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Sweet Cherry Pie

Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
That is my name for it. When I have dry periods from scrapping. I order stuff, look at my albums, tools and supplies but do not take it all out. It happens to me on occasion when I am under stress or depressed. Or when know that some major event is coming up and I'll have a lot of company for a while. Or perhaps, when I feel gulity cause I know that I really should be doing other stuff at home or in the yard. So..... I wind up doing nothing much at all-especially scrapbooking. Thank God it isn't permanent. Watching the photos of the recent crop many of you went on is giving me hope again.
Enjoy for we will never have this day again.
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Yep! Sometimes I sit and scrap and sometimes I just sit! Today is one of the 'just sit' days for me.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Yes......great term...mine is usually guilt driven!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
I have this more often than not.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Yeap I sure do... I have bought and bought stuff... and it just sits... I just haven't had the will power or drive to scrap lately. I just hate when I get that way.

I did manage to get some energy to scrap this weekend and did 3 layouts and a motherday card.. I just hope that I keep this will going!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
I'm actually going through that right now! I believe it's because I did so much during and after the NSD Crop, I'm probably burnt out. Also, I don't like the last layout I have been working on.
[img:dgoiopbi] ... picker.gif[/img:dgoiopbi]


"The skin I'm in is alright with me, it's not old, just older" ` JBJ

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
YES!! I haven't touched my things since NSD. Until yesterday, I did a couple of LOs. Just not motivated. When I look at the mountian of stuff I have, it's overwhelming and I don't know where to start. I don't have a scrap room, since we got full custody of DSD. So everything is in the living room. I have two tables full of paper, tools, albums, etc. It's the first thing you see when you walk in the house. Depressing!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
if I ever scrapped, I guess I could say yes
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
I've been suffering with it for the last couple weeks. I need to get out of this funk!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
when ever i feel unmotivated i look through my Scrapbook mags or i pull out a sketch and work on a layout that way... I also love the 2 books from CTMH... "Create" and "Inspire" and when i am feeling like i cant complete a lo and use those books to get me started it usually helps me find my mojo!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
yep-- just now coming out of a long period of it.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Yep... mine usually hits after I get back from a retreat because I'm just burnt out on scrapping. Sometimes it will take weeks (or months) to really get back into it. Luckily that doesn't happen to often! :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
yes, luckly it is curable, start scrapping asap.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Yeah, I get that way too. More lately than I used to. I'm blaming in on more busy days in my life...not the lack of desire to scrap.

I'm a task driven person. If I don't see a way of finishing the task, I won't even start it. Drives me crazy how little I do some days when I know if I just did 10 minutes here and there, I could eventually get things done!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
I went through a long period of time without scrapping, just was too involved in other hobbies (like horses); now I am back to doing both thanks to ACOT for giving me the inspiration to do so. Also, I am trying to save money right now and scrapping is helping me do that as I have so many supplies that I can scrap forever without buying anything except adhesive (of course, you know I won't as there are just way too many tempting products here, but I can try to fool myself!).
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Cherry Bing

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
I want to scrapbook when I am wide awake. unfortunatly, that is when I am at work. when I get home I'm usually too tired & I just sit too.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Absolutely! I have huge bouts of looking at scrap mags, spending hours and $$$$ "collecting" supplies, looking at scrap websites, organizing supplies, looking at photographs, but not doing anything with anything!

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Cherry Tart

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
im in a paper scrapping drought right now and have been for about a month! I even have new stuff sitting motivation!
"If you cant be good, be colorful!"-Pete Conrad
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
Oh yes but I don't worry about it. I only scrap when I feel like it. No pressure.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Do you, too, ever suffer from scrapnosis?
I've been going through a LONG dry spell. We moved in December so since the time I packed everything up at the end of November until the end of April (when the CKC came to town), I had no mojo. I wanted to scrap, I just couldn't get motivated and had major scrap block. Luckily, I took some classes at CKC and bought some new scrappy toys so I have been getting my mojo back (and it helps to just complete the class projects I wasn't able to finish in my classes). I am 27 weeks pregnant and have been on bedrest for the past 2 1/2 weeks, so I am glad I am getting back into scrapping as it gives me something to do (other than browse online and watch tv). I do feel guilty that I'm unable to help my husband with the chores and the cooking around the house, but I can't let that get to me because it is for our baby's health that I am on bedrest and my husband has been absolutely wonderful about picking up my slack.
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