I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

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I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by NancyG67 »

 I am sorry to ask for this for myself as I am sure there are others out their that could use them more then me, but..

A couple of weeks I found out the store I work for has been sold to another chain store.  Rather then everyone keeping their same positions and jobs the new store interviewed everyone.  When I put my name down for my interview time it asked for 'position'.  I thought it ment position we were seeking empolyment for but it ment what our current position was.

Well, I just wanted to keep my job, rather I kept my current position or got a new one, as long as it was full time I would be happy.  BUT, I would love to still have my current position.

They did the interviews and I interviewed with the wrong person.  I should have interviewed with the District Manager as he was the one interviewing for the management positions (that is what I currently have).  I think the person interviewing me should have stopped the interview when he realized what position I was  interviewing for and went and told the DM but he didn't.

Now I have been worried sick, mentally and physically for a week now that I am going to miss out on my opportuinity to keep my job.  We are supposed to know this week sometime.  Please keep me in your thoughts.

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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by n7zuq »

 Sorry to hear this. I hope that everything works out. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by naney1952 »

I'm sorry to hear that....sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Good Luck! 
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by Rici76 »

 I will send you lots of prayers and I am SURE that things will work out the way they are supposed to!
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by Grandma Flowers »

 Keeping you in my thoughts.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by baltoscrapper »

 YOu got it!!
I think I would place a call to the district manager and just say that you wanted to clarify your position and let him/her know that while you do want to keep your management position, you would also consider a non-management position if a management one wasn't available. It may ease your mind and let them know how serious you are about staying with the company.
I hope that it all works out for you.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by kennabeans »

 Hope things go well for you with this. We will be thinking of you.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by bigsmartass »

 Oh no!!  Good luck!!
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by scrapaholic »

 will do, these are scary time, you have a right to be concerned.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by Laura Fiore »

 Best of luck to you...I'll add you to my prayer list.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by jiffy »

 Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers too.     If there has been some miscommuncation between you and the interviewing team; I don't think you should be penalized but deserve to explain and clarify your intentions to maintain your job position.      Take care.    Best of luck.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by JeanG »

 You have my prayers.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by BeatrizS »

Definetly call the DM.. i will be thinking of you!!!
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by terri04 »

 I will keep you in my prayers & wish you lots of luck
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by JulesinParadise »

 Nancy, prayers and good thoughts going out.  Can you call anyone and talk about the problem in the new company?  Hope this all works out and I can see why you are concerned.  Hoping for the best!  Please keep us up to date on this!
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by SBcrazee »

baltoscrapper wrote: YOu got it!!
I think I would place a call to the district manager and just say that you wanted to clarify your position and let him/her know that while you do want to keep your management position, you would also consider a non-management position if a management one wasn't available. It may ease your mind and let them know how serious you are about staying with the company.
I hope that it all works out for you.
Yup, what Cec said. Good luck to you!
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by RandiOh »

 i'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best. i echo what others have said - do give a phone call to the DM and let him/her know how much you love your job... they may be confused and it will certainly help if you are proactive. all the best!!!!
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by scraptag »

 Oh Nancy,  good luck!
There has got to be somebody you can call to get this straightened out.  Remember:
1) Squeaky wheel gets the oil
2)Nobody is going to watch out for you better then you can.  If you don't do it, chances are, no body else will, or can. 

I'm sure once they hear what happened they will make sure you are down for the right position.  But it should be done before they make up their minds.
Good luck!!! I hope everything works out.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by taj »

 there is nothing wrong with your prayer request. you have taken the right step by asking for prayer and I know the lord will make sure you and your family are ok. I will be sure to ask the lord to guide your path.
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Re: I really could use some prayer and good thoughts right now

Post by Wheeliegirl »

 Best of luck to you! I will keep you in my prayers.
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