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This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:39 pm
by baltoscrapper
I can't stand the non-costumed teens that come around.  Fortunately (or not) we live on a main road where parents don't LET their kids TOT (due to traffic).  But these kids came around after I got back with Mason. We did have to go to a neighboring neighborhood to TOT (again, traffic) and they didn't mind, since it was right around the corner and everyone knows you don't TOT on Providence Road! (traffic)I only had 1 set of TOT's and they were teens, but at least had costumes.  So they got candy, no the rotten stuff from last year either!

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:24 pm
by evilqueen
When I lived with my parents in the city, we lived a few blocks away from the projects.  Of course, who want to TOT in the projects so they used to come to the nice neighborhoods in van loads.  Every group had a sick cousin at home, and they would collect for them.   My mother said too bad for your cousin and told them good-bye.

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:28 pm
by berries
I've had people come to my door and have an extra bag and tell me that the other person was in the car. Um, then they need to get their happy butt out of the car and make the long journey up my driveway.

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:25 pm
by Janell
The older teenagers who come without costumes on drive me nuts too. We have the no costume, no candy policy at our house too and we give them "Safety first or Buckle up stickers!" I also can't stand the kids who don't say thank you or even Trick or Treat!  Oh and we had SEVERAL little babies who came with "Mom and Dad" clearly not even walking or without teeth....who's eating all that candy?  

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:02 pm
by CamsMomma
ugh there were many things that irritated me this year, being the first year we actually took ds to several halloween functions and TOTing in a neighborhood.anyone not dressed is annoying but ADULTS??? i saw several of these at the mall.  i mean what?? go BUY your self some candy dang it. the "slutty" costumes.  omg!  there was a girl at work who was dressed as a nun, a very innapropriate nun.  her dress was just under her butt cheeks AND had slits on the sides that were laced.  of course she added knee highs and mary janes to this ensamble making even more slutty. and then, even my friends annoyed me. we TOTed in my friends neighborhood cause a) i live in apt with mainly old people, they were not hadning out candy and b) my friends neighborhood has sidewalks and alot of areas around here dont with the way people drive theres no way im walking around with 3 y/os in the dark without them.  so anyway, my friend and i pretty much had the same idea, we were only going to stop at the houses where the people were outside in the driveways, our kids are and between the church festival the mall and this neighborhood they had PLENTY of candy.  we didnt need to knock on everysiingel door.  but there was another family with us who felt that they needed to go to EVERY single house because they wanted the candy for themselves.  i know cause i asked if they actually needed to give their kids all that candy and they said it was for them.  i mean but at least they were all dressed up and they didnt actually have their own bags but STILL.  aslo, the heathen kids who would come and push ds out of the way like he was going to take all the cady out of the bowl for himself so they needed to get in glad we took ds out, really his favorite part was seeing all the other kids in costume.  he would freak out every time he saw another power ranger or action hero or whatever.  and the one things he wanted to eat as soon as it was in his basket?  no not any kind of candy, a bag of chips! lolol he asked for that bag of chips til we got back to my friends house. oh another favorite of his, spider rings.  really he didnt care about any of the candy until today. but i am really really glad he enjoyed himselfok well thanks for letting me wirte a novel to vent lolol

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:13 pm
by scrapchick72
I think the last time I went trick or treating was when I was 14.  I went with my boyfriend and some of our friends at the time but we were dressed up to the hilt.  It was fun but after that I didnt do it anymore.

My Mom had this huge jar of pennies.  So when the older kids whether they were dressed or not, from the Royal Oak township came over, she gave them pennies instead of candy.  She felt like they were too old to be getting candy. LOL.  I agree tho, no costume, no candy.   Good thing my DH passes out the candy, he's more generous than I would be.

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:18 pm
by lisalyn
I had only about 6 or 7 groups of kids.  I only remember ONE group saying Trick or Treat!  What's with that?  They just kinda stand there waiting for the's wierd. Anybody have a TOT'r holding a pillowcase for their loot?  I did! 

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:40 pm
by 4peasinourpod
lol. of my dd's takes a pillowcase.  It is easier for her to run with!

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:30 pm
by PS_Sosa
Yeah, I saw pillow cases, but I thought that was ingenious, because it won't tear, and if they rack up... well... they don't have to worry about their bag not holding it all!!  LOL

This drives me nuts

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:44 pm
by mkcdaisy
Well I see I'm not the only one with peeves lol good to knowI did have most of them say TOT even the older group but it still irrates me.  I bought a bag of the skittles and at 8 I closed the door and turned off the light.  Thats when the olders ones really start here.I don't mind people going to other neighborhoods when they live in the country or not street lights things like that, but we have LOTS that load up by the car load (and i mean load - how many people can you get in an old Civic situation) and do it cause they have the good candy.  Pillow cases don't bother me - kinda makes sense but the walmart pages.  I mean they can be more creative than that.  I do like Halloween but seriously considering doing only family and friends next year and nothing more.