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Cherry Cropper

My daughter is here!
Her birth was unlike anything I have ever experienced.  I went into labor on my own but the contractions never got closer and hardly any more painful.  But after about 6 or 7 hours, while the rest of the house was sleeping, I got one really strong contraction and as I made an attempt to stand up, felt and heard a big pop.  Yelled to wake my hubby up and had him help me to stand (it was strong enough to mess with my equilibrium) and I immediately started leaking.  As I was running to the bathroom, he started to get the kids.  Contractions remained the same distance apart but got more intense, so I did my best to get through them while grabbing everything we needed as well as shoes for the boys and I.  Dropped them off at my sister's house (my mom was still in flight so our primary care wasn't an option) and just after 2:20 texted my mom that we were on the way to the hospital.  We skipped the closer one in preference to the hospital I had a better experience at and got there just after 3pm.  As soon as I got out of the car there was a lot more fluid.  Hopped into the wheelchair and was quickly taken upstairs.  Signed in and got wheeled to a room a couple of minutes later.  I got up complete with more fluid leaking and got changed in the bathroom.  As soon as I was dressed and got into bed my contractions went from 7 minutes apart to one on top of another almost without stopping.  I was in intense pain and moving/screaming so much that the nurses just yelled at me to calm down which didn't help.  They managed to get the baby monitor on me and the BP cuff (that was cutting off circulation and they refused to take it off and just told me I needed to stay still which was completely impossible) and I just kept screaming.  One nurse sat and checked me, said I was a 7 and insisted I had plenty of time to go and that I needed to calm down so they could place an IV and get an epidural.  I turned to grab one of the rails (they took one away trying to get better access to my arm and so I turned to the other side of the bed to have something to hold onto) and felt an intense urge to push.  They all said that I couldn't be ready yet and that I needed to calm down.  I turned over, pushed and the same nurse checked me again and immediately felt the baby's head.  Another quick push and her head and most of her shoulders were out.  The nurse got up, ran out of the room and grabbed the first doctor she could find.  He ran in, leaned against the bedside (I was at an angle, no way to move me at this point) and then turned to grab something from the delivery table.  Before he could even turn back around, I pushed again and she landed on the bed between us.  She was born at 3:15, less than 15 minutes after getting to the hospital and 30 minutes before my mom's plane was set to land (I joked that she was in a real big hurry to meet her grandma).  The only thing that I find solace in regarding going natural was that it was quick.  I've never been in that much pain in my life, but as soon as she was born, the pain almost completely went away.  It was like magic.  She is absolutely perfect!  She was born much smaller than I expected at 7lb 7.9oz (my sons were 8lb 6oz and 8lb 11oz so I expected another baby in that range) and 19.5 inches long.  Her first name has been in our pockets to use for over 6 years (when we started trying to have children) and her middle name changed last year when we lost my dad so she will always have a special piece of him.  Her names is Alexis Jamie.  Birthday was 02/28, one day before she was due.  We're kind of bummed she didn't make it to March, but as has been the case her ENTIRE pregnancy, everything had to be done on her terms. :)


Visit My Blog:  Mamarazzi Scraps
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Cherry Cola

Re: My daughter is here!
She is GORGEOUS!!! Congrats
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: My daughter is here!
Congrats to you and the hubby.  She is beautiful.  Love that color on her.  I can see many layouts in the future with her and the boys. 
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Sara Scraps

Cherry Bing

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations! She is simply lovely!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: My daughter is here!
What a story!! Congrats to you all!!! She is precious!!
- joannie

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Cherry Garcia

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful!


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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: My daughter is here!
She is so beautiful! Congratulations!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: My daughter is here!
aawww...she is just beautiful, Denise! Congrats on your new little one! Image
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Wild Cherry

Re: My daughter is here!
What a story you'll have to tell your sweet beautiful daughter! Yes, she's perfect! Congratulations to the family! So thrilled you are both fine and you shared her with us!

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Cherry Picker

Re: My daughter is here!
Congrats! She us beautiful!

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Cherry Cola

Re: My daughter is here!
OMGoodness Denise she is perfect. with a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl. Congrats to you and your husband you have a awesome family. I am glad you and Alexis are ok. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
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kate W.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations on your beautiful daughter, Denise! She is absolutely precious. I had my daughter naturally so I know the pain but like you said, the labor actually goes really quick and the pain is gone immediately. You'll have a wonderful story to tell her about how she just couldn't wait. Can't wait to see more picks and the wonderful pages you will create (when you actually have free time which might be a LONG time from now Image)
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Cherry Addict

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations Denise!! She is a beauty and I bet your boys are so excited. Can't wait to see all your girlie pages!!!
** Chris **

My blog:

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Cherry Bark

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations! She's perfect!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bomb

Re: My daughter is here!

She is absolutely beautiful!! 
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Cherry Addict

Re: My daughter is here!
She is so precious!  Wow!  CONGRATULATIONS!  Glad everyone is ok an Healthy. Image
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Cherry Crush

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations to the whole family!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My daughter is here!
Congrats!  She is just beautiful.  Love the story Image
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A Cherry on Top

Re: My daughter is here!
Congratulations!! She is so beautiful!!!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: My daughter is here!
Congrats. she is adorable!

Thanks for sharing your story as well.
Karen in SC
2-page, multi-photo scrapper
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