Just lost my job...

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Just lost my job...

Post by dshepard »

I just got a call from my boss and he said that corporate decided they weren't going to use contract workers anymore, so after almost 10 years doing the part time commercial editing (after almost 2 years full time)...I no longer have a job. :(

Things were already going to be tight for us with the bigger mortgage on the new house. Now I'll have to add a huge cable & internet bill to that too (I've had it free for almost 12 years now). I'm just so upset. DH called his 2nd job and asked for more hours and they said they could probably do that...but we already hardly see him. It just makes me feel like I don't contribute enough if I'm not at least getting the cable and internet free (I wasn't making much money, but it really helped not having to pay for it).

So hopefully I can still afford to pay for DD's preschool until the year ends. I need to find something to do from home (would love to scrap for others but have no idea how to start that or actually get enough money coming in from that) since I don't really have a car or childcare to go look for something during the day. *sigh* :?
Danna :)

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by sarahwhithers »

Oh no! Big hugs for you! I hope you can find something quick and that will work for you!
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by cort »

Wow that is a rough day. I am sure that you will find a way to incorporate what you love into a way to make some cash.

It may take some outta the box thinking...but you will figure something out. <<hugs>>

as for the whole cable thing..is there a way to cut back ? when our cable rates were nearing 40-50 bucks a month we dropped down to the very basic plan which is 15 bucks a month. It was tough at first but we managed to find shows we liked on the channels we had.
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by averys_mom »

Big (((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) to you!!!
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by deerewife »

HUGS! Sorry to hear your news. I agree with the others that I bet you can turn what you love into some income. Any chance of doing freelance what you are doing now?

Also there's always Etsy for crafty stuff - you could try to sell there.

I agree about the cable too - anyway to cut the bill? We are lucky that our internet and cable companies aren't tied together so we only have internet.
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by handerful »

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by blbabe1234 »

Oh no! So very sorry to hear this! {{{HUGS}}} :(
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by 4peasinourpod »

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by javalove »

I'm so sorry to hear you lost your position. I hope you find something else soon.

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by nun69 »

big {{{HUGS}}}...we cut out our cable to basic and internet and it is less than $75 a month...a HUGE difference in what we were paying of $145 a month for cable they we hardly watched. Plus everyone has their own computers so if they really want to watch a show they just watch it on teh internet and the 2 little kids watch movies or netflix....it was harder for me to get rid of it than anybody else! I LOVED having DVR, so that was hard to get rid of, but I have found, that I don't watch much TV anymore, so I guess that is a good thing! what about looking into doing home daycare? I don't know where you live, but here people pay good money for licensed home daycare providers...I pay $475 every 2 weeks for a 3 and 5 y/o, but that is through the military base, out in town it is $100-$300 more than that! It is really good money if you have the patience to do it, me NOT SO MUCH...luckily starting in the fall one goes to Kindergarden and I will really only be home with the youngest and I hope to put him in preschool part time..

also check out Etsy and look what people sell and see if that is something you could do as well...there are LOTS of crafty things on there that people sell that you could probably make :) so go check it out and see if that's somethign else you could possibly do :)

good luck!
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by MimaScraps/Lori »

saying a prayer for you right now!! hugs to you, too
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by CherryTat »

On no, SO sorry to hear. Hope something comes up soon. There are some good suggestions on here that you could look into.
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by PezKat »

SO sorry!!! Between me & DH we've been through that 3 times in the past 4 years. But we have trusted God to provide & He has! I know you don't have a car for interviews, but when I was looking I did everything online anyway - a lot of companies don't even let you apply in person! Join the good/paying survey sites, that's a few bucks & sometimes free products. Check out Craigslist - I had one focus group that paid $100 for something like 9-1 on a Saturday - just don't give out personal info unless they give actual details of a position. I didn't cut my hair for 2 years, literally; we don't have cable & only use prepaid cell phones (less than $100/year).
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by meteechtap »

Oh gosh Danna, so sorry to hear this! I understand about having a job for many (13) years and suddenly its gone. I have been off for two yrs, however I do have the Dance Classes to help with bills. Can you work with children? Perhaps at your daughter's Day Care? Sometimes if your an employee your child is at a reduced cost or Free. Also I have seen lots of people advertise cratfy services on Craigs List. I have been thinking of trying this to make some profit off something I love to do. Keep your spirts high, something will work out. You can always talk to me or any of the cherries for Super Support!
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by writerlady »

I'm so sorry to hear this (((hugs))). Please think about selling things on Etsy or Ebay. If I remember correctly, there are online sites for "work from home", and it sounds like you have very marketable skills. I have added you and your family to my prayers.
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by Sus79 »

Big hugs to you

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by LyndaKay »

Hugs to you! So sorry to hear this.

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by croppinmama »

So sorry to hear, my thoughts are with you. Maybe you can check with the local cable company for a job. You may find something in your field and get free cable and internet. It's worth a look.
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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by ChrissyTina »

Sorry to hear about that. Hope everything works out for you.

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Re: Just lost my job...

Post by happayscrappay »

hugs to you and hope something comes up for you soon!
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