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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I think I'm going to go to SF this afternoon for the Olympic Torch Relay...not really going for the protest...but I've heard there will be plenty of that going on. To be honest, I hope the protesters get it all out of their systems before the Olympics start...I think it's a shame for them to take away from all of the hard work of the athletes. I'm all for human rights...just don't agree with this forum for the protest.

DD is a student at SF State...she is going with a friend or two...she mentioned something about needing me for bail money Image ...should I be worried?
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Cherry Delight

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
lol depends on how politically inclined she is. And I agree this is not the time nor place for the protesters. The olympics are supposed to be free of politics.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I think Id be staying away....walking into a crowd of angry people doesnt sound like a good ideaImage
Image 39 layouts in 2008 Image
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Cherry Addict

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I'm sorry, but I think this definitely IS the time and place for a protest. Throughout history, if you look at whatever is being protested, those that agreed with whatever policy, institution, etc, that was being protested would never say there is a good time or place. I'm ashamed that the US has such strong ties to China in light of their atrocious stance on human rights and wish that we were boycotting the Olympics there.
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I want China to loose their "most favorite nation" (or whatever it is offically called) trading status. A dog I bred was killed by the pet food tainted with Chinese rice. It is totally wrong that even with the sky high price of fuel it is cheaper to import rice from the other side of the world than to buy US grown rice!! Our men and women should not be dying in the middle east so that we can get cheap poisoned food from abroad instead of home grown! The most disgusting thing is that the Chinese feed the same crap to their own people. They just have such little value for a human life!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I'll stay out of this one!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
We went to see the torch a few years ago when it came through the center of our town-- it was really neat.
I hate that people worked so hard to get to this point --and it is being protested for reasons that actually have nothing to do with the sports themselves-- a friends daughter was going to be going with a high scholl band to play-- and now she may not be able to go for safety reasons-- that is a once in a lifetime. I understand there are reasons-- but it stinks!!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this right now.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I feel the same way Moody does and am ashamed of Canada's stance on the issue as well.
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Cherry Cola

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
Laura, I think it would be awesome to see the torch! Go, but stay safe and let us know how it went!
Jan - trying to find my way

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Cherry Garcia

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
Just be careful Laura!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I have mixed feelings - I really hate to see the athletes in the middle of politics, but the truth is, when the world's nations come together there is going to be politics. I think it is right to protest now against what is being done in China.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
The olympics are supposed to be free of politics. How many of us stop and do not buy items from China.
I am not in favor of the US being so will to be friends with China. the company my dh works for first was sending items to Mexico to be made.
Now that Mexico is saying they wish more of the Pie (money) they are now sending many things to China.
But the Olympics is to show each other we can get along. NO Politics.
What would realy hurt them is if we stop buying from them.
I will Now get off my soap box
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Cherry Cola

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
moodyonceamth wrote:I'm sorry, but I think this definitely IS the time and place for a protest. Throughout history, if you look at whatever is being protested, those that agreed with whatever policy, institution, etc, that was being protested would never say there is a good time or place. I'm ashamed that the US has such strong ties to China in light of their atrocious stance on human rights and wish that we were boycotting the Olympics there.

I completely and totally agree with you 100%!

The Olympics, for one thing, have always been embroiled in politics. The US has even boycotted them for political reasons in the past and they should again this year. We cannot pretend to be fighting a war against terrorism in one part of the world and turn a blind eye to one of the most egregious governments in the world.

My son is a Jr. Olympian training with the Seniors to hopefully go to London. There are many US Olympians who feel the same way as the protestors but they not allowed to speak out publicly by the US Olympic committee. They fear for their own safety first of all and they are sickened by the Chinese government. While they do not want to lose their opportunity to compete at this level, they also realize that there are bigger things in the world than a medal and for some these Olympic medals have been tarnished by past behavior, scandals and judging irregularities.

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Cherry Cropper

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I am siding with grifscrap!!!! The protest sounds like a rally against the athletes. If you want to protest China, quit buying their crap and don't go there. Don't yell at people who have worked and been blessed with talents who share them with the entire world. THOSE people should be applauded!

I saw the torch when it went through Boise. I watched from a room above the street ( my work place ). It was cool! ( back when winter Olympics were in Utah )
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
Okay, I can't stay out of it... It's my second home.

My biggest concern about the Olympics does delve into one particular area of human rights. Initially, the Chinese did not want to allow the Olympians coming to Beijing to be allowed to adhere to their personal religions as they wish. Their biggest concern was the influx of Christians into the country, who might bring Bibles, go out and proselytize, etc. Now, the latter is not allowed, but I do believe they have made a few concessions which allow people to worship, but only in the Olympic village, not with Chinese.

I'm a little sad that I'm not going. I really wanted to, and possibly could have gone as an escort with the Bermuda team this year as a translator, but with the move and all...

As far as the "Most Favored Nation", it really means nothing on this side of the Pacific. All it is is a face thing for China. Everything's face there. Also, it hurts to hear that you think that they have no concern or value for human life. I know it's a generalized statement, but considering their history and, well, how do you put it, Chinese ways, basically, corruption has long been a part of the way of life there. If you put up enough cash, you can get anything done over there when it comes to business. Corruption is just so bad that that is why you have companies putting out dangerous products. It's kind of funny - my students used to always complain about how capitalistic the US was, when, really when you think about it, it's the same way in China. For so long they've had nothing, and now they have a chance to have something. Money certainly pays... However, the ordinary Chinese is really not that way...
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I don't believe in the protest. The olympics is about the athletes and should bring the world together.
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
For all of those saying to quit buying things from China, go take a look at your scrappy stash and check where everything is made.

I guess more people will be coming over to the dark side of digi!
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Cherry Picker

Re: I Might Go to my first Protest today!
I agree with Moody on this issue, I recently said the samething to a friend of mine.
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