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Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:37 am
by Kimandasmo
 Do you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news of the attacks on our country?

My dh says he doesnt remember and I find that very very odd. I know I was in the car on the way to look at a house we were thinking about buying-- we even put a bid in on it later that evening, and I am so glad we didnt get that house. Everytime I drive past it I get a chill, it is weird.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:39 am
by naney1952
Yes I remember very clearly.....I had just gotten to my Weight Watcher meeting and sat down and another member came running in with her radio screaming that the towers had been hit! 

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:40 am
by zanettac
 I had just gotten back from a friends wedding in NY early(1am) on the 11th....I was already at work when one of my co-workers called to tell us the first plane had hit...we were in absolute disbelief!

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:54 am
by Emsdancemom
 I was watching the Today Show and stayed in front of the TV in disbelief for the rest of the day except for when I went to school to pick up Em.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:57 am
by nene
 I was sitting at the dining room table with my mom, working on our household budget.

I was supposed to be going to Garden Ridge to shop w/a friend. She called me from her job and told me she couldn't make it. I got mad that she was cancelling(again)(Sorry Kris). She told me what had happened and to go turn on the TV.
No, I will never forget that day or the immediate days after.  

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:03 am
by snowangels
 I was driving my daughters to school, when I heard it on the radio.  There was still some confusion about what was actually happening and I debated whether to drop my girls off or take them home.  I ended up dropping them off and then went home and called my dh at work.  He had no idea what was going on.

In the months before 9/11 my dh had taken numerous business trips to Boston and DC (this was when we still lived in Colorado) and was scheduled to go to NYC the following week.  The office he was going to was right next to the towers.  Obviously the trip was cancelled.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:05 am
by VikingMOM
Very clear .... I was sitting in my car at the bank ... The radio announcer had just stated "America is under attack."  I was in total shock! 

I was going through some of my kids old school papers the other day and came across the essays they wrote on the days that followed the 9/11 attack ... to go back and read those stories ... my heart still breaks for all those families!

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:06 am
by 4peasinourpod
 I was home with Kendall and Kiley...Evan had just gotten to school.  I was heartbroken.  It was also the day I realized that I could not protect my children from everything.  I wanted to go pick him up and hug was only his second week of kindergarten.

My heart still hurts.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:30 am
by Smiley-Scrap8
 I was opening my photo lab in a Costco in Va.  I couldn't figure out where all the other employees were and found them in the breakroom watching TV. I remember at first thinking it was some sort of movie, it to me a while to believe it was really happening. No one came to the store to shop either, we just all listened to the radio all day.
My parents both worked in DC near the Pentagon and because they both worked for the government they were on lock down in the basements of their buildings. I didn't hear that they were ok for almost 12 hours.
A few days later we processed a roll of film that had photos of the towers smoking with a flage waving in front. To this day it's the best photo I've seen from that day.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:39 am
by 1luckymama
 I was just opening up the pharmacy and  there was an eerie feeling about the morning, no phone calls no customers- very very odd! Then my partner comes running in the store yelling turn on the tv we are under attack. He was a joker so I started to chuckle, then I seen the look on his face- total terror. We ran to get the tv in time to see the second plane hit! I fell to the floor. I will never forget the feeling I had at that moment, total shock, fear
devistation, disgust, heartache and anger all in an instant.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:40 am
by fong33
My heart aches as I read this thread.

I found out about it when my DH called me at work asking me where our DS was.  We lived 4 blocks from ground zero.  My mom had picked up my son that morning and either heads to her home or takes a walk with him (sometimed to the WTC).  I called my uncle and sent him out on a search and fortunately he found them at the local park.

MY DH worked across the street from the WTC and went home but had to evacuate.  I remember being on the phone telling him what to take from the apt. whe he shouted "I need to get out of here" and then he hung up on me.  When I finally heard back from him 20 minutes later, it winds up that he saw all the people running up the street as the one of the towers fell.  In the end we were displaced from our ome for 3 months.

As you can imagine, my memories and stories of 9/11 are vivid and long.  We lost a couple of classmates that day but thank god that it was just a couple.  9/11 always makes my heart heavy, I remember when towers were built and when  they fell. :(

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:51 am
by LuvUMore
 I was talking to my (ex) husband on the phone. He had just flown to Washington State and had called to tell me what was going on. We were watching together when the second plane hit. I remember crying wondering if he would make it  back to Georgia. Too I wondered if he would be deployed as a result. (We're Navy)
I did home daycare at the time and all day long I was planted in front of the television in sheer disbelief. I recall being afraid to do anything, wondering if we would be a target since I live in a military town on the east coast.
That night I recall going outside and noticing how quiet and lonely it looked without any airplanes up there.
Over the next few days and weeks I recall not only fear, but enourmous american pride as I saw all the american flags EVERYWHERE!
Later I heard my uncle, who works close to ground zero, was one of the many who walked out of the city. (he lives in NJ)

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:55 am
by Queen Mum
 I was in my office and had the radio on.    No one in my office had radios going.   I told my coworker in the next office.  We let the others know.

I called my kids.   My daughter lived in Seattle at the time.   Since it was only 630 am there my call woke her up.   

I called my aunt in NJ.   I'd forgotten she was taking the day off to drive in to NYC to be with my aunt from Brooklyn who was scheduled for surgery that day!   I told her coworkers who didn't know.

I reached my aunt as she was on the approach to the Lincoln Tunnel.  Traffic was backed up to a standstill.   She'd had a tape on so she didn't know what was going on - just thinking it was a typical back up due to an accident in the tunnel.  

She got out of her car and I was on the phone with her when the towers came down.  

My other aunt's train had been stopped on the way from Brooklyn and turned back somehow.  

My uncle (from NJ) was stuck in NYC until Thursday.   (The day of the attack was Tuesday)  My cousin, who worked in the city, was able to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to get home to Brooklyn late that night.  

A dear friend of mine who had been widowed about the same time I was was working in NYC.   His oldest (of three) had just started college but the other two were home.   He sent me a packet of stuff to keep up here so that if the city was attacked again his kids could contact me to get the papers that they would need: Insurance, will, etc.   I don't think  that he was the only parent making these type of arrangements.

My mother's cousin's grandson was killed in the first tower.   A student loan borrower I was working with on his delinquent loan had just gotten a job with Morgan Stanley in late July.   HE'd been so excited because now he'd be able to make his loan payments.    When I got his death certificate (months and months later because he had to be declared dead) I broke down again.

I remember sitting in front of the tv that evening, tears streaming down my cheeks.   Bud said, "It will be ok."   I told him, "Nothing will ever be ok again."   

That December we went to PA to visit my son and went to Gettysburg.   As we were driving up toward the main monument I heard the song, "Where were you when the world stopped turning?"  (Alan Jackson?)   I was thinking of all those who have given their lives for our country and just bawled.

I've been teary eyed all morning and it's still early.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:00 am
by asset
 Had just dropped ds off at preschool & was home folding clothes in the living room with baby dd on the floor with her toys. Dh was sleeping (works nights) & didn't believe me when I told him. But then I couldn't really believe it either.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:20 am
by corriekate
 Home sick in bed.  My DH worked nights and came home and planted himself in front of the TV, curious I got up and he told me what happened...I thought he was kidding.  A terrible tragedy!!!  We are military as well so of course I wondered what that meant for our future.

Big Hugs to anyone remembering a loved one today!

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:21 am
by beachlover
 yes, running around setting up 5 computers, 5 printers and a scanner at work

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:28 am
by koala1966
That's something I can never forget.  I was at work, and my phone rang - it was my mom.  She told me "A small plane just hit the World Trade Center" - they had the news on at her work so she heard about it when it was first reported, before the second plane hit and when they didn't know yet that it was a jet.  I didn't believe her at first, it seemed ridiculous, and we were on the phone when the second plane hit.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:31 am
by Jenn Kellams
I remember VERY vividly.  I remember how I felt, what I was thinking, and all I wanted was my mom who lived 8 hours away.

I was getting ready for work.  My best friend called and told me to turn on the tv.  We sat on the phone together and listend to it all on the news as it happened.  We saw the towers go down together and watch in horror together.  I worked for a cell phone company and my boss for the first time ever let us put a television in the lobby.  We had no customers that day.   I still have the newspapers from the day and the next.  The day of, the newspaper did a special addition and printed a second paper.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:41 am
by bluejeans7
 Yes I remember where I was.  I was in my car with my mom and Marissa.  We were taking Marissa to Garden City for her dentist appointment when we heard the news on the radio.

Re: Question of the day 9/11

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:51 am
by JeanG
 I know I was working from home that day. I don't remember where dh was or why I turned on TV, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I was watching as the plane hit the 2nd tower.  It was just total disbelief on my part. I called my parents - they and my sis already knew, but hadn't called me.  Mom didn't realize the 2nd tower had also been hit; I finally convinced her to REALLY look.  I saw the towers fall on TV and saw the people running away.   A huge jet coming from Germany landed at the airport as they told all aircraft to land immediately - they stayed in local motels and with local people until the jet could take off again days later. I spent the day praying the President wouldn't immediately declare war on someone before we knew who did it.