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I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago **UPDATE**

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:17 am
by AlwaysHappy
Oh ladies, I'm really feeling my age now. Every bone in my body hurts. I was sitting at my desk going through some papers. My scrappy room chair has wheels on it. I've had it for years and never had a problem until tonight. I dropped a piece of paper on the floor and leaned over in the chair to pick it up. Next thing I know the chair slid out from under me. I landed on my tail bone and then my back. My head hit the bookcase behind me and the chair went airborn landing on top of me. I couldn't move at first. I guess I was in shock. Dh ran in to see what happened and helped me up. I still can't believe it happened. I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning to go to work and I have a feeling I will be in a lot worse shape by tomorrow. Dh was so sweet. He made me get on the couch and brought me a couple of asprin and wouldn't let me do anything the rest of the night. Now I'm sitting here at the computer in the "killer" chair. Dh said we are going to get a chair without wheels. LOL

Thank you cherries for all of the love and concern you gave me. I did live through the night, but I almost fell out of the chair again today when I read Susan's post about her family running for the camera when she fell out of her chair. LOL That made me laugh. I did manage to get up and go work this morning and worked until noon. I ache all over and have a small bump on my head I discovered when brushing my hair this morning, but other than that I'm doing fine. It will just take a few days to recover and I'm a couch potato my nature, so this is my opportunity to veg out all weekend. It appears this type of accident isn't as uncommon as I thought. Just be careful cherries because those "killer" chairs are all around us.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:23 am
by bluejeans7
Oh no! I hope you are feeling better tomorrow and not sore.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:23 am
by bluejeans7
Forgot to add........ damn chair!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:27 am
by AlwaysHappy
bluejeans7 wrote:Forgot to add........ damn chair!
LOL you can say that again!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:34 am
by milmomma
Aww I'm sorry Barb. I hope it doesn't suck that bad tomorrow. :/

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:37 am
by pawprints
Oh Barb I am so sorry! I've had my chair tip many times too. I think it has to do with the wheels ending up in just the right (actually wrong) position when you lean forward. I've hit the floor once or twice but omg I never got hurt as badly as you did! Thank goodness for your sweet dh there to take care of you. Maybe you can take tomorrow off, as you may actually hurt more the next day.

Take care of yourself sweetie!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:56 am
by AlwaysHappy
pawprints wrote:Oh Barb I am so sorry! I've had my chair tip many times too. I think it has to do with the wheels ending up in just the right (actually wrong) position when you lean forward. I've hit the floor once or twice but omg I never got hurt as badly as you did! Thank goodness for your sweet dh there to take care of you. Maybe you can take tomorrow off, as you may actually hurt more the next day.

Take care of yourself sweetie!
Yes, it was a doozy of a fall and thank goodness dh heard it all the way from the den. If not, I would have still been laying there now probably. LOL Skipping work tomorrow isn't an option. By boss expects me to be there, so I will just have to drag myself out of bed in the morning. It's days like this that make me wish I was retired. This is the first time I've ever fallen out of a chair. Next time I will stand up and bend over to pick up the paper or just leave it on the floor. LOL

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:59 am
by writerlady
Oh dear... that sounds very painful. Is a hot bath or shower an option? How about a preventive rub with Mineral Ice or Ben Gay? I've also been told that taking preventative ibuprofen can help ease the pains. I hope your day goes well for you.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:03 am
by pawprints
AlwaysHappy wrote:
pawprints wrote:Oh Barb I am so sorry! I've had my chair tip many times too. I think it has to do with the wheels ending up in just the right (actually wrong) position when you lean forward. I've hit the floor once or twice but omg I never got hurt as badly as you did! Thank goodness for your sweet dh there to take care of you. Maybe you can take tomorrow off, as you may actually hurt more the next day.

Take care of yourself sweetie!
Yes, it was a doozy of a fall and thank goodness dh heard it all the way from the den. If not, I would have still been laying there now probably. LOL Skipping work tomorrow isn't an option. By boss expects me to be there, so I will just have to drag myself out of bed in the morning. It's days like this that make me wish I was retired. This is the first time I've ever fallen out of a chair. Next time I will stand up and bend over to pick up the paper or just leave it on the floor. LOL
That's too bad you have to go to work. Well I hope you have a good day and not hurt too much.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:05 am
by AlwaysHappy
writerlady wrote:Oh dear... that sounds very painful. Is a hot bath or shower an option? How about a preventive rub with Mineral Ice or Ben Gay? I've also been told that taking preventative ibuprofen can help ease the pains. I hope your day goes well for you.
Oh yes, I just got out of a hot shower and it felt so good. I took some asprin, but will probably go with ibuprofen tomorrow since it has an antiinflammatory in it.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:14 am
by averys_mom
Ohhhhhh, ouch! That really stinks! I really hope you're not too sore tomorrow!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:20 am
by Ayla
AlwaysHappy wrote:
writerlady wrote:Oh dear... that sounds very painful. Is a hot bath or shower an option? How about a preventive rub with Mineral Ice or Ben Gay? I've also been told that taking preventative ibuprofen can help ease the pains. I hope your day goes well for you.
Oh yes, I just got out of a hot shower and it felt so good. I took some asprin, but will probably go with ibuprofen tomorrow since it has an antiinflammatory in it.
Aspirin is antiinflammatory too, but ibuprofen a little better in that category. I have fallen when the chair slipped, but thankfully not that bad. I hope tomorrow is better than you feared! Sometimes getting up and getting moving even if forced, like going to work, is better as it keeps you moving.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:09 am
by cort awful! I hope you feel better today then you anticipated.

And go get a new chair. I had the same thing happen to me with my old was at my scrap table..dropped something and tipped forward outta of it as well. I didn't get as banged up as you did..but it's enough to give you a jolt. Needless to say i went and got a new still has wheels but it's more substantial then the little thing i had. and no problems thus far with it.

Feel better soon...and take some time to relax after work.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:19 am
by JanetM
Oh take it easy when you get back home tonight- let dh take care of you. Sorry to hear this hapepned.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:48 am
by blbabe1234
Oh no Barb!! Hope you feel better soon! {{{HUGS}}}

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:50 am
by CherryTat
Oh no!!!!! I hope you don't feel too bad today. Take care!!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:00 am
by SusanZennario
Aww Barb I hope you feel better!! Maybe by relaxing today you will ward off the aches tomorrow. At least your DH was there to help. I don't know if you remember but last summer I posted a picture of myself after my chair went out from under me too! I was all tangled up, also hit my head and what did my family do first? Run for the camera!! LOL! So at least you are getting some much deserved sympathy!!! It could be could be in MY house! Then you'd be making a layout about it!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:16 am
by sherry
Hope you are feeling better today!

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:18 am
by JulieM
"Killer chair" LOL.... darn that chair. I hope you are feeling OK today. I would be afraid of putting my back out! Take care.

Re: I had a terrible fall a couple of hours ago

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:41 am
by Grandma Flowers
That's one of my biggest fears. I hope you're okay.