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Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:36 am
by JeanG
DH & I were rooting for it to pass - and our Senator is Bart Stupak who was going to screw it up by voting "no" because of the abortion part. I don't think he'll be re-elected again; most of us feel (from Letters to the Editor) that to dump it because of that was stupid when Obama already said he'd make sure abortions weren't federally covered. So many of us had a problem with "saving" the unborn when millions alive now die because of lack of ANY health care. Obviously, things will end up not working out and being rewritten or dropped; the bill is far from perfect, but I figure, like anything else, it takes time to work out what needs to be added or taken away. I can't wait to hear what the ladies on "The View" have to say today!

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:46 am
by babykaykz1108
JeanG wrote:DH & I were rooting for it to pass - and our Senator is Bart Stupak who was going to screw it up by voting "no" because of the abortion part. I don't think he'll be re-elected again; most of us feel (from Letters to the Editor) that to dump it because of that was stupid when Obama already said he'd make sure abortions weren't federally covered. So many of us had a problem with "saving" the unborn when millions alive now die because of lack of ANY health care. Obviously, things will end up not working out and being rewritten or dropped; the bill is far from perfect, but I figure, like anything else, it takes time to work out what needs to be added or taken away. I can't wait to hear what the ladies on "The View" have to say today!
Oh, Elizabeth is going to be in a mood today! :)

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:54 am
by naney1952
I'd like to know how they plan to fine the poor people for not buy the required insurance when they don't have the money to buy it in the first place! DUH!!!

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:57 am
by handerful
naney1952 wrote:I'd like to know how they plan to fine the poor people for not buy the required insurance when they don't have the money to buy it in the first place! DUH!!!
That will be interesting... If you don't have car insurance, they take away your car.... if you don't have health insurance... do they take away your health?

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:21 am
by babykaykz1108
naney1952 wrote:I'd like to know how they plan to fine the poor people for not buy the required insurance when they don't have the money to buy it in the first place! DUH!!!

Are they fining the individuals or are they talking about fining companies that don't supply their employees with insurance? I'm confused about that part too.

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:21 am
by AmyTeets
That's the part I find interesting as well. Let's up taxes that no one can afford to pay and go ahead and fine you if you can't afford healthcare...huh?

USAToday had an article yesterday about a woman that had medicare. She was being treated for a brain tumor that was in remission for nine years, it actually disappeared. The medication she was on was off label, meaning it was meant to be used to treat something else. Anyways, she moved and medicare re-evaluated her medications and wouldn't approve the drug anymore. The tumor came back and now she has weeks to live. The drug that worked for the last 9 years costs 8000 a month, but they did approve a cancer drug that costs 20000 a month, but hasn't helped.

Anyways, who runs Medicare and Social Security? :waiting:

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:47 am
by gonecamping
Sure there are some good things in the bill, like making sure anyone with a pre-existing condition will be able to get health insurance but why on earth is there a provision that only 1 bank in North Dakota now has the privilege to handle student loans while the federal government took that ability away from every other bank. What does that have to do with health care? Why are people going to be fined for not having health insurance if they can't afford it in the first place. Are employers now going to drop insurance for their employees because the fine that they will incur will be less than what they are paying for coverage now? Yes, there needs to be some sort of reform, I think eveyone agrees on that. But to pass a bill that is going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars is insane. I for one don't believe that the most liberal pro abortion president we have had will stick to his promise to sign an executive order to ban federal funds being used for abortion. That language should have been put into the bill in the first place.

My dad is on medicare, and where he lives, there is not 1 doctor that will take new medicare patients. Not 1!!! If my dad wants to go to a specialist, or even a primary care doctor, he has to drive at least 4 hours or go to the emergency room. Doctors don't want to see medicare patients because the reimbursement is so low. Is this how it will be with this new health care plan? I hope not. I am usually optomistic on things, but I am having a hard time with this one. Time will tell and come November I think alot of congress is going to be voted out. I think all of them on both sides are screwing it up!

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:49 am
by Grandma Flowers
I hope it works out the way it does in my mind.

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:51 am
by grifscap
I pray it works out better than I think it will :graywaiting:

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:01 am
by 4peasinourpod
I need a drink :(

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:06 am
by mkcdaisy
I don't see it being a good thing. And as far as fining people what good is that gonna do. If they can't afford to have the insurance how can they pay a fine. And what then - more people in jail? Oh just what we need.
And as far and forcing companies to do the health care - anyone here own their own business. My family does and if thats the case we might as well just give them the keys to the business and call it a day. WE have over 40 employees and with the price of healthcare and the way the economy is how in the world can anyone make it

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:09 am
by maryplus5
4peasinourpod wrote:I need a drink :(

Me too! And it will be the same people who have worked hard to provide for their families that will end up footing the bill and once again it will have no benifit for them. I suppose the stores will be next to be run by the government...because what about all the people who can't afford the designer clothes and shoes. We can have the gov. take that over and give that away free too to all those people...

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:13 am
by dontscrapwithme
Or not!:?

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:23 am
by kcatt79
so not happy! very bd things ahead

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:29 am
by suslvgeo
marygrimm wrote:
4peasinourpod wrote:I need a drink :(

Me too! And it will be the same people who have worked hard to provide for their families that will end up footing the bill and once again it will have no benifit for them. ...

I sadly agree. I am hoping that we are wrong and that this will be good for our country, but I just don't see how.

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:06 pm
by kcatt79
JeanG wrote:DH & I were rooting for it to pass - and our Senator is Bart Stupak who was going to screw it up by voting "no" because of the abortion part. I don't think he'll be re-elected again; most of us feel (from Letters to the Editor) that to dump it because of that was stupid when Obama already said he'd make sure abortions weren't federally covered. So many of us had a problem with "saving" the unborn when millions alive now die because of lack of ANY health care. Obviously, things will end up not working out and being rewritten or dropped; the bill is far from perfect, but I figure, like anything else, it takes time to work out what needs to be added or taken away. I can't wait to hear what the ladies on "The View" have to say today!

One wrong does not make a right. KILLING the unborn does not make itself better because you are saving the others. THere is never a good reason to kill the unborn.

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:32 pm
by Janshotgun
I have close relatives rooting for this bill because of unemplyment and loss of insurance and at an age where it is very difficult to find a job - especially in Michigan. However, I see nothing but bad things happening. Doctors cannot handle all the people that will need the care, we all will be waiting forever for an appointment, Some retirees will lose their secondary insurance - the care will be more basic - the government will start rationing out what can be done and what can't, and who is going to pay for all of it?????

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:40 pm
by writerlady
Well - I'm certainly in the minority here, but I think it's a step in the right direction. They are closing the Medicare "donut", when my 70 year old mother can't afford her medications and her food, so she gets by without eating much so she doesn't die. People on Medicare are going to get a $250 rebate for the gap within the first few months. I think it's not perfect, but what is? 35 million more people will have insurance? My DH has a heart condition, and tricare is the only insurance we could get. Lucky for us he is retired military. I hope you all don't get po'd at me for stating my opinion here.

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:54 pm
by babykaykz1108
writerlady wrote:Well - I'm certainly in the minority here, but I think it's a step in the right direction. They are closing the Medicare "donut", when my 70 year old mother can't afford her medications and her food, so she gets by without eating much so she doesn't die. People on Medicare are going to get a $250 rebate for the gap within the first few months. I think it's not perfect, but what is? 35 million more people will have insurance? My DH has a heart condition, and tricare is the only insurance we could get. Lucky for us he is retired military. I hope you all don't get po'd at me for stating my opinion here.

I get what you're saying. My boyfriend has a kidney disease. His meds are so expensive. He has decent insurance, but he pays an arm and a leg for it. You're right, it's not perfect, but the overall concept is a good one. (IMO)

I'm not mad at ya! These kind of topics are up for debate. That's why this country is so great, we can all have a different opinion and discuss it freely.

Re: health care

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:03 pm
by Flasher
writerlady wrote:Well - I'm certainly in the minority here, but I think it's a step in the right direction. They are closing the Medicare "donut", when my 70 year old mother can't afford her medications and her food, so she gets by without eating much so she doesn't die. People on Medicare are going to get a $250 rebate for the gap within the first few months. I think it's not perfect, but what is? 35 million more people will have insurance? My DH has a heart condition, and tricare is the only insurance we could get. Lucky for us he is retired military. I hope you all don't get po'd at me for stating my opinion here.

I'm certainly not upset that you voiced your opinion. But, there is a rub to everything. I've tried to read the bill on line. It's long and full of so much unnecessary language and other projects that have no place. Sure, the Medicare recipients are going to get a rebate. But, they are also going to cut Medicare funding by millions and millions of dollars over the next several years in order to fund the influx of new "covered" Americans. Medicare is in the red NOW.

Also, things like eliminating pre-existing condition restrictions, covering children past the age of 21 and no caps on lifetime benefits could have been accomplished without this thousand page, deficit exploding piece of "legislation".

I don't think you'll find anyone who would ever dispute that we can do more to help those than can't afford health care. But, this is not the way to do it. Look how "well" the government manages Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, Unemployment, Section 8, etc. The list goes on and on and on. I don't hold out any hope whatsoever that they can handle this. We are and always have been a paycheck to paycheck family and I have always been worried about our financial state. I'm more scared now than ever before.