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Cherry Addict

Did anyone watch Castle?
 I LOVED IT!! Funny and smart and I LOVED James Pattersons cameo!!!
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Cherry Picker

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
Oh no, I was supposed to record that for dh!!!
Leslie Mar 1/10
1) Rebel. Refuse to accept the idea that creativity is work.
2) Play. Think like a child.
3) Zone. Tune out negative vibes.
4) Feel. Open your heart, nurture your imagination.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I loved it!  Have always been a big Nathan Fillion fan and his dialogue is awesome!!  Definitely a keeper, assuming they don't cancel after 2 episodes or however long Drive lasted. :(  But I think this will be more popular & it certainly has a good lead-in audience!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 It was wonderful - may quickly become one of my faves!
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 Didn't watch it because I just don't trust ABC anymore with their scripted shows. I am so mad at them for canceling so many good, well written and well acted shows. I am loving Life on Mars and I just found out that they are canceling it and I am so freaking upset.  :x I love that show. They already cancelled Eli Stone and Dirty Sexy Money, and October Road and Men in Trees never came back. So I don't want to get hooked on any other new ABC show just to have them pull it out from under me. I'll stick with my fav LOST and also Housewives and Brothers & Sisters, but I don't trust them with anything new. They'll probably replace it with another one of their reality shows.  :x

Ok... rant over.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 watching it now.  Seems super cute!  i love the chemistry between the main charachters.
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I didn't get to...maybe I can find it on the web later in the week? I was hoping to watch it, but had to work.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I watched it and really enjoyed it. Its a long time since anything has made me laugh out loud...
 I'll definitely be looking for it again.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I watched---and I actually thought it was cute and if they can only keep it up I might actaully have another show to watch...... atleast until baseball starts
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 someone fill me in on the last ten minutes...i fell asleep!!!!

[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps
May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89] ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89] ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89][/img:22hb4o89]
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Cherry Bing

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 did not see it - is it on the net so I can catch it?  we really need some good shows.
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I didn't play real close attention, but I liked it.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I watched the first few minutes of it but couldn't get into it.  Of course it could be that I had a lot on my mind and wasn't feeling well.  Poo on sinuses.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 It was pretty good.  It reminded me of "Bones."
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Cherry Cola

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 Dang it! I really wanted to watch that and then forgot all about it being on last night!  I hope I can watch it on the web later!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 darn it i meant to watch it.  was it good?  i miss october road, too. it was just getting really good then it disappeared.  i hate when they do that!
Susie King
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Cherry Tart

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I did wathc it and loved it.  Can't wait until next show. 
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Wild Cherry

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 It was good, however I refuse to get hooked on another show.

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Cherry Bing

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
 I tivo'd it....I couldn't stay up that late with my pain meds...
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Product Promotions

Re: Did anyone watch Castle?
asset wrote: It was good, however I refuse to get hooked on another show.
I know that feeling.  My list of shows is so long....I have 50 recordings waiting in the DVR that will surely get deleted long before they get watched. 

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