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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
We are waiting, trying to be patient. LOL This is such a fun post to read!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Someone who has the time needs to get the real story bits all in one place. 
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"Stephen, exactly who all was with you?  Did you see where everyone went?"  you ask.  A Navy Seal grabs your arm, "We need to get all civilians to safety and secure the perimeter, ma'am," he tells you as he guides you out of the warehouse.  The sun is beginning to set, a warm glow has settled over the clearing, and you stand still for the moment, trying to clear your head.  Flashbacks of the rubon disaster and tattered Bazzill scraps keep interrupting any coherent thoughts.  You want to just sink to the ground and have a good cry, but there's no time for that, since you are certain Joan took off with some of your ACOT friends.  You wipe your tearstained face with a wet towel that was handed to you by one of the rescuers, and look around.Stephen, Kristin, MamaK, Queen Mum and her crew all file out of the warehouse, flanked by Navy Seals.  You can see more of the trained professionals examining the outside of the building, obviously looking for clues on the great escape.  "Who is missing?" you repeat your question, hoping to get an answer this time.  Stephen looks concerned.  "Well, Nanna-Star hasn't come back out, and neither has Lindsay." he says.  "Jmo95/Jenn also seems to be missing," Kristin adds.Several Seals gather around the group.  One begins to question you, introducing himself as Worldwin (his last name, you presume), and you prepare to give as much detail as you can remember about Joan, Marcella, Ting and Ling.  "This is important, so please think about your answers." Worldwin begins.  "Tell me about the ruined scrapbooks supplies."  Huh?  Well, maybe they need to understand the whole story to have a better chance at finding your friends.  One of Guido's men, the one who was gathering up eyelets, is studying you intently, waiting on your answer."Seriously, I need to know how many sheets of Bazzill cardstock were destroyed." the Seal continues.  "Maybe I should start with my abduction, or a description of..." you are cut off abruptly as Worldwin squares his shoulders and moves closer.  "Please cooperate, we need to move quickly."  Perhaps the explosion has actually knocked you out and you are dreaming.  Worldwin pinches your arm and you cry out.  "What the...!"  "See, you are awake, now answer the questions!" he barks at you.  "OK, ok, let me think," you stammer, "I think it was about 8 sheets of Bazzill that were shredded at first, but then I think another 4 or 5 pages fell later on."  "Now, let's talk about the Karen Foster brads," Worldwin is scowling at you.  "I really think you should be concentrating on finding everyone!" you shout at him, frustrated and confused at this conversation.  "I'm warning you for the last time," Worldwin says, "cooperate with my line of questioning or there will be consequences.  How many packages of Karen Foster brads did your captors destroy?!"  "Six, and ten packages of Junkitz brads too." you scowl back at him, too far gone to care whether he likes it or not.Another Seal comes running out of the building, carrying a clipboard.  "We've finished the inventory, sir, and we've found a trap door that leads to an underground tunnel."  "Thank you," Worldwin says, taking the clipboard from him.  You hear him murmuring, "7 packages of R&L rubons, 3 pieces of mulberry paper, this is just criminal."  Suddenly, he takes off running towards the back of the warehouse.
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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
This is great!!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Gudio turns to the guy who had been gathering the eyelets and says, "Hey Tony  - you and Paulie the Knife follow dose guys and make sure they don't do nuttin fishy - ya hear?   Me and Vinnie the Kneebreaker are gonna take dese broads  and Stevie - it's ok I should call you Stevie, right? - back to the Godfather's."As Tony (aka The Nose) and Paulie the Knife take off in the direction of the Navy Seals Guido says, "Hey, didja see that clipboard that smuck was carrying?   He shoulda had Applejaxx do one up for him.  She does them real nice like with the papers and stuff like that.   I'm gonna ask her to make one for the old lady so's I can give it to her for our anniversary."   As you stand there with your jaw hanging open, Nanna Star, Lindsay, and Jenn come round the side of the building looking a bit tattered but in good spirits as they chatter excitedly.    From the other direction, a car comes screeching to a stop.   You're stunned when Shutterbug steps out of the driver's seat.  She opens the back door and Sharon, Maggi and Darth stumble out, holding on to each other for dear life.   Shutterbug proudly says," I knew driving wasn't as difficult as you said it was - you're here alive, aren't you?"Guido looks the women over and says, "You broads need some quiet time to do some scrapping to calm down?"   Maggi and Darth say, "We need a beer" as Sharon starts looking around for a Sonic."Nevermind the beer", Guido says, "We can have a couple bottles of wine at the Godfather's.   Come on Stevie Boy, help me get these broads in da car there."  Then he tells Paulie to get the car keys from Shutterbug as everyone piles into the big black cars.He says, "We'd better find Corvettecary - we'll need her to do some of the driving when things get rough."Guido tells the people in his car that The Godfather has been very interested in this whole case because he just know that that Anna Griffin broad ain't got no respect for .....................................
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Cherry Jubilee

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OH this is getting better all the time! I love how you are adding the stickgals in these storys. Keep them coming!!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
All of a sudden, while reading about having wine at the Godfather's...it totally made me think of Godfather's Pizza.  Use to eat there all the time when I lived in Washington state!
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
It's time for a new installment.  Anyone?Anyone?Anyone?Bueller?
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Glo! That's one of my all time favorite "skipping out of work, cuz I'm sick" videos!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"Guido tells the people in his car that The Godfather has been very interested in this whole case because he just know that that Anna Griffin broad ain't got no respect for ....................................."his daughter, Antonietta, a.k.a. The ...
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Garcia

Finish the story! New Reality Show
This is too cute !
*SMILE* Its just life.
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
OMG!I'M IN IT!Being driven off in a big black limo to meet the Godfather???!!!![ FYI: The part of the godfather is being played by Stefan off Days Of Our Lives, Stephen is played by  "Noah" from ER, Heidi Swapp is played by Hilary Clinton, Anna Griffin is played by Oprah Winfrey and Nanna Star appears as Herself!]Christinabtt
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Cherry Delight

Finish the story! New Reality Show
his daughter, Antonietta, a.k.a. The Power Scrapper.  Rumor has it she's been known to finish 100 layouts in a single sitting, and wins layout contests left and right.  She sure is interested to meet the new ACOT Superstar, she always likes to size up her competition in person..."Now, you, Superstar," Guido focuses all his attention on you.  "First of all, The Godfather says we should all extend to ya our congratulations, but I was thinking, you know, maybe we shoulda see what all the fuss is about first.  So, whatta ya say, do ya got dat notebook around with you someplace?""No, my notebook is up in a safe place, and for all the interest it's generating I'm guessing that's a good thing." you answer, narrowing your eyes.  At least you have a legion of stickgals surrounding you now, and "Stevie", it makes you feel slightly safer."OK, well, I'm sure The Godfather won't think that tone is disrespectaful at all," Guido grins.  "Wow, you are one sassy broad.  I'm guessin' it's from all da explosions and kidnappings and such.  I mean after that jump from da plane, anyone's brains might be a little scrambled."The cars have now made it out of the wilderness and back on a paved road, and the ride is much smoother.  The chatter inside of your car by all the stickgals trying to share their part in the story at once is soothing, and you sit back and relax, content not to be the center of attention for once.  Looking at the passing landscape, though, questions begin to float through your mind."Exactly what country are we in?" you ask nobody in particular.  "We're in Germany, silly, didn't you hear Guido offering people a beer with the Godfather, what better place to get a good lager?" Lindsay answers.  "I'm losing track of what country I haven't been to in the last few days," you say jokingly, and settle back into your seat.  "I didn't realize The Godfather was such a world traveler."  Guido glances over, "Well, dese are da days of globalilazation, ya know, da family knows how to change with the times."  Interesting concept, you think.The cars pull off the main highway onto a smaller but still paved road and you imagine The Godfather would want a secluded place to conduct his business.  "So, Stevie, if you and Kristin are both here, who is manning ACOT headquarters?" you ask.  "With all this excitement, the rest of the Stickgals would be heartbroken if the MB went down for even a second."  "You have no idea," Stephen answers with a grin, "but Becky and the other moderators are still there and all I found some reinforcements to keep the servers up with all the added activity.  Which reminds me, I wonder how Nene and her crew are faring up on Capital Hill."  "Yes, at some point someone is going to have to fill me in on that one," you say, remembering earlier cryptic comments on the subject.  "Has anyone let the Bush family know that I'm ok?"  "Yes," Kristin answers, "they are being kept informed by the Seals, and the Seals know you're being transported to a safe location."  Hmmm, these days "safe" is relative, you think.You can't help but wonder who is on who's side, and who's side you should be on, but even as you do the cars pull into the gated driveway of a huge estate.  As they arrive in front of the house, the doors are opened by more "suits" who appear out of nowhere.  "Welcome, ladies... and Stephen, The Godfather and his daughter are expecting your arrival."  You follow the well-dressed butler through the front door and into the spacious hallway, and hear a booming voice say...
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"Hey Guido!   Didja bring all da Stickgoils widja?   And whaddabout that Stevie the Geek?   My computer isn't working too hot right now and my lttle Antonietta wansa order some supplies from ACOT." The booming voice is coming closer and closer.   You're a bit suprised to see a small man with a bald head coming toward you.   He can't be much over 5 feet tall.    This is the GODFATHER??? Then you hear a sweet voice call, "Papa?? Papa??? Can I have another credit card - I wanna do more shopping when the computer is working again.   I need at least a gold card limit this time."   You're even more suprised when a woman (?) almost 6 feet tall and at least 300 lbs comes daintily into the room.   The booming voice says, "Aaaaaaaaahhh - this is my darling little Antonietta.   If you think she's a power scrapper you should see her SHOP!"   Antonietta sweeps into the room and shrinks back as she notices all the company - and then she catches sight of Stephen!  Her big dark eyes light up and her face just glows."Papa!  Papa!   You bought me Stevie the Geek!   OH PAPA! I love you!"   Steven,  a bit overwhelmed shrinks back behind the Stickgals.   He's a bit wary of the spark of light in Antonietta's eyes.   Guido smiles at the ACOT group and says, "She goes shopping and it takes 5 of us to haul back her loot.   The Godfather is thinking that maybe he'll buy her ACOT for her birthday." Stephen and Kristin exchange troubled looks at this. Sell ACOT?    Kristin says to the Godfather............
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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A Cherry on Top

Finish the story! New Reality Show
You gals are a riot!  This has definitely gone off the deep end!  But a good one at that! LOL!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
"Kristin says to the Godfather............""Are you guys out of your freaking minds!!!" 
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
So - no one noticed"STEVIE THE GEEK"?????
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Finish the story! New Reality Show
That's actually pretty funny...instead of Stevie the Greek!
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Bing

Finish the story! New Reality Show
Koala1966 & Queen Mum .....you are such a riot! I hope someone with computer know how can somehow edit this into one thread story sometime. I would do it if only I knew how. [Maybe Stevie the Geek?!]Keep up the great work!Christinabtt
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Finish the story! New Reality Show
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