabe1234
Oops! Forgot to mention the weather! Its 91, H.I. of 98! But at least its cloudy and windy!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:16 pm
by Ayla
Good morning! The clock may not say it's morning, but it is for me. I worked last night and have to work tonight, so I only got up half an hour ago. So it' but I get time and a half (the holiday for night shift is tonight) and I have a job that lets me have shopping sprees and internet!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:03 pm
by letumom
Hi everyone!

Long time since I've been able to visit here for more than just a few minutes. Yesterday and today I've been scrapping. Today, ScrapEgypt (Cielle) came over - she was working on digi, I was working on cards. Haven't done as many as I would like, but I still have a few more hours left this evening to push out all of the kits I created during the crop I attended on Mother's Day weekend.

Yesterday I actually scrapped using paper! I went to a wedding last weekend, and used the pictures gathered on facebook of her little attendants. So cute!

It's warm here - 90's, no rain, but nice fluffy clouds in a blue sky.

I'll probably continue scrapping again tomorrow, though at some point, I need to check on my work email, but my week starts. :)

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:18 pm
by Kimandasmo
spent a few hours in the pool and had a BBQ at a friends...great day!

Re: Good Morning Cherries!

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:25 pm
by MimaScraps/Lori
It was sunny and hot here today. I scrapped one layout. Most of the day I researched elderly sad.