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Cherry Jubilee

holiday weekend plans??
with all that is going you still have holiday weekend plans?

we really never do anything special for this weekend but relax and im sure this year will be no different.  I am hoping to get the pool closer to being ready to open but i need filter sand and i keep missing it in stock on amazon--so maybe this next week i can hit it right
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Cherry Bark

Re: holiday weekend plans??
We are the same as ya'll - never truly have plans. Just a well deserved 3 day weekend for DH and I. We do have to take the youngins for their annual exam and shots tomorrow morning. I'm curious how much they weigh now. Jazzy was 81 lbs last year. At 2 1/2 years old! Eeek! And The Shelbster came in at 69 lbs.

We are expected to get rain all day Sunday and most of Monday, so if that's the case, I'll be in and scrappin'! DH had some things he wanted to do outside, but with the rain...not sure. I've got some things he can do inside though. Keep him busy!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: holiday weekend plans??
blbabe1234 wrote:
Fri May 22, 2020 12:41 pm
We are the same as ya'll - never truly have plans. Just a well deserved 3 day weekend for DH and I. We do have to take the youngins for their annual exam and shots tomorrow morning. I'm curious how much they weigh now. Jazzy was 81 lbs last year. At 2 1/2 years old! Eeek! And The Shelbster came in at 69 lbs.

We are expected to get rain all day Sunday and most of Monday, so if that's the case, I'll be in and scrappin'! DH had some things he wanted to do outside, but with the rain...not sure. I've got some things he can do inside though. Keep him busy!

you just prompted me to check out weather...weeeeeeeeeeeee

thunderstorms on sat sun and mon  rain on tues and wed.................yeah  guess we better mow today  LOL
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: holiday weekend plans??
no plans.  when dd was young, we used to invite older neighborhood couple and have picnic on back deck.  i used to decorate and make a special meal and dessert.  but, she got Dementia and they moved 6 or more years ago and dd is 19 now.  i miss the days when I decorated for the is not on street, so no one sees us except the delivery people and us.  lost my ambition to decorate.

I have many things I can do on our 4 day weekend, then it is back to school driving for 3 days, then off for the Summer!!!
Karen in SC
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: holiday weekend plans??
No big plans here, either! Suppose to be rainy tomorrow. Maybe a drive to the mountains. Dd and her crew will be off camping, so they aren’t around either!

I would love to visit my other DD in Seattle, but they are still pretty shut down over there.


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Cherry Cola

Re: holiday weekend plans??
Usually one or both of my kids have sports this weekend which we enjoy watching. This year, it has all been canceled, so absolutely no plans.

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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: holiday weekend plans??
Never really make plans over this weekend.  We normally and will again this year, get the flower beds cleaned out and do whatever is necessary to make them look presentable to the public, lol.  BF may go fishing and may or may not go with..  I may just stay home and scrap.   Nothing exciting at all :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: holiday weekend plans??
well it is pretty much raining cats and dogs here, and tomorrow we are due "thunderstorms" so I may need to cancel the barbeque we had planned for tomorrow with our friends Courtney and Bryan but may see if they are free Monday instead; that way we can celebrate my retirement and Bryan getting a job with DH.  But that means a trip to the grocery store...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: holiday weekend plans??
I never make plans for holiday weekends like this. We get invited to several BBQs, and sometimes we will go as long as we can be gone by 8 or 9 pm. I live smack dab in the heart of a town that was formerly known for high accident rates during the holidays...people down here think it’s ok to drink/drug and drive. We now have a fantastic Constable who has gained control... but I’m still not a fan of being out on our roads... old habits are hard to break.
I have instilled it into my kids that nothing “good” happens after midnight. Lol
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A Cherry on Top

Re: holiday weekend plans??
No plans here either. I usually spend the Memorial Day Weekend working in the yard and planting flowers. Well I have no flowers to plant. I don't know when I'll be able to get any. But the weeds, well they are all over. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow but maybe after that I will go out and weed. It's no fun as it is, but less fun with I have no flowers to put in. I hope I can get some flowers this year.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: holiday weekend plans??
My hubs and son are going on a canoe day trip with scouts tomorrow.  That should be fun.  We had purchased tickets to go to Ship Island in Mississippi via the ferry for Monday but just got an email that Ship Island will remain closed that day.  Super bummer to have that cancelled at the last minute. 
Melissa H.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: holiday weekend plans??
We will be heading out at dawn, going to the mountains. We figure everyone will be coming to the beach for the long weekend, so out we go. Will be on the hunt for some waterfalls too. Tomorrow is dil'S birthday, so they will be heading out with us! Have a great weekend cherries!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: holiday weekend plans??
No real holiday plans here this weekend. DD and I have tons of work to do for school / freelance. I'm in a bit of a funk, I'm sure a lot of people are. Usually we have our "family meeting" about all the things we would like to do over the summer. DH still wants to have the meeting but for what? We don't even know what's going to be "allowed" or open at any point yet. 
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: holiday weekend plans??
Nope, none, zippo!  Follow the leaders plans for the weekend.  DH is golfing on Sunday, so that's a free day for me in my craft space!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: holiday weekend plans??
we never have plans; we usually stay home and maybe DH will cook out.  I usually just scrap the weekend as much as I can.  I have Tuesday off too to take the doxie to her yearly vet visit.
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Cherry Delight

Re: holiday weekend plans??
It's unusual for us, but honestly no plans yet. We've been kicking around a few ideas, I don't know if we'll settle on anything but if we do it will be very local. We cancelled all of our plans through the end of June, and we haven't yet felt ready to start making new ones. Today we had to go get DH's tire fixed after we both got off work and it felt like a big [scary] outing for us. He goes to work, I work from home, and we go shopping once a week for groceries and essentials. It's such a radical departure from our norm, we keep our calendar pretty full and know what we're doing a year in advance most times. Right now, not so much. At the moment it looks like our highlight will finally be watching Rocketman, the DVD just came in the mail from Netflix.
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Cherry Tart

Re: holiday weekend plans??
Jut the hubby and I here at the compound.... nothing really exciting, perhaps going to the flightline so David can get in some flying, other than that, staying inside because it's going to be hotter than blue blazes. I'm so not a summer person....unless I have access to a pool and cold fruity drinks, I'll be in my studio with the air conditioning blasting and trying to get some of the photos I printed for scrapbooked. because nothing got done that day except re-organizing the craft room.
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Cherry Bing

Re: holiday weekend plans??
We haven't planned anything this year (obviously)! We are just taking it easy at home. Doing a few projects and making plans for changes in the backyard. Wishing the pool water was tepid enough to jump in, but I will have to wait a month!

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