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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
As you get ready to climb the stairs to the plane, The First Lady steps into view, flanked by her mil, Barbara and a few other ladies.    Barbara Bush snaps a picture of you boarding the plane and asks, "Did you bring your scrapping tote with you?    I do hope so - we've got stuff set up for a crop in here and figured we'd crop while we're in flight to..."
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"Madrid."Oh dear.  Now you are stuck between a rock and a hard place.  After all, Kristin and Stephen are patiently waiting for you in Saginaw.  And here's the first lady, willing to take you on an international flight, an overseas crop if you will.  There is no way you can tell this woman, who just saved your butt, that you can't fly with her.  It is very weird, though, that the federal agents made such a big deal out of you going to Saginaw.  Well, you guess that's how national security works, alot of diversions and decoys."What's in Madrid, if you don't mind my asking?" you direct your question to the First Lady.  "We have some meetings scheduled with various educational committees over there, we are working with them on a Read to Succeed program.  It's all official business, but we just couldn't pass up the opportunity to scrap with the next ACOT Superstar.  We love all of your work."  she answers, with a gracious smile.  "Don't worry, we contacted Kristin and Stephen and explained to them that you would be delayed, due to the unfortunate airport incident.  They were very understanding, and are expecting you in a few days."You are delighted by her praise, and feel strangely at ease in the presence of such American Royalty, or as close as it comes to it.  Agent Miller walks past you to deposit your carry-on luggage in the next room.  You walk into a conference room on Air Force One only to find that it has been rearranged to resemble a crop retreat.  There is an Ellison diecut machine at the far end, and the counter that it sits upon is filled with every die imaginable.  Another table has your choice of 3 different paper trimmers, and in a locked glass container you can see the refill blades.  They can never be too careful, can they.  There are organizers filled with Galaxy Markers, Slick Writters, Zig brush pens in every color, Marvy Uchida bullet markers, and more.  There's an entire table of Xyron machines, from the X to the mammoth 900, and next to the Xyron assortment are containers of Glue Dots, photo squares, hermafix tab dispensers, and other adhesive options.  Portable paper carriers hold every color of Bazzill under the sun, as well as patterned papers from American Crafts, Basic Grey, Bo Bunny and more, all sorted by color and theme.  There is even a computer station complete with both a 12X12 printer and a dedicated photo printer, and stacks of vellum in every color.  You take a seat between Barbara and Laura Bush, and the other ladies arrange themselves around the table.  You recognize Deborah A. Price, Assistant Deputy Secretary and Sally L. Stroup - Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, both from the Department of Education."So, dear, what is your next scrapbook subject?" the younger Mrs. Bush asks.  "I need to work on our last vacation album next, we took a trip to the Grand Canyon last year."  you answer, pulling out a stack of pictures.  "I've organized them by day, I plan a highlight page for each day and then some detail pages about the most exciting parts of the trip, such as the donkey ride down the south rim."  "That sounds wonderful, my next album is on the girls first year of college, I've finished K - 12 for each of them."  You are astonished, and say "I can't believe with your busy schedule that you can keep so up to date."  You can not believe you are having a conversation with the First Lady, it's as if it were any other crop, except you are riding on one of the best equipped airplanes you've ever seen, not to mention comfortable, and you are flying to a country you've never visited before.  And it looks as though whatever you've forgotten to pack in your crop bag, they have laying around just waiting to be used.  Wow, how did you get so lucky?"I don't like to look a gift horse in the mouth, but this all seems so unreal, why did you decide to help me out?" you ask the First Lady.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Well, we had the IRS check through some tax returns and they saw that you were trying to name Anna Griffin and a few other scrapbook dealers as dependants so we figured you were desparate.    (By the way - you will have to take them off your tax return - Dubya can't fix that, no matter how prettily I ask!) By the way, you DO have your passport with you, don't you?  No?Well, here, lets take some of this blue paper and see if we can make one up for you.Oh, and when we get done in Spain, we're going to pop in on Charles and Camilla.  That woman needs some help coordinating some patterns for her wedding scrapbook.Can you believe that she also wants us to believe...................
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
More please!Christinabtt
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
next chapter?
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"Tick tock, Laura, that cardstock isn't going to trim itself, you know," the elder Mrs. Bush interrupts.  As everyone settles into their scrapping zone, Agent Coffey walks in and tosses your passport down in front of you.  He doesn't look too amused at the idea of "making up a passport."  That man really needs to find a sense of humor.Many hours later, as Air Force One, touches down on a landing strip just outside of Madrid, you find yourself putting the finishing touches on your latest vacation album.  Wow, that is some serious power scrappnig.  These women have shown you a thing or two about that, and you didn't have to sacrifice quality for quantity, it's all there.Air Force One has landed on a private airstrip, and there is no lack of armed security awaiting your arrival.  Guards line the path from the airplane to the limosines which are waiting about 100 yards away.  You find yourself ushered into a separate limosine from the others, as Laura Bush calls out to you, "See you back on board!  Your escorts will show you some of the beauty of Madrid."You climb into the back of the limo with a federal agent who identifies herself as Agent Brenda Walton.  You relax in your seat and close your eyes, realizing that it's been a long time since you've slept - more than 24 hours, in fact.  "Don't worry, ma'am, I'll wake you when we get there," Agent Walton assures you.  You drift off into a dreamless sleep.You awake to Agent Walton's voice urging you, "Wake up, you really don't want to miss this!"  A glance at your watch confirms that you've only had about an hour long nap.  You rub your tired eyes, and then find yourself wide awake as you become aware of your surroundings.  The limosine has stopped in front of the Museo del Prado, the famed museum.  You have Art_Teacher to thank for your understanding of some of what you see as you tour the grand halls of this museum, with her regular postings of art vocabulary.  On your way out you purchase some postcards - pictures weren't allowed in the hallowed halls of the museum, but Agent Walton does get some snapshots of you outside its doors.After a full day exploring this amazing city, you are following Agent Walton back to the car when a raggedly dressed woman brushes up against you.  You grab your camera protectively, worried that she is a pick-pocket.  She softly whispers in your ear, "It's not a coincidence that both you and I are here, at this moment, in this place.  You can't possibly understand what you are getting yourself into..."  then she is gone.  You pick up your pace to get alongside of your protector, and say, "That woman said something very strange to me."  Agent Walton doesn't even look at you as she says, "You must be careful of the beggars and thieves in these large cities, some of these people are very desperate."  You climb back into the limo and silently contemplate the woman's words as you journey back to the private landing strip and your crop-station in the sky.  Was she just a crazy old lady, or was she sent from someone to warn you?  Climbing the stairs back onto Air Force One, you try to put her words out of your mind as you head back to the conference room to rejoin the other ladies.
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG.. the suspense is killing me!! Who's the beggar woman?!  And Brenda Walton is an agent? *woot*
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Thanks for this episode.............. I needed this after my long tough day!This is way cool! You have such a talent, Koala1966!Christinabtt
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
As you step inside the cabin, you hear low murmuring voices, "You stopped me as though you believe the rumors Camilla is spreading... I know, but she's one of us... Well, she will be, won't she..." You are only hearing bits and pieces, and then there is a loud thud behind you as the door is yanked shut and the conversation ceases.  As you walk into the crop-station-in-the-sky all of the other ladies are hard at work on their layouts, as if they had been all along.  "Hello, ladies, was your business here successful?" you ask as though you'd heard nothing in the hall.  "Yes," the First Lady answers, "We had a wonderful discussion and I think they are moving forward with the reading program.  Sit down, have a drink, you must be exhausted."  You gratefully accept the drink she offers to you and sink back into the comfortable seat, sipping your drink and reflecting on your day.  You notice the constant presence of heavy security - they remain in the shadows but always you are aware that one wrong move will have them surrounding you.  Remembering the old lady in the street, you decide not to mention anything out of the ordinary to anyone, you wouldn't want this trip cut short after all.  That's the last concious thought you have as you sink into a deep slumber.You awake 2 hours later, and find yourself laid in a cot in the corner, nicely tucked under a blanket with the softest pillow you've ever felt underneath your head.  You sit up and rub your eyes, as Barbara Bush looks over and smiles gently.  "It looks like you needed that rest, dear, I'm so glad you are rejoining us.  There is food in the next room, a buffet, help yourself to whatever you want."  You mosey on over to the next room and find a banquet of food laid out in sections - Mexican dishes such as enchiladas and tomales, Italian plates such as lasagne and riggatone, and American fare as well - burgers to put together yourself, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and gravy, and corn on the cob.  You choose to take a little of everything, and sit down next to a few ladies you're not familiar with who have also surrendered to their hunger.  As you all chat about your collections of rubons and dyeable embellishments, you savor the piping hot food that your body needs to regenerate.  You are feeling like a new woman, all that is lacking is a shower and a change of clothes.  As if on cue, Agent Walton steps into the room.  "Ma'am, do you need anything else?"  You mention your desire to freshen up.  "You'll be able to shower and change when we arrive in London.  We will be visiting a suite at the Dukes Hotel before any excursions."  Satisfied at her answer, you wash your hands and rejoin everyone as the airplane touches down on another secluded landing strip.  "I took the liberty of downloading the digital pictures from your camera," Laura Bush tells you as she hands you a CD, "and recharged it as well."  "How thoughtful," you tell her, "Thank you so much!"  You take the disk and camera from her and prepare yourself for the next big adventure.  IT'S LONDON, BABY!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
When you arrive in London you find that the whole city is celebrating being named the site for the 2012 Olympics.    Did any city ever celebrate for a week over being selected an Olympics site?    Whatever.....You ask Agent Walton about a tour of the city - you want to use those great Jolees British stickers that you bought - was it only a week ago??? - thinking that you could use them if you ever got to Epcot.     Before Agent Walton can answer Agent Coffey says, "Sorry.  You have to get over to Buckingham Palace with the First Lady and former First Lady.   The Queen has requested that you all be presented to her.   Hmmmmmmmm - you do know how to curtsey, don't you?    No? I thought not.   We have hired someone to give you a run through on what is expected." First, you must get a shower.  Yes!  A shower and a change of clothing.   You look like you've been wearing those clothes for days.Agent Coffey slides into the limo with you - but keeps a distance, reminding you that you haven't had a shower for a while. You start off and head to the hotel.  As you round the corner to the hotel there is a huge throng of people carrying signs.  Is this a protest or what?   You can't quite make out what is on the signs.............
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Cherry Blossom

Finish the story! New Reality Show
More!! More!! We need more!! I am so addicted to this thread!! Thanks for the fun and laughs - you are 2 creative women.
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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
This is great!!!! I'm getting strange looks from dh as I am laughing at this!!!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Next chapter is over due!
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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Trying to wait patiently!!
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Everybody remain calm, NOBODY PANIC.  I promise, I have a new installment and I will post this afternoon.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Good.  I don't want anyone to get beat with a poster - especially YOU!
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
LOL! You gals are BAD!!
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
You press your nose against the window glass in an effort to read the signs and sit back shaking your head as if to clear it.  Your husband may be right, therapy may be in your future.  Lack of sleep has your eyes playing tricks on you, because the images swimming before your eyes are two signs that read "Down with stickers" and "Rubons rule."  In hot pink and lime green.  With ribbons trailing down the sides.  This is such a weird city.  Or else you are delusional.As you step out of the limo you could swear you hear someone chanting, "SuperStar, you're a flop, resign your position at A Cherry on Top."  From another direction someone seems to be shouting, "You rock our eyelets out of their sockets, SuperStar."  WHAT is going on here?  Then a fight appears to break out and you feel several objects hit your back, and as you turn one hits you squarely on the jaw.  A dozen or so Doodlebug rubon tools are laying at your feet.  They are pelting you with Doodlebug rubon tools?  Have they not been taught the beauty of this priceless tool?  As you bend to pick them up someone snatches hold of your arm and you are unceremoniously shoved into the hotel lobby, clutching 3 of the discarded tools in your hand.Ignoring your questions, Agent Walton escorts you up to your suite, as a bellboy follows along with your luggage.  "Shower and change, someone will come for you shortly," she says as she backs out the door, firmly shutting it in your face.  You whip around as a voice comes from the other side of the room, "You're causing quite a ruckus around here."  You swallow hoping that your heart will dislodge itself from your throat and move back into place as the owner of the voice steps forward.  Instinctively you hold out the array of tools you are holding in your hand and crouch down, ready to go on the defensive.   You find yourself face to face with Becky Higgins.  "Oh my, you startled me," you mutter, the understatement of the year.  You straighten up and allow your hand to fall back to your side."So, how does it feel to be the cause of a riot?" she asks.  "I don't quite understand what is going on here," you answer.  "Well," Becky says, "your little airport escapade and the ensuing legal battle that it started brought alot of attention to ACOT.  Scrapbookers and non-scrapbookers alike rushed the ACOT message board looking for a piece of the action and wanting to insert an opinion.  They brought ACOT's servers to their knees, poor Stephen has been very busy installing new equipment.  Several MB regulars offered up their equipment as a temporary offload of the high traffic.  So now there are two groups of people - the people that support the new ACOT SuperStar - that's you - and the people who don't.  This has become a worldwide debate, and so when the rumor leaked out that you were coming to London, people swarmed the city.  They are picketing outside - rubon lovers versus diehard sticker fans, those who use titles on every page versus those who don't even title their album, those who support the new scrapbooker travel rules and those who despise scrapbookers, people who love your work and people who hate it - it's quite a mess.  The Royal Guard has been called in to restore order."  You stand there, dumbfounded that you've become the center of such excitement.  "So, I'm here for an exclusive interview, what do you say?"  Becky finishes."I need a shower and a change of clothes, I can't even think straight right now."  you answer and step into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.  In the suite, Becky settles back into an armchair to wait you out.
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
A riot?! In London? OMG! Becky Higgins? THE Becky Higgins? *woot*!Brilliant koala, just brilliant!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
After locking the door you turn around and are shocked out of your socks!  Anna Griffin is sitting on a stool next to the tub holding a color wheel and comparing colors of the shower curtain and the wallpaper.She smiles and says, "Oh, don't mind me!   Go ahead and shower.  I wanted to check out these patterns and colors.   I'm thinking of designing some fabrics to go with my papers and embellishments.  So many people these days seem to want to match their clothes, furniture fabrics and such to the papers.   Makes for such an interesting layout, don't you think?"Anna gets up and advances toward you as she squints at your shirt.  "Hmmmmmmmm.......   Interesting color combination.   Definitely shabby - but not sure about the chic aspect." As soon as you can shake the shock off you grit your teeth and tell her, "I prefer to shower on my own - in PRIVACY, thank you.  Why don't you go have tea with Becky?""With BECKY?", Anna shierks?   "I don't think so! Don't you know that that woman is actually a spy for............."
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