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Cherry Garcia

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OooooooHoooooo!!!!  Can't wait for more.......
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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
This is soooooooooooooooo great!!! Koala1966 you're the best!!!
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Cherry Cola

Finish the story! New Reality Show
QueenMum you are doing a great job adding on too. Love it!!
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Yes, Queen Mum is a great partner, good thing no one was home when I read her latest chapter, I was laughing out loud for like 5 minutes.
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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Yay to Queen Mum too!! You guys are cracking me up!!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Lets keep this to the top - so it's a reminder to Koala to keep it going! LOL
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
LOL Glo! We're gonna run her off the board shortly with all our demands on her time!  Poor koala!  You DO have a life outside of this board, don't ya? We're loving it though!
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
My bad, I was a little distracted with today being my anniversary and all (6 years of wedded bliss).  LOL.  Let's see if I can calm the crowd...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Suddenly there is a loud knocking on the bathroom door.  You roll your eyes at yet another interruption and snatch the door open, only to find yourself face to face with Heidi Swapp."Quickly, come with me, we must leave this instant!" Before you can disagree and insist that you be allowed to shower in peace, Heidi snatches you by your upper arm and drags you into the bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.  You hear Becky Higgins on the other side shouting for her exclusive and banging on the door.  Anna Griffin calls to you "Please, dear, I must see your shirt again, at least slide a picture under the door."  Ignoring the commotion, Heidi drags you to the connecting door and locks that behind you as well.  Now you are in a different hotel room, and you see several armed guards.  "Please," you whimper, "I just want to take a shower."  "We must hurry, there isn't much time." Heidi insists and continues her mad dash through the hotel.  You try to dig in your heels but the woman is amazingly strong, and soon there is a large guard dogging your steps and shoving you forward from time to time.  The Federal Government at their firmest was not this mean to you.After about 45 minutes of winding through the hotel, through connection doors and employee elevators, passing through the kitchen and even ducking behind some luggage carts to avoid protestors, you emerge into a private parking lot underneath the hotel.  Heidi yanks you into the back of a limo with her, and the guard climbs in behind you and closes the door."I need to know where we are going.  I don't think Mrs. Bush, either of them, will appreciate my disappearance!  And certainly I'm in enough trouble as it is." your voice shakes with emotion.  The car is entering daylight now and your eyes adjust to the fact that there are other passengers in the car.  Specifically, you find yourself face to face with Joan, your nosy neighbor."I told you that you didn't know who you were dealing with, or what was going on.  You should really learn to listen to your neighbors."  Joan tsks, shaking her head.  Something inside of you snaps.  With a shriek you lunge forward, your hands reaching out to wrap around her throat - surely killing a nosy neighbor was legal in England, of all places.  That is your last concious thought, as the guard next to you places a chloroform-soaked towel over your mouth and nose, and you fall into darkness.
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG! This is starting to turn into a thriller! I'm so stoked! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next!! LOLThanks for taking time off during your ANNIVERSARY to write this koala!!!*off to read it again from the top! LOL! *
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
I can't believe the talent that you [& your sidekick, Queenmum] are showing!This is so clever & sooooo funny,Thanks for the efforts.Christina
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
You wake up with a major headache - and not feeling refreshed from what you thought was a nap.   Wait a minute!  It's all coming back to you now!  But was it a nightmare?  Nooooooooooo--------  There sits Joan, wearing a suit (and stockings??? She is wearing stockings??? You've never seen her in anything but t-shirt and slacks or shorts and sneakers.  (Yes - definitely sneakers - all the better for snooping around!) You moan a bit - your mouth feels like you've been chewing on chalk applicators - with chalk still clinging to them.Joan smiles sweetly and offers you a drink of water.   You take the water, wishing it were a margarita instead.   You notice that Joan is wearing a headset and microphone.  What is going on???? You realize you are not in a car on the ground but up in a helicopter!  The noise seems to be blocked because you are also wearing a headset.  As you take stock of your situation you realize that you are wearing fresh clothes.   WHO DARED CHANGE YOU?   Oh boy - you KNEW you shouldn't have worn those old panties - mom always told you to make sure your underwear is nice in case you were in an accident - but who would have thought you needed to wear nice undies incase someone decided to change you.  (You peek inside your shirt - hey!   this is GOOD stuff - not your usual Walmart t-shirt here! and notice a silk bra too.   Nice! But how DARE they!)You're distracted because Joan is telling you that they are about to land and you will be off to ..............
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
ROFL! I don't know how you TWO continue to write with each other but it's brilliant!  It's like you're feeding off each other's ideas!  Too funny!Loving it!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
I wish someone else would jump in here and give us a break! 
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Whatsamatter Glo.... dreaming of this stuff now?
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
LOL!Yes I am!  Got the story going in my sleep!
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Keep up the good work!Christinabtt
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Hey gals! Where's our fix??   LOL!I'd attempt to write something but it would probably totally screw up the whole plot!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
I wrote the last segment.Nexttttttttttttttttt 
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"a small town outside of Geneva.  I don't mind telling you the location because you won't be speaking to anyone else anytime soon, by the time you do we'll be long gone."  Joan's voice in your ear is just annoying, but you don't want to make any sudden moves, it would be too easy for her to toss you out of that chopper.The helicopter sets down in a small field surrounded by trees.  Very secluded, how convenient.  The guards on either side of you grab your arms and pull you off of the helicopter.  When you refuse to walk they lift you by your arms and begin to carry you down the path.  Quickly you decide it is less painful to walk, but they maintain a grip on your arms as you continue through the forest.  Your footsteps crunch on the loose dirt of the path, and you are grateful for the cool shade of trees that look like they've been standing for centuries.  Joan walks a few yards behind you, it sounds like she is talking on a cell phone but you can't tell to whom.Finally you enter another clearing, here there is a large building that appears to be a warehouse.  A strange place for such a building, you think to yourself.  There is no activity outside, and only one vehicle - a Hummer - parked in front.  The guards on either side of you guide you into a door on the side of the building.  Joan's voice is no longer behind you, though you don't know where she's disappeared off to now.  You are sat in a straight-back chair in the middle of the empty warehouse, underneath a spotlight.  Seated across from you, the only other shape you can make out in the relative darkness, is Heidi Swapp.  You are strapped down into the chair and then the guards leave you alone with her.  As you are about to question the scrapbook diva, she raises her hands to her face.  You watch, horrified, as she begins to peel off her skin!  It dawns on you that this is not Heidi Swapp at all, but another Joan!  Just then, Joan walks into view.  She also begins to scratch at her face, and you soon realize that she is not Joan, but some woman you've never seen before.  The real Joan was apparantly posing as Heidi Swapp, in an excellent disguise.  You are too astonished to speak.  The real Joan then says, "So, don't you wish you'd have listened to me back home?  Well, you wouldn't, so hear we are.  And I certainly hope you are willing to cooperate at this point.""I don't know what you think you are doing but the secret service is going to be looking for me, do you really think you can hide me from them?" you think you've got her with that one.  Your bubble is burst when Joan, smiling, says "Well, Becky Higgins and Anna Griffin watched Heidi Swapp abduct you, so I would guess they'll start with her house, back in the States.  She should have quite a time convincing them she's not involved."  You've never disliked anyone quite as much as you do Joan at this moment.  She's crazy if she thinks you are going to cooperate with any request from her."What I want from you is..."
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
... the notebook!
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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