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Cherry Jubilee

I should have known something like this would happen
So, a couple of weeks ago I was at a club and a person left that I knew was intoxicated. He ALWAYS drives home and has a stupid attitude about it...

A couple of months ago the same guy was leaving the same establishment and I was sitting there with some friends and we were like .... is he really driving ???? So, one of my friends and I ran out and spent a good 30 minutes trying to convince this guy (he's elderly ... about 78) not to drive and that we would drive him home, and his car, so he'd have it there tomorrow. My husband also had joined us all outside. My friend that was out there was a law enforcement person. So, finally we convinced him to let my DH drive him in his car home and then someone else that was not drinking followed and picked up my DH.

Well, the other night I'd just had enough ... he's got all these excuses... I've been doing this for years, and I know my way home, I've never had an accident, blah, blah, blah. So, I called the cops on him. I had to give my name, so it's in the police report, so he knows it was me.

In the two weeks since, many people have approached me to thank me .... but a few think I'm a terrible person. Including the bartender at said club. She has been telling EVERYONE what a terrible person I am and basically bad mouthing me. I am so annoyed with it. I stand by my decision and think what I did was right, but I just wish everyone would drop it. I don't want the praise or pissy attitude.

Okay... done venting now.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
I'm sorry some people are giving you a hard time. It sure beats living with the feeling that you did nothing if he would have caused an accident, though. ((hugs))!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
I know it must be difficult---but you could always ask them how they would feel if he had driven and KILLED someone from their families. If nothing else--it might shut them up! Seriously, shouldn't that bartender be in trouble for continuing to serve someone that is visibly intoxicated> She should be thanking you for helping to prevent her getting in trouble as well...
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Cherry Bing

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
think of it this way, maybe some mother doesnt have to bury their child because an idiot lives in denial about his drinking. one less senseless murder....
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Cherry Cola

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
You did the right thing. You may have saved his life or the life of some innocent victim. You shouldn't be concerned with what others think. Throughout your whole life, there will be people on both sides of the fence, some approving and others disagreeing. You can't please all of the people all of the time. What matters is that you made a decision that was in the best interest of all.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
It sucks that it just can't be an annomous tip - would encourage more people to report this.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
Hands down you did the right thing. I am going through something similar (but different) some think I did the right thing, others (the ones that mean the most to me) think I am a be it I did what I thought was right. Like I wrote to my daughter as she approached college;

"I believe most often we know if something is good or bad but we do not always listen to our gut. I am asking you to listen to yours."

You did and you should be may have saved a life.

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Cherry Cola

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
I agree, he needs not to be behind the wheel while intoxicated! What kind of Bartender is she, if she condones a 78 drunken male behind a wheel or a car???? It only takes once for him to hit a person, or child and kills them. You did the right thing!
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Cherry Bing

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
Oh wow. Ya, I can see how you wouldn't want the attention drawn to you either way. Just think of the lives you may have saved. It's worth all the ramifications.
Spellbinders DT

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Cherry Cola

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
you did the right thing. No question about it!
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Cherry Delight

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
good for you. You have the courage of your convictions. perhaps someone should tell that bartender that if he had killed someone, she would have been liable too.
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Cherry Addict

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
First of all, you did the right thing! You may have saved a life or lives by doing what you did! Second, that bartender is selfish [url=mailto:b#@!%]b#@!%[/url] becaue she is only thinking of herself and the lost tips! For that reason, you and all your friends should be finding a new restaurant because you should not be going somehere where the staff is full of backstabbing gossips! Does her boss know how she is treating customers? Third, NO, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE YOUR NAME IN A POLICE REPORT - of that nature. You can state that you wish to remain anonymous in a situation like that (unless you are actually a witness to a crime or accident) -- ((((hugs)))) and CONGRATS, THANK YOU for doing the right thing!:-D :-D :-D
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Cherry Berry

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! I'm sorry to hear that you are being bad mouthed by some, but YOU know you did the RIGHT thing - you have to know that!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
I am sorry people are being nasty to you because of a fantastic decision that you made. I can guarantee that those same idiot people would not feel the same way if they had one of their friends or family hit by this gentleman. I commend you for doing what is right and possibly saving the life of another. Way to go!!!!!
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Cherry Bark

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
Geez, how are YOU a BAD person for helping an intoxicated man find another way home before he harms him and/or someone else? I'd be thanking you!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Wild Cherry

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
I will reiterate what everyone else is saying.

you did the RIGHT thing.

I say that to my kids ALL THE TIME.

RIGHT is not necessarily POPULAR. can sleep tonight that there is a chance you saved a life.

You can sleep tonight because others now are empowered by your actions, and will hopefully do the same thing next time.

When I was in high school, I was supposed to go on a "date" and declined at the last minute because the couple we were going with...he was a drinker. They went out without me, and were in an accident. The boy that had invited me DIED. I have had guilt issues for years. Although I enjoy wine and drinking, I know my limits if I am getting behind the wheel. Others don't. We need to be advocates and take away keys. We need to CARE. Finger pointing and hushed conversations don't change anything. Actions do. You did the RIGHT thing, and your head should be held high for that.
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Digital Designers

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
scrapaholic wrote:It sucks that it just can't be an annomous tip - would encourage more people to report this.

There should be a law for this! A new law, that people are allowed to do this. I understand why not... people getting mad at their ex for being with someone else at the bar and wanting to just get them in trouble and making false allegations.... but what about when it really matters? Wouldn't society weigh the risks of such law and decide that a few false allegations are worth the trouble if the cops can stop drunk drivers when there are REAL allegations and reports?
It should be law that annonymous calls can be made about potential drunk drivers to protect the community. Then people won't be scared to call because their name won't be on any report. SHOULD BE LAW!
Jeanelle Paige
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Cherry Cola

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
I think you did the right thing, just think if he would have hurt himself or someone else or worse Killed someone for driving home drunk. It's a big problem and I feel like you did the right thing. You didn't even call on him the first time you gave him plenty of time and chances to get it together. no excuses!
I understand not wanting the attention good or bad. ((hugs))
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Cherry Bing

Re: I should have known something like this would happen

I would go to that bartender and ask her if she has children...if the response is yes..then I would show her the stats of people that are killed by drunk drivers every year. And ask her how she thinks those innocent victims families feel about loosing someone in a completely unecissary event.

I am sorry but at his age i would be betting that his reflex's are not what they used to be...and add the alcohol to the mix, they aren't going to get any better.

I am assuming that you enjoy going to this place...but if the harrassment continues I would probably leave....or ask those that support you to make a point to say so.

I'm betting he tipped well and she's probably PO'd about not getting a tip....
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I should have known something like this would happen
scraptag wrote:you did the right thing. No question about it!
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