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Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:57 pm
by Sandi770
Ok - when Kayla was in Kindergarten, the first time at public school, one day during the first week I forgot what time the bus came home, I was just busy (scrapbooking!), so I didn't walk up there to get her! She came home, thank goodness, but the bus stop was far down the street back then. It scared me to death!! Now I set an alarm.

Anyone else want to confess the ONE mistake you've made as a parent/grandparent - because we only make the ONE, of course.

(I'll be back later to tell another one).

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:11 pm
by jcsmaestra
When my first son was about 2 mos. old I ran out of the apartment to put the garbage out while he was asleep. The door slammed behind me and locked me out. I ran across the street to a store and begged them to let me call a locksmith. He came in 5 min. and I was so relieved to get inside and see that my precious baby was still asleep. After that I made sure I unlocked the door before putting out the garbage.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:20 pm
by bigsmartass
I did the same thing as Mary, but was checking the mail. Hubby was deployed of course. Luckly he (baby) was alseep upstairs the whole time, I had to go to the neighbors (who I didn't know) and call housing maintence since I lived on base and they have a master key to all the houses. They came right out and let me in. Nice way to meet the neighbors lol.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:23 pm
by Jeanne Marie's Scraps
When we where building our house I had A guy installing ligts and completly forgot to pick dd up from practice, her coach brought her home because the phone wasn't installed in the house yet and we have no cell service here, dd got out of the car and was playing with the dogs when the coach knocked on the front door i opened it and ask what are you doing here, he had to say you forgot to pick up ash before it dawned on me....................bad part is this was only a year or two ago and dd never lets me forget it.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:50 pm
by beachlover
I lost my ds in Macy's when he was 3. Well, actually he ran away. He was strapped into the stroller and I turned my back on him. Quietly he unsnapped himself and started walking around. He was so short that he was lost in between racks of clothes. It was probably less than a minute, but for me it felt like hours. He never did it again because he scared himself when he couldn't find me!

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:13 pm
by letumom
beachlover wrote:I lost my ds in Macy's when he was 3. Well, actually he ran away. He was strapped into the stroller and I turned my back on him. Quietly he unsnapped himself and started walking around. He was so short that he was lost in between racks of clothes. It was probably less than a minute, but for me it felt like hours. He never did it again because he scared himself when he couldn't find me!

My oldest dd did the same thing to me. But she was probably closer to 4, since my other dd would have been in the stroller. She was supposed to be holding on to the stroller, which was right next to me. She just wandered off.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:11 pm
by Renee
The only one I've ever made (haha yeah right! :winkb:) was Alex's first day of preschool...this past March.

It was his first day of school and I was about 20 minutes late picking him up!! I got the pick up time screwed up. I couldn't believe it when I walked in and he was the last one there. I got the horrible parent award that day...I'm sure his teachers were thinking I was the biggest loser. Who screws the pick up time up on your kids first day?! LOL

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:33 pm
by Northern Brat
The legal age for kids to be alone in Canada is 12...well, my dd(7 at the time) was playing with a friend down the street, and my ds( 9) was biking. DH was going over to see a friend where dd was playing....I was going out to a scrapbook store. I told dh to tell the kids were I was, as it was down the street. He saw ds and told him. DD decided to go out and play with her friend elsewhere, so dh told ds to go find his sister and tell her where everyone was. DS FORGOT! DD goes home instead of her friends (not knowing her dad is there) and finds no one home. She goes next door.....our neighbours are RCMP officers!!!! He comes over to knock on the door and leave a note on our door saying dd was at his house. He comes to the door...ds decides he has to pee and comes home!!! He ANSWERS the door and tells the cop he no one is home! Thank goodness I was right behind them, but talk about embarrassment...and the cop knows that I am a social worker and knows the rules about this!!! Yikes.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:00 am
by Emsdancemom
Once when Em was in elementary school I forgot that school was getting out early. In fact I had gone out and ran by the school thinking I would pick her up. Well no one was there. Thankfully when I got home she had only been here for a few seconds...I could see the bus so I knew she had just gotten here. She had run to the back yard and was hiding in her dad's storage building. I felt so bad. We were both in tears.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:45 am
by JulesinParadise
I once lost both my children (tihey were 4 and 7)in J.C. Penney's. It pretty embarrassing when your name is blasted over the store intercom as a LOST MOMMY! BTW: they are now 33 and 37

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:45 am
by anazelia
My oldest daughter bella was born with bilateral clubfeet. We found out at our 20 week ultrasound. So we had a game plan in place when she was born. Her treatment consisted of casting her from toe to hip. So every Friday for her first nine weeks of life (she got her first set at 8 days old) I would drive to Baltimore and see her specialist.

Everything was going great. IT was summer so it was hot and she had these big huge casts, but everything was fine. Then about week 3 or 4 or so she started screaming and crying. Wouldn't stop. The only way to get her to stop was to take her for walks. I couldn't take it I was exhausted and sobbing. My poor baby was in pain. We just thought she got colic. And my husband and I were totally clueless.

So we go to our regular appointment and she is still sobbing. Everyone is looking at me and I am trying too just stroll her along the waiting area. We go into the room and the saw off her casts and like a light was turned off she stopped. Just stopped crying. Just like that.

Turns out she had a blister that had been rubbed and I just didn't put the pieces together. The doctor asked, "was she acting differently at all this week? Normally when we see this they are in pain." And I was like, "oh, yeah she was, I just didn't figure it out."

I felt so embarrassed and like a really really crappy mom.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:45 am
by jmo95
At the beginning of summer elijanna had a splinter on her finger. I got it out and put a bandaid on it. while she was at daycare she was picking her nose and the bandaid got stuck up her nose. She told the day care provider who was positive she threw the bandaid away and didn't think anything of it. When I picked elijanna up that day she told me she had a bandaid up her nose, but the day care provider was positive she had thrown it away so I didn't think anything of it. 3 days later elijanna couldn't stop sneezing and playing with her nose. I looked up her nose just to check and sure enough the bandaid was up there. took 3 adults to hold her down to get it out. I felt so bad because she told me for 3 days that the bandaid was up her nose but I didn't believe her.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:30 am
by baltoscrapper
I have 2, but I'll only embaress myself 1 story at a time.

Mason was 5 and we were down in DE at our trailer for a halloween party. The "thing to do" is to go "golf cart trick or treating". You ride the kids around in your golf cart instead of them walking, covers more mileage. More mileage=more candy for mom..err I mean Mason. So, we're cruising along (now before I get to the next part, remember the max speed on my golf cart is probably 8mph) and we see a lady sitting out from that we had missed, so I spun the golf cart around to get to her and guess who wasn't holding on at all??? Yeah, I dumped him out right on the road, right in front of this lady. :? Fortunately, he wasn't hurt. The lady still glares at me and now it's 4 yrs later! ;)

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:54 am
by jody01
when my DS was 3 me and my DH took him to the zoo my DH I thought was right behind me actually a few feet back ask to hold DS I let go of him turned around in time to see my DS topple to the ground I felt horrible he had a boo boo the first one and it was my fault:(

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:09 am
by Sandi770
You all are so brave to tell these stories - it makes ME feel better anyway, LOL!! :-D

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:28 am
by grifscap
Was during VBS one year, My dd was with my mom. Mom dropped her off in the nursery during VBS. After the day was done I got into my car to go shopping. I forgot dd in the nursery. When I got back form shopping. Dh was home from work with dd and boy was he upset with me. Forgot the child. I am sure to this day what I was thinking about that day.

Re: Your Embarrasing Parent/Grandparent Mistake....

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:10 pm
by Sandi770
I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one....!