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4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:00 am
by Beth-W
I just saw an ad on TV that Kohl's is opening at 4am on Friday.  Is it me or is this pushing it?  I feel so bad for the employees that are required to be there that early.So how many of you will be out shopping Friday morning?  What is the most insane thing you have done to get a Christmas present?Dh just to manage a Wal-Mart back in the day and he has told me stories of people physically fighting over these early specials.  They had to call the cops many times for it. 

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:02 am
by dianagirly
I will be relaxing in my hotel suite!

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:07 am
by Janshotgun
I saw the same ad for Kohl's and could not believe it.  That is just crazy - what are they going to offer to get people out that early????  The most outrageous thing that I ever did on the day after Thanksgiving was around 1980 when the Cabbage Patch craze first started, I lined up around Toys R Us to get one.  There was a mad dash through the store when they opened the doors and boxes were flying all over.  But I did get one!!!

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:09 am
by emarie803
I'm gonna be out Friday morning. I need a new TV and a DVD player, so I'm gonna brace the crowds of pushy people to get a good deal on them. My christmas present to myself

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:10 am
by Renee
I do go out on Black's kind of tradition. I have never done anything crazy but last year I saw 2 women going at it because one woman took a chair out of the other woman's cart!! They were really screaming. It was one of those chairs that kids use for video games.

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:36 am
by tscrappin
I saw that same ad for Kohls and couldn't believe it!! 

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:53 am
by butterfly843
I will be out shopping, have for as long as I can remember. The outlets by us open at midnight so after thanksgiving dinner we usually start at the outlets while one of the guys waits on line at best buy. Then we head to all the other stores so I like the earlier opening times, but I feel bad for the employees.

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:21 am
by Northern Brat
Wow...that's serious shopping!  Is it like that on Boxing Day?

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:15 am
by -Shannon-
No thank you! I've only shopped once on that day and hated every moment of it. No way Jose!!

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:36 am
by SharonMN
4 AM is nothing around here.  The malls in the Twin Cities have staggered opening hours starting at 1 am on Black Friday.  Last year, one of the outlet malls opened at 12:01. They were SWAMPED.  Some stores only had 1 or 2 people working because they didn't realize how RABID people are.  Me?  I don't shop on Black Friday.  I'm gonna stay home and scrapbook. 

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:18 am
by MamaK321
Whoo!! I'm gonna be out there in the wee hours, lol, I just love the thrill of the hunt

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:40 am
by 4peasinourpod
I am toying with the ideas...we have a Kohl's about 10 minutes away (at least at 4 am I can get there in 10 minutes...)...depends on what they have. We leave that day for my parents, so I can sleep on the way.  I seriously thought of going to WalMart and get the cricut for $119, though...I know my friend would buy it for that, and I could keep the extra cartridge

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:09 am
by Flapdoodle
Oh, yeah.I've seen the commercial.And what I have to say is not what some peeps want to hear.I work retail and my store and mall will be opening at 4am also. I think it's really (excuse my launguage here) SHITTY that these big companies don't give a crap about the little people who work their asses off to make THEM money. I mean--really. WHY 4am??? I'm sure the big wigs will still be snug in their beds at that time, not giving a flying crap about the poor schmucks who have to hurry up and get their Thanksgiving dinner over with, to get in bed at a reasonable time to be up and at work by 4am the next morning so other people can friggin shop.It's gotten way out of hand, IMO.And in my defense-----before others give me the "If you don't like retail then get out" retort, I'm only there because I haven't been able to find another job yet that will give me the benefits that I have at my present job. Believe me, I've looked. I almost "escaped" two different times, only to find out that these other jobs couldn't come close in the benefits packages.

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:17 am
by Wyknotwyme
Not me, There is no way I would get up that early to shop! 

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:34 am
by meri-lyn
4P's, I've been toying with it too.  Our LSS is having a major sale (50% off everything, and a free QK alphabet with $100 purchase) at 8am, so this may be a good way to get some stuff squeezed in before hand.  I'll have to see if the doorbusters are worth it though. I hear you, Flapdoodle, I've done the retail thing, and I know all about the holiday rush.   I had to drive in a rush from my mother's house in So. Fla. back to Tampa to work the day after at Beall's, and did it in less than 3 hours.  It was a female!!  I will say this, though, from a marketing standpoint (my degree), they wouldn't do it, if the customers didn't come.  I guarantee you there will be lines at 4am, and plenty of people up and at them at that time. 

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:25 am
by -Mo-
My sister and I (and maybe DH) are going to the Outlet Mall at midnight!!  Looking some deals!  LOL 

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:29 am
by Kara
I think it is unfair to the employees too but maybe they are compensated like supermarket employees are on holidays??? I will shop that day probably but not that early

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:03 am
by sweetpeas_mom
Years ago, before I had kids, I did go out early, but I think the earliest the stores opened was 6am. I did go to get some great deals on stuff that I had on my lists for specific people. I've been looking at the Black Friday ads online and I'm not seeing anything that is any great deal, atleast nothing that is on my list. The only toy that I saw that is on my list is the Word Whammer for $10 at Target. It's regular $25. Oh, and a playdoh set that is regularly $10 for $5. It will cost me that much in gas to go up there and back just to pick those two things up.  It doesn't seem to me that there is any BIG "gotta-have-it" toy this year, or any huge deal.  Someone, maybe Walmart, had a bed set on sale for $32, but I'm not going to drive all the way up there just to get a couple things.I'm going to drop the girls off at my friends house this afternoon and I'm going to hit Toys R Us, Target, Tractor Supply, and maybe Dollar Tree & Party City. We'll see how much time I have. My "theory" is that the stores will be getting their stocking shipments yesterday and today, and will be trying to get stuff on the shelves for this weekend. There won't be too many people out shopping because they will all wait until Friday, so today and tomorrow will be the best days to go shopping! Sounds good in theory, right? yeah, we'll see how this all pans out! LOL I do have my list all typed up and my TRU coupons in my purse, so I'm ready to go!

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:05 am
by Keling
I saw something similar for Macy's... INSANE!

4am? Seriously?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:36 am
by Queen Mum
Wow...that's serious shopping!  Is it like that on Boxing Day?

You'd think BOXING DAY if you saw people coming to blows over the stuff in the stores.     

Seriously, there is nothing I need that bad that I'm going to get up in the middle of the night to shop for.