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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Another Cherry Visit to the ER!? (update)
Every Sunday afternoon my DH"s routine is to cook for the week (he's an old Italian mama who loves cooking LOL Image) and then I heat things up, make the pasta, rice, whatever. While he does that I usually am copy editing, and kids do their homework. I had just put my tea and Yodels down next to the computer so I could start my work at teatime when I heard him yelp and DD gasp. I went running to the kitchen and find him running his hand in the water in the sink. At first I thought he burned himself but no---he was using the new mandolin that he had wanted for so long and that I finally got him for Christmas. It was the first time he was using it and he wanted to make a zucchini dish that he saw Lidia make on TV. Aisling had been getting ice cream and talking to Dad when it happened. I always worried that I would be a spaz in an emergency but I kept a cool head, wrapped his finger in gauze and WASHI TAPE (since we had no medical tape!), wrote down all his Rx, and...distracting DD to tell her to go text her brother who was on his way home from an overnight film shoot at school...cleaned up the mandolin, zucchini and (bit graphic, sorry, I thought I was going to faint but I didn't) found his fingertip. I didn't know if we would need it so I put it in a baggie with ice cubes and threw it in my purse. I've carried a lot of weird things in my purse but that has to take the cake! Turned out they did not need that because although we thought it was big, they said it would likely just grow back sort of. So we spent about 7 hours at the emergency room. He has to go back to see a hand specialist on Thursday morning. He had already scheduled a day off on Friday, just because but now the only day he is actually going to work this week is Wednesday! He's okayish now. It still hurts obviously and I'm supposed to change the dressing tomorrow and I'm really scared to!

Update: April 19 - Anthony had the appointment with the hand specialist today. The finger looks good supposedly (I still have not seen it completely), for what happened. The doctor cleaned him up and gave him several options - skin grafting from one finger to this one, fusing (?) the tip of his injured finger to his palm to heal it that way, or just let it heal naturally. That is the option the doctor recommended. He said the other ways were "just ways to make money".  Hey, I like this doctor!! Image  So now DH has butterfly stitches and a bandage. He goes back again next Tuesday and we are not to touch the dressing at all.  Whew!!  


Note on the washi tape - LOL - You guys will appreciate this...turns out the roll of washi that I grabbed was the same red white & blue stripe that I used on the layout I did about when DS went to the ER for a sprained ankle (same ER). Think I did that subliminally LOL?? 
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
OMG Anne-Marie!! I'm glad he's doing better but how scary!!! Yay for keeping such a clear head. 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
1scrappymom wrote:OMG Anne-Marie!! I'm glad he's doing better but how scary!!! Yay for keeping such a clear head. 
Thanks! Honestly I didn't think I would be good in an emergency. I think having DD right there made me not freak out because that would freak her out even more. 
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Crush

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oh my gosh!  Those mandolin things scare the crap out of me!  I'm glad he's going to be alright.  Great picture, too!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Laura wrote:Oh my gosh!  Those mandolin things scare the crap out of me!  I'm glad he's going to be alright.  Great picture, too!
They scare me too. But he's wanted one for so long, loves cooking, and I decided to finally get one for him....I have other gory pictures that he wanted me to take in case he needed them for work (taking all these days off), but I won't share them. Not sure if I'll scrap them either...
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oh no....that is so scary! Cooking can be very dangerous. Glad to hear things turned out ok. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oooo! I’m very proud of you! It’s amazing how when we (as moms/wives) can put all of our scared feelings aside- not even think of it and get things done. Then later we might be a mess but that’s ok! 
So scary- I’m glad he is going to be ok. 
Hmmm subliminal washi usage!!! You will have to do another layout with the same color scheme!
lots and lots of hugs!!

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Cherry Bark

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
OMGoodness how super scary! You go girl, keeping your cool. I seriously LOL'd about the washi tape, but hey, you do what you gotta do!

Sorry your date night got cut short. But he looks like he is in good spirits. Hope the specialist can help ya'll. Hugs!

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Linda L

Cherry Bomb

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oh wow! How scary! He sure looks happy in the photo, what a trouper!!
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DN in MN

Wild Cherry

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oh how scary!  I'm glad he is doing well and didn't slice it worse than it was. Well wishes headed his way.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
oh my God!!!  I am a bit sick to my stomach (hate bad kitchen accidents) but chuckling a bit at the same time about the washi tape saving the finger Image
so glad his finger will be okay!! 
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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
That is so scary Anne-Marie. But isn't it great that you can find some bit of humor in the bad situation when it's all over? (Washi tape story...LOL )  Glad you were able to keep a level head and hope he heals quickly. 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
I know exactly what you are going through.  I have had to deal with the same thing with DH, Daughter and Son.  Then this past August my son had to take Mom to the hospital where my gall bladder masked itself as chest pains.  ER thought I was deug seeking.

Since then we have had one friend and one family member have the same thing happen where their chest pain was actually the gall bladder needing to come out.

It is my prayer that we all stay well and not have to have anyone else have to be in the ER.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Yikes - glad he's going to be okay and he looks like he was in good spirits in spite of I can imagine being in lots of pain.  I took a small chunk of my thumb off on a mandolin a few years ago.  I didn't need to go to the ER but it did bleed like crazy.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Wow!  That had to be scary!  I did something similar many years ago - but with a knife!  I think it's pretty awesome that you grabbed the washi tape!  Can't wait to see the layouts you make about this!!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oh how scary! You did so great keeping your cool! We are stronger than we think in these situations. And the washi tape to the rescue and the fact that it is the same tape you used for an ER layout is an amazing story. Reminds me a little of when Twinkie stole a roll of washi tape from my bin when she was a puppy, and of all the rolls in there she took the one with the paw prints on it!

I'm so glad your dh is ok and that his finger tip will heal! I once took an electric trimmer to one of my finger tips. My stupid OCD saw one little piece of bush sticking out and I stupidly reached out with my other hand to grab it at the same time I went to trim it with the trimmer. Yeah that was no fun. And yes I am a klutz.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Even though this was a serious thing I had to LOL at the washi tape part.  Glad your dh will be okay and mending soon
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
Oh wow! So glad he’s going to be ok, you should be proud of yourself for how you handled that situation! Makes me wonder if you are the first person to use washi tape in an emergency? Image Great picture of your husband, and I love the humor you added to a scary situation. Your journaling will be super on your layout!


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
suewho372 wrote:Oooo! I’m very proud of you! It’s amazing how when we (as moms/wives) can put all of our scared feelings aside- not even think of it and get things done. Then later we might be a mess but that’s ok! 
So scary- I’m glad he is going to be ok. 
Hmmm subliminal washi usage!!! You will have to do another layout with the same color scheme!
lots and lots of hugs!!
Thank you, Susan! And you're right, after it was all said and done and we were at home, suddenly it all seemed more gruesome than it had at the time when I was just being practical about it lol. He's okay now - he had a followup and it's healing the way it should be. It'll be a long while before it's fully healed but it's going to be okay. And I did LOL about the washi. We've been using up the box of plastic gloves he had gotten for me to handle food (raw veggies give me allergic reactions) but were too big for me. I've picked out a few rolls of washi I never use and he's helping me destash ROFL!
Happy Scrapping!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Another Cherry Visit to the ER!?
blbabe1234 wrote:OMGoodness how super scary! You go girl, keeping your cool. I seriously LOL'd about the washi tape, but hey, you do what you gotta do!

Sorry your date night got cut short. But he looks like he is in good spirits. Hope the specialist can help ya'll. Hugs!

When we were in the waiting room, he asked me why I didn't use the washi with the unicorns ROFL!!!  I mean, the injury hurt but he was okay - he was more embarrassed than anything else. He loves cooking, has been cooking for most of his life and this is the first major kitchen injury he's had. And it was pretty much a doozy lol. Thanks for the hugs - I'll take 'em and pass 'em on! ImageImage
Happy Scrapping!
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