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Cherry Cola

You will never guess...
... what i did. (corrie and lisa hush).  I love music LOVE it.  Listen when ever I am working on things and on trips etc.  So ready????         I dropped my beloved IPOD in my koi pond while getting leaves out of it.  It is from 04 so its an older one but its all I have.  I am so sad.  I fished with the net for 15 minutes trying to find it and still didn't.  I could just
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Cherry Cola

You will never guess...
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Cherry Jubilee

You will never guess...
Oh, noooooooo................I'm so sorry.   Although, are you sure no Koi were hurt in the process?
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Cherry Cola

You will never guess...
No i'm really not sure cause I didn't see it fall just heard it and felt it leave my pocket
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

You will never guess...
Oh man, that would be devastating!   Guess you know what you'll be getting yourself for Christmas.
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Cherry Garcia

You will never guess...
Oh how painful.
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Cherry Jubilee

You will never guess...
I am so sorry!!!
Image \ ImageImage
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A Cherry on Top

You will never guess...
Oh no!!!!! (((((HUGS)))))
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A Cherry on Top

You will never guess...
That TOTALLY sucks! Hope the koi are enjoying the tunes though....
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Cherry Picker

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Oh no!  Well, could you share a picture of the koi though? Would love to see them.
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Cherry Jubilee

You will never guess...
that SUCKS!!!!
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Cherry Blossom

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That is awful!  Maybe Santa will bring you a new one, if you're good?  (I'm sure there are great sales this time of year)
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Wild Cherry

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If you can get it out, all you need to do is let it dry and it should work.
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Cherry Bing

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Take it into an Apple store, and they will give you 10% off the price off the price of a new ipod.  I just traded in my dh's 3-year old ipod last week.Deb
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Cherry Cola

You will never guess...
So sorry to hear that.
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Cherry Cola

You will never guess...
Oh no!!!  Well, maybe you are destined to get a new IPod.
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Cherry Picker

You will never guess...
Oh, no, that SUCKS!!  I'm so sorry!
Risa from Georgia
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Cherry Garcia

You will never guess...
You just want Mom to buy you a new one! She got you the rolling thing...so now you want a new Ipod... I am on to you!

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Cherry Cola

You will never guess...
Oh man that stinks. Im sorry, but christmas is coming maybe Santa can bring you a new one??
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