Say hello to my little friend...

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Cherry Jubilee
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

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Yet another reason why I live in Alaska. :l
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

Post by happayscrappay »

heehee, he's cute but I wouldn't want him living with me either!
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

Post by scrapaholic »

How scary.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

Post by 1scrappymom »

My dogs would have gone NUTS if that happened at our house. Of course, I am not so sure I would have been calm enough to take a picture...but he is sorta cute! :) Aren't they supposed to play dead? Silly possum!
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Cherry Bing
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

Post by cort »

well you handled that better then i would have...I would be laying on the floor passed out while that was canoodling with the cat.
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Cherry Bing
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

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Opossumes...You touched on a subject that is both dear to my heart and fear to my heart...

He looks harmless there- sort of...

My uncle who is in hospice now writes short stories about possum named Harold. and his adventures on the STEELE farm in Ky.

then to top it off, Harold the possums backwoods cousins came to visit us last fall.. one commit suicide in front of our house on the street and the other of harold the possums cousins crawled under the house wedged through a small and crawled into a crawlspace thats sealed off by concrete. He died.. for a week we thought we had a dead mouse under the house..week two smell got worse... week 3..we stayed else where and hubby said thats it..tore out the floor and found a 3ft long possum dead... that thing would have took six months for the smell to go away... Horrible.. Glad your lil feller didnt cause too much harm.
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

Post by FairyMouseMom »

Maybe something from any of these:

From the Forest by Tallula Moon Designs

Forest Echoes by Hot Flash Designs

From Dusk Till Dawn by Natural Designs in Scrapbooking
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Re: Say hello to my little friend...

Post by txbelle26 »

ooooo....I like this one!...I'm gonna go add this one to my list!

*There's two kinds of people in this world,
those that can focus and those that HEY LOOK A SQUIRREL!

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