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Scrap Bug

Cherry Bomb

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
1. When did you start scrapping? Modern scrapping - 1996, but I started keeping the old fashioned scrapbooks when I was in high school (late 80's)
2. Why do you scrap? For the creativeness
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? I love everything, but vacations are probably my favorite.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? dimensional flowers
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? everything
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? I can't think of anything
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? inking, tearing, layering
8. What is the hardest technique for you?Misting - it's hard to get it to look natural and not like blobs
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? I scrap alone because I don't have local friends that scrap, but would prefer company
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months? The newest thing I've incorporated was watercolors, but that was well over a year ago.  The newest thing I learned in the past 6 mos. that has to do with scrapping is how to digitally create sketches.
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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
1. When did you start scrapping?   In 2002 when a friend introduced me to 'acid free' paper and deco scissors.

2. Why do you scrap?    I have very little info about my own parents and very few pics from my own childhood.  I wanted it to be different for my own kids and grandkids.  And this is such a fun way to preserve memories.

3. What is your favorite thing to scrap?   My grandkids.

4. What item do you have more of than anything else?    Patterned paper, flowers, and alphas.

5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper?   I prefer the everyday moments.  I scrap events and holidays but with less enthusiasm.  It's more like I need to do it than want to do it.

6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be?  Wish I could work faster and not over think so much.

7. What are some of your favorite techniques?   Inking, distressing and faux stitching.

8. What is the hardest technique for you?   Embossing

9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend?   I prefer to scrap alone but an occasional crop is always fun.

10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months?   ???? Nothing new here.
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Cherry Bing

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
Thanks Susan!

1. When did you start scrapping? Modern Scrapping in 2000, but I have many 'old fashioned' scrapbooks from a young girl on.
2. Why do you scrap?  Mostly because I love it, and I needed a way to document our family.
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? Mostly my family, our daily life through pictures.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? PAPER
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? life scrapper
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? Like Joanie - 'I'm very slow...so i need to speed up!'  Also, I'm so type A that I  have to have everything match and line up...  thus the SLOW part!!!
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? Not sure on this one, I like pretty much everything I've tried.  And that's a problem because then I want to buy everything.
8. What is the hardest technique for you? Not sure on this one either, I can't really say there is something I think is hard, but maybe too involved, so then I just avoid it all together - remember I already scrap at a snails pace!!
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? Like Joanie - 'I love to scrap at crops. But I do most of my scrapping at home!'
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months?
*** Christi ***
Love to scrap - Need to scrap - Not enough time to scrap!!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
1. When did you start scrapping? I would have to say I really got into it about 7 years ago.
2. Why do you scrap? I want to document my family. A tangible item to show how much they mean to me.
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? My two sons.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? I think that would be patterned paper.
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? I scrap events and daily life.
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? I'm very linear in my style and need to break out from that.
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? Inking edges of papers and embellishments. Outlining the papers in black ink. Splattering mist.
8. What is the hardest technique for you? Using inks and mists for the mixed media look. Getting good paint splotches on the paper. (That's why I bought a stamp set that does it for me!)
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? I do most of my scrapping alone. I don't mind being with others but I've gotten so used to doing alone.
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months? Uh...hmm......
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Sara Scraps

Cherry Bing

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
1. When did you start scrapping? 2001-2002 
2. Why do you scrap? Initially because it was a creative outlet for me..I had always wanted to have an "art" hobby but I just wasn't good at anything. Now, as time passes, I appreciate more the story-telling aspect of it.
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? My boys...the furry ones and the human ones.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? Patterned paper
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? I scrapbook whatever I am in the mood to scrap. While I like to store my pages in albums chronologically I don't scrap them in order
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? I would love to resort my photos/layouts and create a "story" album instead of a chronological one.
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? Layering, stamping, mixing patterned papers.
8. What is the hardest technique for you? Mixed media techniques..I used to avoid them like the plague but I have done a few fun things this year with them.
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? Alone..and that is how I like it! I get way more done.
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months? watercolor techniques using inks.
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Cherry Tart

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
I love this, as I am pretty much a brand-spankin' new newbie to these boards as of the past couple of days, though I'm sure I've seen some of you other places online!

1. When did you start scrapping? I started in 1999 and have been obsessed ever since. 
2. Why do you scrap? I love the creative aspect of it.  Also, completing a layout really makes my OCD happy. 
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? I scrap all kinds of things, but the past five years, I’ve mostly scrapped my niece.  But vacations and nights out with friends also have high priority.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? I have an obscene amount of patterned paper. 
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? Everything.  And I’m all over the place.  I rarely scrap chronologically and it’s nearly impossible for me to complete an album.
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? I would actually change the fact that I don’t get things done in order and would focus more on a completing an album from a particular trip or year.
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? I am very big on layering.  I took an online class with Jen Jockish a few years ago and have been addicted to layering ever since.
8. What is the hardest technique for you?  Stamping.  I have tons of stamps.  I love stamps, but honestly have no idea where to begin.  And even if I did, I always forget to pull the stamps out. 
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend?  I used to feel that scrapping at a crop or with a group of friends was the ultimate scrappy experience, but as I get older, I prefer to just go it alone.  Less pressure!
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months?  Well, I have really scrapbooked much in the past 6 months due to a big move and space, so nothing much has changed with my style or techniques!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
1. When did you start scrapping? .Probably around 1997
2. Why do you scrap? It is my creative outlet and a way to preserve our travels, our family and my life.

3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? My twin grandsons and their sister and my husband and my travels.
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? Photos...by the thousands
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? More of a "my life and all that encompasses" kind of scrapper.  I don't scrap chronologically any more and will have to live to about 120 to ever be caught up...lol.

6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? That not every layout has to be perfect.

7. What are some of your favorite techniques.  I've done a lot of altered art so odd things creep onto my pages.  I especially like to incorporate fabric into a design, love layering but am stepping away from too much paint as I have found it does chip off after a while.

8. What is the hardest technique for you? designing a layout with multiple photos
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? I do both.  I belong to a group of like minded women and we try to meet every couple of weeks to create.  Not all scrap.  I met all of them through teaching at a scrap store and when it closed, we all stayed together.  I get more done with them than I do alone...to many distractions at home.
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months? Although I have been doing it for quite some time, I am perfecting printing on canvas, vellum and other mediums besides photo paper.
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Wild Cherry

Re: In general conversation about scrapping....
1. When did you start scrapping? Probably about 17 years ago
2. Why do you scrap? To bring joy to those memories and make me feel like I have returned to that moment in time, esp through my health, scrapping is very stress free and makes me forget the harder and difficult times.
3. What is your favorite thing to scrap? Trips, Going to the amusement parks, Disney, Sea World, etc and Animals!!!!
4. What item do you have more of than anything else? Definitely Patterned Paper and Stickers...So many different types of stickers!
5. Do you scrap events only, or are you a life scrapper? I'm a "I'm really excited about that trip, I have to scrap it now, while I'm excited!" kind of scrapper. Then never finish it!
6. If you could change one thing about the way you scrap, what would it be? To not be such a perfectionist. I'm not being judged or graded on it. Just make it as great as I can be and try to complete an album. Don't let my own critiqueness stop me
7. What are some of your favorite techniques? I really don't think I know techniques. I just cut and glue! I do however like to be 'hybrid'. Creating digital elements to put on my paper layouts.
8. What is the hardest technique for you? All of them! lol!
9. Do you scrap alone, or do you prefer in a group or with a friend? ALONE! I'm so uncomfortable with others around me, feeling judged like my work isn't up to theirs. Or being watched over.
10. What is something new you have learned to incorporate in your pages in the past 6 months? Definitely nothing new in the past 6 months as I haven't scrapped in about a years time, so just getting back into the swing of things! BUT I will say the newest product that intriqued me is Definitely Washi!
~ Carissa ~

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