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Cherry Bing

Do I walk to work tomorrow?
The first big snow storm of the year is on the radar - somehow I seriously doubt we will get all they predict. (probably end up with 2-3" - ooh would that make our son mad - he is counting on a snow day!)

I put a call list together for my boss - they are being encouraged to take advantage of a snow day and contact folks they haven't been able to reach for a while. In other words...sounds like the bosses are planning to stay home.

I live 1/2 mi from work. I would not attempt our steep driveway if it were nasty -but could walk to work -takes me about 20 min in tennis shoes walking briskly, probably take me 30 on poor roads and boots. I have supplies here to work on one of the baby albums I need to do yet. The office will be dead if I come in - do I come in, get some work done and craft a little - getting paid to man those phones, or stay at home - enjoy family time without pay. Seriously would prefer the latter, but I think because I live so close my boss would expect me to come in. It wouldn't be bad for a 1/2 day and a late start...

Anyone else with a snowstorm in your forecast? DHs company already sent out info on closing tomorrow. He gets to stay home with the kids.
Rita S

Life is about second chances. There would be no hope if God didn't give us another.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Well, we have about 6 inches and it's still coming down pretty good....they called off school last night before it even started falling. It's supposed to start blowing tonight so I don't see us having school tomorrow.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Delight

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Do you have sidewalks? I would just worry about the drivers who won't be able to keep their cars on the road if the weather is bad. Be careful, whatever you decide. I'd probably stay home. :bluelol:
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
My work is about 30 steps out my door. I would love to have a had jobs when I was younger where I could walk to work. Even when we were living on a prison farm my husband drove the half mile to work because of the problems with what a guard in a tower perceives. He was also able to get off and go pick up the kids from school if sick easier then I could because my work could be up to five miles by horse back on the prison farm I worked on to my car. The prison farm I worked on was 13 miles by road from the prison farm I lived on. If I was bird it would be five miles.

I suppose I would lobby my company for a change in overall dress code anyway to allow me to walk to work on any day which was acceptable to weather conditions because of the savings on energy.

But like another post it is all about safety.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Wait and see what it's like. If your snowplows have been by a few times and it doesn't seem bad, wear something bright and noticeable to drivers and go on in. If it gets worse during the day, go home early. If it looks really bad (we're supposed to have blowing and up to a foot of snow here), do NOT go in. That's too dangerous to walk in. The Keweenaw Peninsula had 2 feet of snow over the weekend and they're forecast to have another 3 feet in this oncoming storm. I am soooooo glad I don't live there!! :-D
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
We have snow and really cold temps here. If you do walk to work stay warm and safe!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
If I could finish up my Christmas things w/out the pay, I would stay home. But if the $ would be missed, then I would try to go even if it was a little later in the day.

But, I would not risk my life for it, like someone said if a car skids out.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
In my area, I'd walk.

Snowplows are out at all hours as are salters and sanders. Our sidewalk plows are out around 7am so sidewalks are clear too.

If I lived in an area where the roads were not maintained as well during the winter, I'd think twice.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
It is snowing here now.


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Wild Cherry

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
lol....lots of schools closed here, too. Cracks me up.
I would go to work, but that is just me.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
I would walk to work. I always feel good after I've completed a task that was crappy.

This city girl walks everywhere, though, so I'm biased.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Heck, I'm tempted to go walk somewhere! I have a dh who is suddenly in the mood to clean - which means he is telling me what needs to be cleaned - and two girls that are at each other all day! No school again tomorrow.

Wonder if I'll freeze before I get to the closest neighbor that isn't a relative??
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
I wouldn't mind a 1/2 with pay and not many people in the office to bug me but like others have said, its about the safety of walking and the crazies on the road driving in that weather.
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Just wanted to give a different perspective to the hole snowday idea:

Living in Norway, I have never had a snowday in my life. Last winter we had 40" of snow in 8 hours. The people who had taken the boat to work in the moring had to get tractors to dig out their cars. I live on an island, so we don´t usually get that much snow, but it was just crazy! Walking my dog for 10 min resulted in a 2 hour drying session, 4 times a day!! TG I´m not working!!

I was living in the south of Norway a few years back. I always walked to my job, it took me about 30 min on a spring day. But one morning it was no longer spring/summer/autumn, but winter. Every morning my walk to work was covered by 20" of "fresh" snow. No plowing on the sidwalks until later in the day of course! Cars are more importaint. It took me 1,5 hours to get to work. And my feet were wet for 3 months. I kept dry socks and clothes at work so that I could change when I got there! In retrospect, I should have taken the bus :) (The year after I bought myself some great big Timberland winter shoes, and could walk to work without getting wet!!)

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
deerewife wrote:Heck, I'm tempted to go walk somewhere! I have a dh who is suddenly in the mood to clean - which means he is telling me what needs to be cleaned - and two girls that are at each other all day! No school again tomorrow.

Wonder if I'll freeze before I get to the closest neighbor that isn't a relative??
LOL, Jenna! I think you live in the Nebraska version of my part of Michigan. Out in the country where everyone is related to everyone else! In our part though, we are the ones not related to anyone else, so find the Nebraska version of me and I'm sure she'll invite you in for the night! :)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
You have to tell us how it turned out. I was hoping to wake up to snow, but no such luck.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Siri -those boots look awesome!!

I am not walking. The wind out there is horrendous - blowing and drifting snow. I realize I do not have good walking boots. I wanted to order some from Lands end a short while ago, but we were buying a new PC at the time, and now Xmas gifts. I already have a cough so not going to risk getting more sick. Waiting for the plow. Our road is little travelled - used to be a dead end - so we are not a high priority. If they have not come through by 10 I thought I would ask my uncle/neighbor to give me a ride. I am sure he is out plowing peoples driveways with his bobcat right now.

I don't know what we ended up getting - but radio is telling people to stay off the roads. All I know is DHs truck in the driveway is barely visible - looks like a big white rock.:-D
Rita S

Life is about second chances. There would be no hope if God didn't give us another.

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
Well, anyone living in a snowy area, I would recomend those boots! After I got mine, all my friends have bought the same, and they all love them. They even work on the wet horrible slush :-DAnd on thop of that I have not fallen on the ice once ofter I got them, which is a big bonus!

Rita - I hope you´ll have a great crating day tomorrow! Nothing feels as good as crafting on a "bonus" day!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
I'd go in and get paid and do some crafting! I love being in the office by myself and usually get a "comp" day for coming in while they stay home.
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Do I walk to work tomorrow?
I'm definitely looking up those boots, Siri - thanks for the picture of them. I don't know why, but even around here I can't find boots that go high up on my leg. Makes me crazy to keep emptying out my boots which are just over ankle high!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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