Share your cure for the common cold with me

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Cherry Tart
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Re: Share your cure for the common cold with me

Post by PDEK »

 Zi-Cam is supposed to help with the duration.

I take a zinc supplement and a Mucinex-D (or equiv) the SECOND I feel even slightly off, or am around sick people. I use zi-cam as a preventative.

Aside from that, I'll eat the spiciest Thai food I can.

Feel better!
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Cherry Tart
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Re: Share your cure for the common cold with me

Post by mochascrap »

Art_Teacher wrote: Hot tea with honey and lemon always helps my scratchy throat.  Also...gargle with salt's gross, but it works!

I swear by that Airborne stuff...if you take it at the first sign of a cold, it really seems to lessen the symptoms and shorten the duration.

Don't know about the airborne stuff, buth the rest really works.  As a child my mom made me drink in and gargle with the warm salty water.  Also if you can try the tea with a shot of liquor preferably dark if you can.  It's best to take it before you go to bed as long as you don't take any other meds.

Also my dad is 93 yrs old and when he gets a cold he still mixes his whisky and peppermint candy.  Don't know why, but we all woke up much better in the morning :-D

Honestly though rest and liquids are the best thing along with vitamin C.  Good luck.
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Re: Share your cure for the common cold with me

Post by TheFiberLady »

 i can tell you preventative measures:

frequent handwashing 30-45 sec on all surfaces and nails of hands and wrists under hot water with soap

sneeze or cough into your arm or the inside of your shirt, not your hand so that you don't pass your germs onto everyone else

healthy diet and exercise, if you are healthy the bugs have a lesser chance of making you sick my puppies!!!!!
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