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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
You leap from the bushes, landing on her back and wrap your arms around her neck, bringing her down to the ground in a death grip, screaming unintelligible remarks about her lack of creativity and shameless scraplifting techniques...Meanwhile, across town, your husband has arrived at his best friend Stephen's house.  He steps out of his car, tucks his gun into his belt, pulls his flannel shirt over top for concealment, and walks to the door.  Stephen answers on the first knock, and says, "I was just about to call you, have you seen the television today?"  Your husband, not in the mood for small talk, shoves him out of the way and storms towards the back bedroom, calling your name.  In the background, NewsChannel 8 is showing a replay of your airport escapades...
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG! This is horrible! LOL! Don't stop... keep writing!! I'm trying to breathe, this is funny!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
As I shyly hand back the BIC pen to my all too friendly UPS delivery stud, my busy body neighbor pokes her head slightly out her door and takes a snap shot.....
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
BTT!C'mon! I'm on pins and needles! Does the DH shoot Stephen? Does he see the news?  What's happening!? LOL!
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OK, back to our regular scheduled programming:Your husband runs back out from the bedroom, yelling "Where is she?  Where's my wife?"  Stephen puts his hand out to stop him, "Dude, where have you been?" and points to the television screen.  A shot of you running through the airport, robe flapping open, with security guards hot on your trail, plays on screen.  As your husband stands there, mouth wide open, he sees you whip around with your Doodlebug tool extended in front of you.  "She gone mad, she's gone stark raving mad!" your husband exclaims in disbelief.  "I told her all that acrylic paint was going to go to her head, but would she listen?  No, what do I know, I'm just the guy who supplies the rub-ons!"  With that, your husband storms out of the house and jumps into his truck, determined to end the madness, once and for all...Meanwhile, back at your house, you wrestle on the ground with Joan, both of you screaming in fury.  Your nearby neighbor, Anna Griffin, a full-time photo journalist, comes running over, thinking that someone is being murdered.  Of course she shows up camera in hand and begins taking pictures.  You look up, your eyes wild with fury, your hair matted against your head, and remember to smile for the pictures that will surely grace the pages of your next winning album.  Then, turning your attention back to the task on hand, you grab Joan's notebook and leap backwards...
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
And the saga of the ACOT scrapper continues, her fate left in my questionable hands, and for good measure I'm dragging some of you down with me:As all of this drama unfolds, ACOT's MB is burning up as fellow stickgals try to keep up with the story.  Layla was the first to see the newscast with your now-famous airport chase scene and promptly posted a topic to the GT Forum along with a link to the video on MSN.  Soon MamaK321 is posting possible scenarios for your capture, including your unthinkable exile to an overseas country where scrapbook supplies have been banned for causing women to neglect their household duties.  MindySue jumps into the fray by posting in the gallery some grainy pictures of you in your bathrobe that are now gracing the internet.  For good measure, she copies the pictures into a thread in the ST Forum, which is relatively quiet because of all the activity in the GT and Debate forums (oh yes, there is a debate currently raging on whether the Doodlebug rubon tool qualifies as a Superstar tool of choice, annaspeakin is vehemently insisting that your first thought should have been to salvage your Silent Setter).  MindySue justifies her post in the ST Forum with a blurb about your visit to ACOT as the winner of the Superstar contest.Soon new acronyms are being bandied about - Cheryloa has started a campaign to FOSS (Free Our SuperStar), Applejaxx is calling for a RTTCJ (Road Trip to Confront Joan) during which she thinks she can also testify on your behalf and talk your dh down from his current rage, Nene has created her own public forum in which the current ASP's (Airport Security Procedures) are being discussed and revamped (she plans to submit the new guidelines to the Department of Homeland Security, which will relax rules that are currently inhibiting scrapbookers everywhere from air travel), and LoveMyBella has created a new challenge category to raise money for the DOSGIT (Defense of Stick Gals in Trouble).  Art_Teacher is now including topics in her forum such as SSAITH (Scrapbook Supplies Allowed in the Hospital) and terms such as UNIFORM COLOR COORDINATION (how to match bazill cardstocks with jailhouse attire).Back at ACOT, Stephen and Kristin are bewildered at the sudden turn of events, not quite sure where it all went wrong.  Was it the altered paint can - perhaps fumes from the paint you didn't have time to clean out of the bottom have disrupted your normally calm demeanor and caused a faulty reaction under extreme stress?  Could the challenge to match the colors of fibers, cardstock and buttons from three different companies to coordinate and use on the same layout cause a breakdown between the common sense brain cell and the part of the brain that controls your use of scrapbook supplies?  As they try to figure it all out, and as the stickgals prepare themselves for war against the non-scrapbooking community, your husband is getting closer to the house and you are dangerously close to doing something you may regret... ** acronyms explained:ACOT - A Cherry on Top (formerly Stickers Galore)MB - message boardST - Scrapbook TalkGT - General TalkAnyone brave enough to pick up here?  If not, another episode will be revealed tomorrow...
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Cherry Cola

Finish the story! New Reality Show
omg, this is too flipping funny, i am laughing so hard i cant stand it.
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Koala1966................you are so clever and funny!I think you should be awarded some retrograde points for this wondrous tale!I can't wait to see how it all ends............Christinabtt
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Ah, but would  you really regret maxing out your credit card with the $30,000 limit by buying plane tickets for your favorite Stickgals and treating them to a stay at a nice hotel with a major crop?   You decide that the grand prize for the door prize will be a   
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG Koala! This is a PIMP moment!!!!*Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read this! Girl.. you are seriously talented in creative writing!
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
BTT for Glo
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Come on - someone add to this!  I wanna see where it's going!
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
I agree Christina!  Great suggestion! Thanks!*think I'm gonna put a goodie bag together for the most creative "ending"!*
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Cherry Garcia

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Btt I have no talent in this area but I want to know what happens!
*SMILE* Its just life.
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Cherry Cola

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG!  This is to flippin funny!  I am sitting here giggling and my kids and Traci's 2 are just looking at me like I've gone off the deepend.  Come on someone finish...the suspense is killing me!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Hey..I made the News!! I'm on pins and needles..someone finish this great soap opera!!
Light the Way
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OK, I'm back...Previously, on "The ACOT Scrapper Reality Show":  You are engaged in a wrestling match with your nosy neighbor Joan over her attempted theft of your next winning layout design while your husband is back in his truck, gun still tucked neatly in his waistband, speeding down the highway...You're standing in the middle of your yard, wearing someone else's clothes that you stole out of a suitcase in the cargo hold of a plane, your legs trembling from the mad dash to escape airport security, and your stomach begins to growl - you still haven't eaten.  Paying no attention to such petty details, you wave Joan's notebook in her face.  "Liar, theif, you... you... scraplifter - no, that's too nice, you scrapstealer!" you shriek.  "I've gone without sleep, I've gone without food, I've even forgotten to bathe the children for four days and endured a call from the school principle, just to finish my Superstar challenges and win.  Now here you come, with your notebook and your beady little eyes, trying to steal what I've worked so hard to create!"  Joan stands across from you, cringing at the sound of your voice, her eyes darting back and forth trying to find a way to get her notebook back.  "I have my reasons, you couldn't know..."  You move closer, "And I couldn't care less."  you say in a much more menacing voice.  Suddenly you hear the voice of Karen Foster, the town sheriff, "Please, ladies, can't we all just get along.  It's about the memories, it's about the pictures..."  She stops speaking as you turn your glare onto her.Joan siezes the opportunity to try to snatch her notebook back from your hands, but you use an old kickboxing move, learned back in the days when scrapbooking didn't consume your ever waking thought and movement, and she is knocked to the ground with a thud, landing on her butt.  You hand the notebook to Sheriff Foster, "Here, this is how Joan repays me for the make and take kits I gave her for her last crop," you snort disgustedly.  The sheriff shakes her head, "Well, Joan, you really brought this on yourself," she says.  "But still, there is the matter of the whole airport fiasco that they are asking me to deal with.  Please, let's step inside the house until the Department of Homeland Security officers arrive."  She motions you towards your front door, and the two of you start inside, leaving Joan in the dirt.  Just as you reach to take the handle of the front door, your husband's truck screeches into the drive, leaving black skid marks on the road and your driveway pavement.  He throws open the driver's side door and leaps from inside the black Ford F350, his face red with fury.  Behind him comes Stephen, his best friend, in his red Corvette.  He also jumps from the car, worry etched across his face, and slowly starts to move around your husband, watching him carefully.  Inside, you hear the telephone ringing...
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG! This is getting better and better with each episode!! With excerpts like this, we can afford to give you some days in between writings Koala!!*cliffhangin.....*
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
C'mon!And then...................???WHERE ARE YOU Koala1966???????????I can't sit on the edge of my chair forever!!!Christina
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
BttOOps! Meant to put this in last post.Christina
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