What time does the Tiki Bar open?

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What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by craftyfool »

I've had a day for the record books. Everything I've touched has had a problem I've had to research to correct. All 3 gals in the front office have had problems I've had to help with today. And to top it off, the auditors just found an error I made...that I've been making all dang year but no one caught.

I need a large glass of Red. I'm thinking a nice Cabernet. And I'd love some blue corn chips with Artichoke dip on the side.

Who's with me??
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by JeanG »

Count me in! I told DH I'd drive him to Wildcat Canyon today - after 2 hours I still couldn't find it!! How can I lose an entire canyon??? :-D I'll just take a bottle or two...I don't need a glass!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by writerlady »

Oh heck - I'm so sorry you had a crappy day! I'm in!!! How about a strawberry daquiri?
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by scrapaholic »

I'm so ready and hey its five o'clock somewhere.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by Heidi1154 »

I will join in!
Sorry you had a bad day!


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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by SBcrazee »

ugghhh...auditors are the enemy at work. I'll have 2 glasses of Shiraz. One for you & one for me :winkb:
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by catsx2 »

Dh is out of town all weekend at his high school reunion and it is just me and the kiddos. It is going to be a long weekend!

I'll take a Malibu and Orange Juice.
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by MamaK321 »

dude. I finally got the crop schedule done. dd's are at two different schools this year and they both had orientation tonight to get their class schedules. Dd is starting 6th grade and it is middle school... I'm not ready for this!! and dh is leaving for Iraq in 17 days. :( PLUS, no one shared pics of the awesomest drink that I got at our little cherry meet 'n' greet in Florida... so I'll have another one please... a Bahamarita

frozen margarita with Cuervo Gold Tequila and real kiwi, mango and strawberry ices with a shot of Cactus Juice Schnapps on the rim
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by gonecamping »

I have a suggestion for the suggestion box....lets not close the tiki bar..ever..24 hour service please!
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by JulesinParadise »

I think we should just leave the OPEN sign lit for the weekend...anyone mind?

The crop last night was great but I got caught in a time crunch and neglected to open the Tiki Bar...hanging head in shame.

Could have used a couple of glasses of vino last night myself but it was rainy and I was driving my mid life crises car. I found out some disturbing "information" floating around. But, despite that, I made some progress on some notebooks I am altering but spent a lot of time just catching up with some pals, which is always fun...

What is everyone doing today?(SAT?)
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by LyndaKay »

I agree with Tanya...leave it open 24 hours! I woke up this morning needing it open. It's only 8:15 AM, but that Bahamarita would hit the spot. Sure beats Special K and skim milk!!!!

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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by gonecamping »

Well, there is some BIG skateboard competition in about an hour from us and a bunch of "pro" skateboarders will be there and my 16 yr old is begging for me to take him and a couple friends. The darn thing lasts until about 8 tonight so I am wondering what I would do if I drop them off about 2. I can go to the mall but for 6 hours??!! can I get the tiki bar to follow me there?
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by craftyfool »

I'm at my parents on their slow dial-up. I'd take a little Bailey's in my coffee this morning, that's for sure. Yesterday turned out to be worse than Tuesday or whenever I posted this thread. I hate my job.

Tanya - 6 hours is a long time for the mall unless you have some serious shopping to do. How about a movie in there to break it up?
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by Emsdancemom »

I'll take something fruity.....I don't care what!!!!!!!
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by Grandma Flowers »

Just got back from spending three days at Cedar Point with a DD and her family. It was fun but I sure am sore and tired. Maybe a little liquid help will let me sleep tonight to keep my muscles from twitching! I'll take a kahlua and cream.
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Re: What time does the Tiki Bar open?

Post by JulesinParadise »

Sunny Sunday afternoon and nothing sounds better than a pina colada, the company of some fun women and one hot bar boy and some chatter. Let's extending the hours through this evening and have at it...maybe we should have a "vote for your favorite Bar Boy contest soon...anyone? (hubby is calling...be back in a bit).
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