Question of the day 9/11

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Jeanne Marie's Scraps
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by Jeanne Marie's Scraps »

 i had just left my children at school i had been helping ds teacher that morning and heard it on the radio heck i even remember the exact redlight i was at!
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by grifscap »

 I was sleeping late, a friend called to tell me what was going on. She said what a you doin?
I told her. she said get out of bed we are going to church. "Why" she said the world is coming to an end.
I turned the TV on just as the they were showing again the second tower being hit. We spent the next several hours in prayer. I still feel so sad and sick for all the famlies who lost loved ones.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by MamaK321 »

 I was getting ready to do my morning excersize in front of the tv, was putting on my shoes and tuned to the news and that was when they were still trying to figure out jsut what happened. The first plane had hit. I sat there for hours, watching with my 3 y/o dd.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by evilqueen »

 I was a work and a co-worker said the pentagon building just blow up, I did not believe him at first but them my boss's mil called and said what happened.  I also remember running to the local k-mart to buy baby food just in case because Quincie was only 9 months old.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by rnmom247 »

 I was on my way to work and heard it over the radio.  I can still remember seeing the TV broadcasts all that day and the feeling of it just being so unbelievable that it didn't seem real.  I often think now on this day of those that lost their lives that day and their families but for some reason, especially of those on the airplanes and the one that didn't make it to its destination.  Of the heroes that went to help save lifes and lost theirs.  A very sad day to remember and one I don't think anyone will forget.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by averys_mom »

 I was still in bed when my mom called and told me to turn on the TV, that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center.  It was all very confusing at that point.  I think they were still reporting it as though it was some kind of accident.  I remember sitting the whole rest of the day in front of our TV just watching in disbelief.  My dh is now a supervisor with TSA and I am so proud that he is doing his very best to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by LKappy »

We were in the breakroom at work and someone told us to turn on the news because a plane hit one of the towers (thinking it was just a horrible accident)...we were watching when the last 3 planes hit.

I was so scared because we had no idea what was coming next. I went and picked up my DD from school and just sat with her all day and crying in disbelief and heartbreak for the people that lost their lives and loved ones.

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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by Janet »

 Yes I sure do.  I was at school with a classroom of 8th graders.  The teacher down the hall came down to my room and said her son just called her and told her a plane flew into the response was 'On purpose?'  So we turned the tv on just as the 2nd plane hit.  It was a long day....I couldn't really let the kids know how panicked I was.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by emarie803 »

 Me and my now ex-hubby were asleep. My mil woke us up, calling to tell us to turn on the TV. We saw the second plane hit. I know I was in shock that day. I had classes and all we did was sit around and watch the TV or talk about how we were feeling. Then, I had to go to work. That was the first time I was searched coming into the hospital (I work for the VA, so we're federal), and we were on the highest security alert possible. Nothing about that day seems real-it still feels like I was moving in slow-motion all day. This event is one of 2 in my life that I remember exactly what I was doing at that moment.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by davsar »

 I had just arrived at work.  Stacy, my co-worker, was watching the TV and I remember specifically thinking "Why is she watching King Kong?" (I only saw the TV out of the corner of my eye). Then she turned around and said that a plane had just hit the World Trade Center in New York.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by TraciL »

 I was sitting at my desk at work and a co-workers husband called and told her about the 1st tower.  I flipped onto and it was on there just as the next one got hit.  I remember feeling sick to my stomach for many days afer. 
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by TinaH »

My son was eating breakfast before school and the phone rang. My mom said we were being attacked. I turned on the tv and my son and I started watching. The first tower fell and we couldn't believe it. Then my son said the second tower fell and I said "no, they must be replaying the image," but it was true. We sat glued to the tv, watching and crying all day.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by Mom2Bri »

 I was off that day. After seeing what was going on I sat in front of the tv most of the day thinking about those families and mine too.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by cat1393 »

 I was at a house reading a water meter when I heard. Don't want to put the street location down.

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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by butterfly843 »

 I was off from work and was taking a shower getting ready to head to dh's(we were dating at the time). My dad called the house to tell me to turn the tv on. I got dressed quickly and drove out to dh's, I knew if I didn't leave then I wouldn't make it out to him because they were closing highways and he was only 20 minutes from the city. I made it to his house as they closed the highway I was on right after. Cell phone service was terrible and had trouble getting in touch with dh. He got stuck on a bridge for 6hrs, the car in front of him was the last one they let cross. It was so scary driving to his house seeing all the emergency vehicles pass and the smoke in the sky.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by discomposed »

It was really early (BC, Canada) and my mother was trying to wake me up, yelling, "oh my god! You have to come see this! No way! No. Oh my goodness"... I refused to get out of bed. When I did wake up, I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought she was overexaggerating until I finally woke up and turned on the television.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by Janshotgun »

 I was at home listening to a popular radio show when one of the dj's mentioned that a plane had just crashed into a building in New York.   I hurried and turned on the tv and was mesmerized  for the rest of the day.  DH was working nearby for the phone company and came home to watch.  I don't think many people were doing any work that day!!
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by jmo95 »

 I had just moved here and was in the apartment all by myself.  I had woken up early that day and turned the news on.  I had fallen back asleep and woke up to the image  of the second plane crashing into the twin towers.  It was a horrible feeling.  Not to mention I knew a couple of people in NYC that day and had no idea where they were.  I also knew  that I lived within a 100 miles of a nuclear power plant and was terrified I was in danger.  
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by mkcdaisy »

 Yep I was sitting in my first class of the day. We had a tv but no cable so we were trying to get information.
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Re: Question of the day 9/11

Post by baltoscrapper »

 I was watching The Today Show (work at home day) with my 14mo old Mason, and waiting for Ricky Martin to come one.....instead they interupted with the first plane crash....I called my dh, who is a truck driver, and he was in NJ that day, right across the river.  I reached him once and he said he could see the smoke.  I told him to call me when he was heading out of NJ and than we lost contact for 8 hours. I was freaking out thinking he was trapped in the mess, or worse, had gotten in the way of the towers falling.  I sat that day at home, afraid to move, holding Mason and crying.
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