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Is it rude to just jump in when your new?

Poll ended at Wed May 26, 2010 10:55 am

Total votes: 63
Yes (1) 2%
NO (52) 83%
Doesn't matter to me (10) 16%
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Cherry Cola

so it may be too late but I am wondering...
did you guys all post an introduction thread? The new one had me thinking... I just filled out the new cherry ??'s and said "hello i am new" when I asked a question.. then just jumped in posting lol.. I was just wondering if you guys find it rude when someone just jumps in and starts chatting? Also adding a poll in case someone is shy about the wy they want to answer.. I am super curious what you guys think.. even if it's too late for me lol!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
BLess your heart, Shayla, for being concerned! I've been on the board less than a year and have found this to be a very easy going, fun-loving, supportive group of women of all ages who are very welcoming of new posters! Jumping into a thread and posting your view is how we all get to know each other a little. Be sassy...be sweet, we love it all! You're very thoughtful to ask and popping into a thread as a newbie is fine with me!

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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Thank you, I just like everyone here and I have so much fun here I didn't want people thinking I was rude.. I know it's way too late 2-3 months later lol, but I was still curious what the general felling was. I feel so comfortable here, but I don't want to walk into someones house and put my feet up on the table because Im comfortable. (not that I would ever do that, even at my own house lol) Anyways Thanks for answering and thanks to everyone who has voted :)
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Just jump on in as far as I am concerned. An introduction does help us to get to know you better but so does posting to those posts that interest you and even some that don't. It is a warm friendly easy going kind of place. I think that is one of the things that makes us all love it so!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Jump in feet first and get to know everyone- glad to have you on here.
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
It's not like we can see you standing outside the circle. So jump on in!
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
I don't think it's rude at all! I've been here a long time, but I don't think I ever posted an introduction thread. I may have to go back and do that now if your vote changes :winkb:
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Cherry Addict

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Jump right in!!!!! I do love reading the intro threads and the questionairre, but by no means are they required!!!!!! :inlove:
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Cherry Addict

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
SHOOT, JUMP ON IN! whoops, excuse them darn caps locks! how are we ever to hear from you or about you if you don't? it's not like we can see you :winkb: :-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
lol thanks ladies, seriously I was getting paranoid. I really like it here too, glad to be a part of this site!
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Laura Fiore wrote:I don't think it's rude at all! I've been here a long time, but I don't think I ever posted an introduction thread. I may have to go back and do that now if your vote changes :winkb:
lol :D
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
I've been involved in many different online communities, all with their own feel and rules. Personally I make sure I read the FAQ and a few threads to try to get the feel for the place before posting, but that can be done in a day (usually; one board I'm on requires you to have read the last 15 pages on a particular thread before posting there, because it's a huge board & they want to avoid having people ask & answer the same things over & over again, which makes sense!). I will echo the others in saying that this is the most laid back board I've ever been privileged to belong to! :) Good to have you join us.
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
I think it is the only way to do it. Jump right in. How else are you going to get to know the board and its members?
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Cherry Bing

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Jumping in is the way to go!! And Kudos to you for figuring out how to do a poll right away!!:-D :-D :-D
Rita S

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
I think I just jumped right in with no introduction. About 6 months later I thought maybe I should have introduced myself but by then it was to late. :-D :-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
scrapy1967 wrote:I think I just jumped right in with no introduction. About 6 months later I thought maybe I should have introduced myself but by then it was to late. :-D :-D
lol yeah it didn't really hit me till today and then I was like "well it's too late" then my mind started going crazy, like oh no I hope they don't think Im rude, everyone here seems really nice and laid back that is why I like it here but I just had to make sure I wasn't coming off as rude. I really worry about these things, I have delt with a lot of rude people and don't want to be one of them!
Being online I am not as formal as I would be irl, I will just start a message without even saying Hello if we were already talking the day before, but irl everyday you say hello even if it was the same convo just a different day lol.
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
RitaS wrote:Jumping in is the way to go!! And Kudos to you for figuring out how to do a poll right away!!:-D :-D :-D
I won't lie I was shocked it came out and I also thought I messed up when I didn't see my post but it just showed under the poll. :D but thanks for kudos :D
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
When I joined this group I jumped right in and everyone made me feel welcomed. This is a great group.
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Jump on in! I think that's the best way to get aquainted and it seems to me we all encourage newbies to jump on in. If I hadn't been encouraged, I'd probably still be hiding in the woodwork.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Cola

Re: so it may be too late but I am wondering...
Absolutely not rude. I just jumped in and started posting. Heck, I don't think I even introuduced myself. LOL
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