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Tiki Bar Mgr

Things that go bump in the night....
Halloween is a just a few wakes ups away. What is the scariest thing that has happened to you? Have you ever seen a ghost? Has anything out of the ordinary happened to you? Have you ever been to a real haunted place? Give us the willies and tell us your scary tale!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Sorry, pretty quite in my world.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Ummm, nothing too overly scary that I know of has happened, but sometimes it does seem like my house is haunted. My cats always like to stare up at the top of the stairs in the exact same place, but nothing is there, it's very weird and I always think that they must be seeing a ghost up there. And stuff happens in our bathroom like stuff falling off shelves and stuff. A lady did die in our house (in the bathtub) so I'd say it's totally possible.

And my sister lives across the street from the oldest house in winnipeg it's in rough shape and all borded up (not occupied at all either). It's said to be haunted. My sister's never seen anything but always gets a creepy feeling when she looks at it. Teenagers always like to break into it on Halloween.

I'd say that's about it. Ntohing too crazy. :-D
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
A lady died in the bathtub of our old house too! She was a drug addict and overdosed in the bathtub. I didn't know until after we moved in. My kids who were toddlers at the time were down for a nap and I heard the sound of glass breaking, really loud like someone had shattered the window in the kids room. I ran in there, ready to call my dh thinking someone was breaking into the house. Nothing..no broken glass. I was telling my neighbor across the street and she told me about the lady dieing in our bathtub. Freaked me out for a long time...
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
My DH was at a client's place of business and a woman that worked there quietly came up to him and said "Your grandfather would like to talk to you". He told her that he had died several years before and she said, "I know, but he's right beside you and would like to talk to you. Do you want to ask him anything?" Of course, it freaked him out and he said "No". (He does not believe in such things) She went on to describe him in detail and my poor hubby had to leave the office and come home. She never mentioned it again on subsequent visits.
I so wished he'd told her to tell him what her "vision" wanted!!

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Wild Cherry

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
the ghost in someones bedroom stole my checkbook ;)
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
lol Pam. And shoved it under the bed!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
WOMAN. Do I have to rehash Saturday for you?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
came home one night and the attic light was on...dh swore it must have been a squirrel or something that hit...but i was not so sure...than that night..there was aloud bang and he woke screaming get the kids...their is someone in the attic...turned out to be one of the kids falling out of bed....but I was home alone all day the next day and jumped out of my skin with every noise.
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and my grandmother was standing at the end of my bed. She didn't speak...just smiled and then she wasn't there. I learned the next morning that she had died the night before. We were very close.

A few month after my mother passed away, we moved to Florida to be near my step dad and my sister. I was grocery shopping in the store my mom use to shop at and, going down an aisle, was a woman with my mother's salt and pepper hair, a flowered shirt like she always wore and pushing the cart with her arms resting on the bar like my mom did. I waited til the woman got to the end of the aisles farthest from me and, as she turned, she looked at me and smiled. It was my mom. I looked all over the store and there was no one in a flowered shirt in the whole place.

Neither of these experiences freaked me out...as a matter of fact, both left me feeling reassured and comforted.

I have another eerier one in a bit!
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JDs Mom

Cherry Bomb

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Never had an encounter, although plenty of friends have recounted their experiences. Only thing, when I was in college one summer, I worked for an archaeologist digging at an old French Fort in southern Illinois, south of St. Louis. One afternoon he sent me to the storage room over the guard's building to get a particular piece of equipment and I couldn't go up the stairs. Don't know what it was, if anything, but the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, so I went and got my brother, who was donkey't. site superintendent at the time, and he went and got it. There were plenty of stories from folks who'd seen and heard stuff there, including one of the volunteer's little boy who liked to talk to the man with the drum that nobody else could see (there was a drummer killed there in the 1700's). Have never had anything like that before or since, but it was like a wall that kept me from stepping foot on those stairs and to this day, I won't go up those stairs alone.

ACOT May 2010 Digi Guest CT

formerly CT for Merkeley Designs, Sus Designs and E-scape and Scrap...

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Hi, I don't have anything specific, but I do swear I see things wisp by me out of the corner of my eye. And there have been a few times I've gotten weird feelings about someone being in our bedroom, but no one is there.

my mom has a lot of stories about things that have happened to her. always freaks me out when she tells them. she also has dreams about things that have happened or end up happening.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
When I was in my 20s I lived alone and where I worked we got points if we called off unexpectedly (u know like if you had no idea you were going to get sick) - anyway, I am always sick so I was on the edge of getting in serious trouble for calling in. We could only call in like 3 x in a 12 month rolling period.

One day I woke up because someone slapped me in the face and eye. It literally felt like someone cracked me right across the face. My eye was watering and I even had a red mark on my face. Well, I had overslept, if I would have been late or called in again I would have been written up. When I felt the smack, I swore I heard my Grandma calling my name.

So I go to work and I'm telling my friends and we were all freaking out because I had the red mark and it looked just like someone had slapped me.

I still to this day can't explain it and I worked there for many years to come so it turned great.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
I sometimes have premonitions or dreams that come true. Unfortunately, none are ever fun or exciting....usually sad. Can't say that i like them at all! Leaves you feeling a bit odd afterwards.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
I have had a lot of weird and creepy nightmares.


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Nothing scarry here and hope it stays that way!! LOL
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
we had one of the baby toys that make noises and one night it started going off making all the sounds. Personally I think it was one of the cats playing with it

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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
The great grandma that I was named after visited me when I was asleep at her house after she had died. I was sick and when I told my mom about it, she thought it was because I had a fever, but I'm sure it was Grandma. She reassured me that everything was going to be ok and it did make me feel better. I wasn't at all surprised that she would come back and see me because we were very close.

I also swear I saw my dog Chelsea at the back door, begging to get in several times after she died.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Ok, I have something that has been going on for 4 years and still is to this day.....my dad comes and visits me A LOT. He died 6/4/05. I think he always thought of me as the "family administrator" taking care of various things, the organizer of the family, ifyou will. Anyway, he started coming to me within weeks of his death. The first time, I was at the beach in our trailer (when we had a pull behind) and I had lost my new prescription sunglasses. I had looked everywhere. I don't lose things. My dad had a "way" about him and a way of looking at you, like an eye roll and sideways stink eye combined, when you where missing "the obvious". So, I've looked everywhere for said lost sunglasses and I'm in the bathroom on the pot. I feel a tap on my shoulder and felt my dad's sideways-stink eye-eye-roll combo and than he pointed between the sink and bathtub. There is a 1" gap there. Of course, there are my glasses! NO idea how they got there to begin with, but he helped me find them.
That was the first time, but he comes to me often. Now, he comes to me sometimes when I ask him to and sometimes just when he feels like it. I can smell him (he had a very distinct smell, not stinky smell, just a personal smell). That's how I know he's there. He still helps me figure things out, he had always done that when he was alive, he was always my sounding board. He still is. He also shows up at some family functions, but the only ones who can feel and smell him is me and my mom. She says he also shows up at her place sometimes (it used to be his condo). Weird, but comforting at the same time.

And Jules, YOUR story gave me the complete chills!!!!!!!!!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Things that go bump in the night....
Wow!!!! I have the chills too!!! I absolutely believe in ghosts...although I haven't actually seen any. My grandma sends me signs all the time, and it does make me feel comforted too...not at all freaked out!
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