Question of the day 10/23

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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by baltoscrapper »

 I've been pretty lucky on the ticket front (knock wood). The last time I was pulled over it was 17yrs ago, for going 40 about 10 ft from where I made a right turn! I couldn't get my car up to 40 if my life depended on it. So I took it to court, all ready to explain how 10 ft from the corner where you turned it would be impossible (without a rocket car) to get a car up to 40mph (or I would have had to have taken the turn at 35mph).  But alas, the cop didn't show and I didn't get to explain (and didn't get any points/fines because the cop didn't show). Dang it, I wanted to prove my point! :x
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by scrappininAK »

 I go a bit over the speed limit but I've never got a ticket.  Dh is always looking at the speed dial and saying "do you know this is a 45 mph zone ?"

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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Smiley-Scrap8 »

 I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in the last 6 years. knock on wood.

But before that I had my licience suspended for too many speeding tickets. I actually got a speeding ticket on the way home from paying a speeding ticket. But in my defence, I drove a purple Camero Tee-top and I would get stopped even if people were passing me. Those Fairfax cops just had it in for me.

But now that I have kids and drive an SUV I've calmed down a little.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Rici76 »

 I think I am somewhat in between, I kinda go fast but not too fast. I did get one ticket in my life and it was back in college.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Janshotgun »

 I almost hate to answer this question - you know - it will come back to haunt me!  The older I get, the more careful I become - but I will go 5 - 10 over during the day on a highway - especially on the 2 1/2 hour drive back and forth to our relatives.

I have never gotten a speeding ticket - never been stopped by the cops (knock on a bunch of wood!!!!)
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Mommybruno »

This is the best one DH got:

Doing 55 in a 25 school zone
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That was a hefty fee! And the irony was, my Dad had given us his old car that same day and DH wanted to take mine for one last spin before we benched it. That last drive was costly!!
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Laura Fiore »

 Welllllllllll...the last time I got pulled over for speeding was last Thanksgiving. I talked my way out of the ticket, but in my defense, it was because Jessica was in the car and I wanted her to know how to talk her way out of a speeding ticket, LOL

No really, I deserved a ticket, I speed almost everywhere I go, but I got lucky that day!
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by sarahwhithers »

 Haha, well I'm not much of a speeder. Not comfortable with it. I do speed sometimes but only like 10KM above the limit kinda thing. I have (knock on wood) never gotten a speeding ticket. And I hope it stays that way! :)
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by zanettac »

 I'm usually driving with my kids in the I try to go at least the speed limit...maybe a tad more.  Never had a ticket...knock on wood!

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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Leeanna »

I was an extreme lead foot the first 7-8 years of driving, got many tickets for it, and decided I needed to chill before I got myself/others hurt. Now I go 5-10 over, sometimes 15.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by MLee »

 I got out of a lot of speeding tickets when I was younger.

Around here they give you tickets for insane things. I don't like the cops here and I tend to get in extreme arguments with them so I do every thing I can to avoid getting stopped including not going any where when ever possible.

However, every where else in the normal world I drive 5 over. I actually think, though, that in most states the speed limit on the interstate is high enough that there isn't a need to speed.  There is a stretch from Springfield MO to Fort Leonard Wood, up on I-44, that is straight and boring and there isn't ever any radar... I can go pretty darn fast down that stretch. ;)

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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by evilqueen »

 I had never got a speeding ticket.  I usually go about 7 miles over the speed limit.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by LuvUMore »

 As a former Police Officer I'm not a lead foot, but I also know, especially on our area and the closer jurisdictions, what the 'cushion' is for speed. ;)

My hubby got a ticket and insisted on paying for it and me NOT trying to get it dropped. We went to court and he took a DD course so it wouldn't go on his record of affect our insurance.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by averys_mom »

 One of "those" people.  Never gotten a ticket, never gotten pulled over (knock on wood).  I've always been a really cautious driver.  I don't even hardly drive anymore since we moved to Washington, either.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by HCayH »

 Major lead foot here.  I'd rather not answer the ticket question b/c I don't want to jinx myself ;) but I will say I got my first "warning" ticket less than a week after I got my license.  I didn't even have the hard copy of my license yet, just the paper one.  Luckily I had my flirty friend with me and she managed to talk the officer out of the ticket!

ETA: I don't really speed that much, I mostly stay about 4 over.  But I take off fast and accelerate quickly (in my speedy Explorer ;))
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by MaBuglet »

 I HATE to drive.  My theory is, the faster I get there, the less time I have to spend driving :winkb:
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by grifscap »

 I love the feel of speeding down a country road. Of course I have not be able to drive the last 15 years.
My eyes are bad enough to keep me from driving now. Never got a ticket but came real close.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by luboost »

 Knocking on some very serious wood!  I'm a leadfoot for the most part...only on high speed roads, not in town!  No tickets!

Of course, I usu. find myself a 'pack' of speeders.  I've also slowed down since moving out to the much slower NW.  Now I go about 65-70 in the 60, not 85! :winkb:

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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by Judes »

 I am getting more careful as I get older.  But, that doesn't mean I am an angel.  My last ticket for speeding was in 1991.  I figure I deserved it many times over.
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Re: Question of the day 10/23

Post by snowangels »

 I always go 5 over the speed limit.

I was pulled over once for speeding.  I was on an unfamiliar road going my usual 5 over.  The people around me were driving like maniacs - going very fast and constantly changing lanes.  I was terrified!  Well, a fork in the road was coming up and I needed to be in the left lane, so I moved over and this guy behind me went nuts and was following really, really close.  I was so relieved when I went to the left and he went to the right.  Unfortunately, I was still so freaked out I didn't notice the speed limit dropped 10 mph at the fork.  A cop pulled me over and I started sobbing.  He gave me a ticket and I have been scared to drive ever since.  This was seven years ago.
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