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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm very thankful that my biopsy came back 'normal' (must be the only part of me that is !)
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm very thankful that my biopsy came back 'normal' (must be the only part of me that is !)
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Garcia

Who is thankful today?
WOW! Where do I begin? I am thank ful to God for giving me my precious child. I am thankful for a wonderful family. I am thankful in that I am a Christian and have a wonderful church.  I am thankful for my two shelties who are of much company and comfort to me.I am very thankful that God has stood beside me as I deal with my many health crisis. I could go on. But one thing for sure, I am very thankful to God also for all of you!
Life is like a piano..what you get out of it depends on how you play it!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Who is thankful today?
I know I already said I was thankful for you all, but I needed to say it again - You helped me out today more than you will know!
Well-behaved women rarely make history.
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I feel overwhelmed + and blessed to be a "new" member of this group.  I really feel God drew me here for a reason.I am so thankful for my faith in Jesus Christ which has been my life-line during many difficult  times.I'm thankful for all of my friends, old + "new".I'm blessed w/a wonderful hubby who survived Non- Hodgekins Lymphoma 5 years ago. For my beautiful grandkids and the fact that my oldest daughter who has been married for 9 years and was never going to have children, is now "due" on Christmas day (Amen), her name will be "Genesis" (means in the beginning..)I also am thankful for living in a free country were I can publicly worship + i pray it will stay that way!! 
Light the Way
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I am so very thankful for my hubby Allen (26 years next month!).  He is the very best, a dear, sweet, kind, understanding, loving man and my best friend and lifemate/soulmate!  Allen is always there for me and takes such good care of me!  He never gets very upset with me and never complains about things (like dinner not being ready, or how much I spend on scrapbook stuff etc.) and he puts up with me!!!  I am also thankful for our son who is a loving, handsome young man who is working so hard at his job (and looks so much like his dad) and who wants to find his soulmate and have a family and be married for life!I am thankful for all my rat babies who make me smile every day and have gotten me through some rough times in my life!I am thankful for my job, my home, enough to eat and all the priveleges I have living in America.I am thankful for the parents I had/have, even though I didn't have my dad with me nearly long enough!  Thankfully, my mom is still living.I am so thankful for all my longtime, close friends.I am thankful for all the friends I have made here on the MB, the ladies I have gotten to meet from the MB as I feel I have made some lifetime friends! 
Take care of you,

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
Saying prayers of thanks that the hurricane did not do more damage than it did  I'm also grateful that we can all be so loving and caring for all of the people here on the board.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
i'm thankful that I met bev years ago when she babysat for my sister's kids and that we re-connected several years ago and that brought me to the MB.i'm thankful that i god to see my goddaughter and her new little sister last night and hug and kiss them both and they are both healthy.i'm thankful that my 20 year old son came with us to MN instead of staying home, he's a good kid and I'm thankful i chose to have him all those years ago.i'm thankful for Ian and Max, that they are healthy and safe and warm and always have a smile for me.i'm thankful bc things could be so much worse and they aren't.nell
~Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and
taste good with ketchup.
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
Sunshine that warms up our bodies when it's chilly.Rain that helps things grow and gives us water to drink.Big puffy white clouds.Beautiful flowers.Breezes. 
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Cherry Crush

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my nice soft bed and warm covers, and for the ability to sleep soundly.I am thankful for the beautiful weather we have been having here.I am thankful for hot tea on chilly mornings.I am thankful for weekends which will preserve my sanity when I go back to school next week!
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Cherry Delight

Who is thankful today?
OMG---Where to begin.I am thankful that God loves me and my family and friends and looks out for us.I am thankful for all of you(I can not get thru a day w/out ya'll).I am thankful that Avery is happy and healthy AND active.I am thankful for my mom---who always supports my decisions. I am thankful that after last nite, God has chosen to let the sun shine here today.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
Wow!  What a great idea.  It's so easy to take things for granted sometimes.....I am thankful for:A husband who, tho he can be an insensitive clod at times, doesn't abuse me or the kids, doesn't drink or do drugs,  brings his paycheck home.Two great kidsA job that helps pay the bills and affords some of the small luxeries like eating out, taking small vacations,  and buying scrappy stuff I don't really needtwo wonderful grandparents who helped to raise me and took me in at a time when they should have been able to finally be alone.A mom to whom I have grown closer as I have grown upNice weather most of the timeliving 10 minutes from the beachthe friends I have met here Amy
If you dare condemn my life, it will come after you with a sharpened rake. Steven Jesse Bernstein
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for the gorgeous day it is here today in alabama. it feels like fall. there is even a breeze in the air. we are setting record lows for alabama this time of year.i am thankful for the good night sleep i had last night.i am thankful that my family is close knit, and that we enjoy each others companyi am thankful my friend kim made it back from here trip to the beach. she had a really bad experience deep sea fishing.i am thankful for running into old friends in a store or somewhere and taking the time to stand and talk to them for a while, and catch up.i am thankful for laughter. it makes the world a better place  
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Cherry Jubilee

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful that we have heard from several Stick Gals who made it through Charley. I am thankful that I rarely get the effects of natural disasters where I live.I am thankful that I can hear my child laugh and see him smile.
Well-behaved women rarely make history.
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Cherry Garcia

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful today for my husband who thinks of me!  THe friends I have !And the fact that my parents went AWAY for the weekend!
*SMILE* Its just life.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Who is thankful today?
Lots of good Thankful Fors...but am I the only one that is thankful for...School starting last week!!!!   (maybe now I can finish the 12 pages I have half completed, get my Christmas quilts started, paint the hallway, have 2 minutes alone in the bathroom, and have the tv on something besides Disney and Cartoon Network.) 
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Who is thankful today?
Lots of good Thankful Fors...but am I the only one that is thankful for...School starting last week!!!!   (maybe now I can finish the 12 pages I have half completed, get my Christmas quilts started, paint the hallway, have 2 minutes alone in the bathroom, and have the tv on something besides Disney and Cartoon Network.) 
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful to be blessed with the ability to be thankful!   Believe it or not, there are many people who, no matter what good comes their way, find fault with it.We have so much to be grateful for in this country.   Things may not be perfect, but no one ever promised us PERFECTION.    
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful to be ALIVE. PTL.I am blessed to be here in 2004 to see and experience another birthday. To that I give God all the glory and lift up my hands to him to say Thank You Lord. AMEN!I am thankful for my children and their blessings to bless me with grandchildren.I am thankful for my friends, here on the internet and those  in person. Even thankful for those who was only in my life for a season. Only God knows why they walked across my path and then left. But from that I got wisdom, understanding and knowledge during that time.I am thankful for knowing the Doctor of all doctors who healed yesterday, today and will forever. My dad was released from a 6 day stay in the hospital and I say Thank You Lord.I am thankful for all my trails and tribulation that made me who I am today. I know that through any storm that God will fix it. He is always with me and will never forsake me.Anne.
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Cherry Bomb

Who is thankful today?
I am so thankful for my christian walk as a child of God. I thank God for my healing, deliverance, joy and restoration. I thank him to have back  what the devil stole. And to keep him under my feet.I am thankful for my ministry job to be working in such an inspiring environment.I am thankful for my health and strength to face another day with God.Anne
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