Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

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Cherry Cropper
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by dianagirly »

I got tired of being Jasmine's chew toy so yesterday I decided time for formula and a bottle. Yesterday she didn't fight me too much but today she acts like I am torturing her and will not take it.Plus everytime she cries I get a little more engorged.This pains me on so many levels... but seriously- I rather have 3 days of misery then 5 more months of being bitten and chewed and twisted. Course now she says Momma and it breaks my little heart to hear her crying " Momma Momma Momma! "
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Renee »

{{{Hugs!!}}} Poor Jasmine! OUCH! LOLHopefully she'll catch onto the bottle soon!
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Cherry Cropper
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Midge »

Hang in there! I hope things get better. {hugs}
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Northern Brat
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Northern Brat »

My nipples hurt reading this!  Good luck Diana!  I am sure she will adjust quickly! 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Leeanna »

Ouchy!  Hang in there, be tough.
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Cherry Jubilee
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Kara »

aww I am sorry LOVE YOU
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by scrappinchic »

Just tell her not to bite.  Now that she knows you mean business you should see an improvement.Laura
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by 4peasinourpod »

I agree with Laura.  It is normal at this age to be curious, and look around when nursing.  I always firmly took them off, said "don't bite" and it soon stopped. 
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Cherry Cropper
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by dianagirly »

It's not a recent behavior change, it has been 2 1/2  months of it. I've been firm, I've removed, I have even done the light slap on her mouth- but she still does it the next time I feed her.  I am sure she can feel the resentful feelings I have developed everytime it is time for her to nurse and I don't want her to think I have anything but absolute love for her. That is why this is so hard!My first baby, I went a whole year nursing every two hours ( even in the night ). It was HARD! Then my second one cut a tooth at 5 months and started to repeatedly to draw blood so I was SO done!This is my last baby so I hoped to do a whole year with her but the frustration and pain have finally won.
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Cherry Jubilee
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by nun69 »

Diana, I totally support you honey and she will catch on to a bottle {especially if she gets hungry enough}...{{{{HUGS}}}}...I had to staop with Peyton, but it wasn't 'cause he was chewing it was just too exhausting trying to work full time, nurse, pump and then come home and take care of the rest of them!!! Wasn't fair to him or me...good luck!
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by loralye78 »

AWE...Hun its gonna get better!  I feel for you... 
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Cherry Garcia
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by LKappy »

There is nothing wrong with changing..she won't starve. She will get the hang of the bottle. Just hold her really close to you. No thanks on the chew toy!Hugs!
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by corriekate »

I stopped feeding Cody at 6 months not because he was biting but because I was tired of it, aNd he is turning out JUST FINE!  Hang in there...Be persistent!
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Irocz7 »

I just had to say in a loud voice, "NO!" to my dd and she would cry.  Of course my son would laugh.  Both of my kids quit when I told htem to stop or pulled them off.  They only bit once or twice. 
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by Beth-W »

Ouch!!  Good luck!!!
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Cherry Cropper
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by dianagirly »

Ok, she took a bottle tonight with out any problems. We'll see what  happens later in the night. Funny girl... I wonder where she gets her stubborness? I was losing my mind for a few hours there first!!
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by FairyMouseMom »

Sweetie, YOU have to do what is right for YOU.  Go with your gut feeling!
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Bowl Full of Cherries
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by lizziej »

You need to do what's best for you.  Good luck!
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Bowl Full of Cherries
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by baltoscrapper »

Ouch! I do'nt blame you!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry
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Yep- I feel like the worst momma!

Post by katarria »

Awwww...glad to hear at least you'll get a break :)
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