I'm wondering....(job)

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I'm wondering....(job)

Post by scraptag »

So, I have been a sahm since 2001. My kids are older and I would like to get a part time job that actually pays something. I have been trying to get accounting training, cause I know that is something I can do, I just don't have the certs or work experience, and everyone wants someone who is "experienced". Everytime I try to take classes, something happens (like they cancel the class, or I get half way through and they cancel the second half) so stupid. Anyways, in my former career I was a Customs Broker for importing. I have a license that I have kept up with U.S. Customs, and everything. The problem is...I just got an email for a job opening near me in the import department doing a job similar to what my previous career was. And I have always wanted to work for the Importer instead of the broker. But it's a full time job, which is why I have been looking into accounting, because there are always part time jobs in that field. I really feel like I should apply, because it's the perfect job for me, but I feel like I'm not ready to just jump back into the job market full time. It was such an adjustment to stay home full time, and I really like not having to deal with all the stress, but....it's the perfect job. What would you do? Would you apply and see where it leads. I mean, they probably want someone with recent experience anyways, right? Or would you not even try, and just stick to the plan?
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

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I would be inclined to take the full time job. It sounds like it's something you will thoroughly enjoy. It will be an adjustment for your family, for sure, but you will all adapt.
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by amberella »

I would say try for it... the worst that could happen is that they offer you the job, and you need to decide what to do... If you and your family feel that a part-time position really would be best (and who knows, maybe you'll decide you DO want to go back full time), you can always turn it down, but ask that they keep you in mind if there are any part-time positions opening. Plus, the interview would be some "experience" to get back into the hang of interviewing again - in case you want to apply for other jobs!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by anazelia »

Well I would at least apply and then make a decision when you have to. It can't hurt to apply and then you either get it or you don't. But you can't turn down a job that you never even got AND it will help get your feet re-wet after not having to apply for jobs for almost a decade.
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by TraciL »

I would go for it and see what happens. If you got it and didn't care for it you can always quit.

Good Luck -
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by Kimandasmo »

I would be inclined to go ahead and apply...if ( when) you get the job you can always just keep it in your head that you are trying it out.... especially if money is not an issue. If it gets to be too much you can always leave and go back to plan A.....

I work full time and always have. There was a time when I could have been a sahm..I tried it and it did not work for me...so you may just have to see what works best for you and your family.
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by baltoscrapper »

I feel it's always better to go in, and hear them out and see what they say. Who knows, maybe they are flexible with their hours? Good luck in either case, but I say go in for that interview!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

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"perfect jobs" don't come around every day!! Sounds like maybe this is the reason the accounting thing hasn't been working out. I would go for it!! You can always change your mind later if the hours just aren't manageable. GOOD LUCK!! :)
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by Ayla »

I would encourage you to apply. YOu may find something absolutely wonderful about the job that makes it the obvious right thing to do. Or you might find something totally horrible about the job that reinforces a desire to work part time. Either way, you gain thru the whole application and interview process. It's tough putting yourself back "out there" and a little extra practice couldn't hurt!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by PezKat »

I would at least look more into it and ask if they would consider letting you work part-time if you get everything done, or working some from home if possible...? I can't really work full-time so I certainly understand where you're coming from. OTOH, there actually aren't a lot of part-time jobs in this economy, it's bizarre - most places have eliminated those people/positions. The main ones you will find will be places replacing a full-time person w/a part-time person, in which case you may be overworked and underpaid, lol! Good luck, I did the job search last year and don't envy you!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by SarahA »

amberella wrote:I would say try for it... the worst that could happen is that they offer you the job, and you need to decide what to do... If you and your family feel that a part-time position really would be best (and who knows, maybe you'll decide you DO want to go back full time), you can always turn it down, but ask that they keep you in mind if there are any part-time positions opening. Plus, the interview would be some "experience" to get back into the hang of interviewing again - in case you want to apply for other jobs!
Exactly what she said!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by msseptmbr »

Are the kids and DH on board? I would go for it !
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by shayla_rose »

I agree with everyone else, I would at least try and see what happens you never know :)
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by kguercio »

I would definitely try! You might be able to work something out that it could be part time or a flex schedule and if not you could always turn them down. Also if you are not totally stressed and worked up that you 'have' to get the job then you might also get some recent interview experience out of it. Good luck!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by AlwaysHappy »

I would apply for it and even if it's full time, a lot of places offer flex time. They do where I work. It won't hurt you to apply. If it turns out that full time doesn't work for you, then you can always move onto something else and you will have a "recent" work experience under your belt. They may even be willing to let you work from home on certain days. A lot of employer's are willing to work with you if it means keeping a really good employee.
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by 2boysma »

Perhaps you could apply and interview for this position AND inquire as to whether another applicant would like to JOB SHARE it with you.
Or, maybe you have a friend who would like to JOB SHARE it with you. I'll bet there are others who would love to work part time who may have the skills and training to do this.
Good luck and keep us posted!

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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by kennabeans »

I would definately apply for the job. If your family is for it and everything falls into place, then it was meant to be. You can still take classes and go into accounting in the future. Good luck withyour decision!
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Re: I'm wondering....(job)

Post by JeanG »

Make sure the kids are for it and then go for it if they are! While I didn't have a choice with my kids, I know it was always nice, even as a senior in hs, to know Mom was home when I got there.
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